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Like Old Clothes That Are Comfortable
29 December 2010
The first time I saw this movie I thought it was good, however, it was nothing spectacular! After seeing it again last night, I realized that this film "First Monday In October" had a very sensitizing identification with the American voter and movie viewer. Exploring the haunting conundrum of "What exactly is the role of government in our lives?". This motion picture elaborates on the necessary challenges which plague our Supreme Court Justices. The general role of the Supreme Court is to assume the role of Devil's advocate when dealing with an issue which requires a final decision. So, if it is up to nine individuals who determine the resonating outcome for the most important issues facing our nation, why then, shouldn't one of these people be a woman? Undoubtedly inspired by the appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor by President Ronald Reagan, the first woman to ever be appointed to the Supreme Court in the history of our nation, this film delves into the redefinition of a woman's role in modern American culture.Now what exactly is the big problem with having a woman on the bench of the Supreme Court anyway? Here's my interpretation: Initially, all Americans, women and men alike, garner a delicate protectiveness towards the feminine gender. Here lies the core issue: We live in a world where rough and tumble prevails, and ultimately, left handed compliments are, emphatically, the most coveted ones. If we act gingerly around women, we ultimately conceal our real feelings towards them, hence, we have manifested a patronizing demeanor towards women that winds up being one of the most heinous insults which women can be the recipients of. What becomes the scourge while being in the company of many typical females; Emotional tip toeing, a pusillanimously yielding deference which is extremely nauseating, or, worst of all, while in front of a crowd of women, men start masquerading a ludicrously childish, sans vulgarity condescension to them. These social amenities serve as a subterfuge for men to provide a proverbial and unrealistic pedestal for women. All of these charades are wry and conciliatory actions which comply with a stilted decorum towards females. Aggregately, there arises a belittlement of women which brings on an onslaught of disconcerting mannerisms. This insincere politeness towards women is a mendacity that vitiates our candid and visceral feelings which are essential in attaining a thorough communication dynamic with each other as people. Ultimately, our societal etiquette which "reveres women" concurrently shortchanges them as human beings. The film "The First Monday In October" establishes an egalitarian criterion for all citizens, such a philosophy was a harbinger of things to come for the 1980's. I found this movie to be insightful and prescient, not to mention a well-made movie with a lot of talent!! I give it a thumbs up!! By the way, I am politically conservative, however, I did concur with Walter Mathiau's contention that our government should not be like scratchy outfits that we cannot wait to take off of our bodies the first chance we get. Our government's policies should correlate to the analogy that the rules and regulations set forth by our nation should be like old clothes that are comfortable!
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Moonstruck (1987)
I Understand!! Then Again, So Does Everybody Else!!
8 March 2010
The bittersweet twist to this movie contains a wonderful element of romanticism that evokes an impetuous passion! These characteristics of idealistic imagery which "Moonstruck" possesses, spur on an end result of a resounding thumbs up verdict by virtually every prominent critic in Hollywood. Let me describe the circumstances to this film, simply put, they are "yesteryear". "Moonstruck" is a cohesive film which sparks the naivety of an old Italian neighborhood in New York City. New York City has always been one big melting pot that is galvanized by many bicker-some mannerisms which are indicative of typical New Yorkers, this includes a lot of Italian Americans living in New York as well! The mid and late eighties brought on an abrupt conclusion to many strong associations with various cultural stereotypes. Ethnicity polarization was a firmly embedded scourge in American history that was far more prevalent several generations before this movie was made. These generalizing proclivities still exist today, however, they are more mollified and less identifiable! For this Italian family of a bygone era, confusion, indecisiveness, agitation, and yes, of course, love, all have the comical camaraderie of an utterly human understanding to them! The kindred spirits with everyone in "Moonstruck" seems to be that of comprehending individual frailties. One might wonder about Cher playing the lead role, as she is more known as an entertainer than a big box office first billing star in a movie. In "Moonstruck", however, I think she was incredibly well suited to her role, and came off as thoroughly believable in a relatively unbelievable situation. All of the characters in "Moonstruck" are very rough around the edges, really tough, and not afraid to have a formidable duel with adversity. The most hilarious aspect to their lives is imperfection, and they are thoroughly aware of the fact that weathering the storm definitely serves a constructive purpose! I thought the acting in this movie was sensational. All relationships in this movie garner an auspicious potential to vividly illuminate because everybody knows how everybody else's basic nature is really like!! For this family, nothing is glamorous, nothing is pretentiously romantic, and nothing is overly emotional (just moderately so). The fact is, this entire family is plainly and perpetually afflicted and overcome by an extremely zealous and candid cupid in all of their lives. Taking moon beams literally can indeed have a pleasantly enervating impact on one's resolve, masqueraded mystique, and resistance to the proverbial am ore'. Thus signifying everything!! The homey and mercurial tenet in this film is basically one of ; Be honest, get angry; Be honest, get confrontational; Be honest, get distorted and emphatic; Most importantly; Be honest, and fall in love!! This is Cher's best performance ever as an actress!! Nicholas Cage, Danny Aiello, and Olympia Dukakis, were wonderfully flawed in "Moonstruck" Such performances by these three were perfectly appropriate for the kinetic energy of the characters in this movie! Director, Norman Jewison (Famous for "Cincinnati Kid", "Thomas Crowne Affair", and most famous for "In The Heat Of The Night" which won the academy award for best picture in 1967) depicts many keen and humanistic instincts in the process of purveying the deliberate incongruity to this film! I am Italian American in descent, (Partially anyways) Cher is not Italian, and, for that matter, neither is the writer nor the director! I guess since non-Italians like eating our food, they may as well use our culture to make a fabulous film too! It is refreshing to know that a film can be marvelous and have an incredibly happy ending!! For those of you who didn't like this movie, I just have one thing to say "Snap Out Of It!!" This movie "Moonstruck" is totally happy go lucky!! Totally eighties!! and Totally five stars!! See it!!
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Leave It to Beaver (1957–1963)
Life Lessons
15 February 2010
Invariably, almost all of the prominent sitcom critics in Hollywood have rated "Leave it to Beaver" to be one of the all-time classic shows in the whole history of the small screen! Such praise is definitely not too difficult to fathom at all!! The Cleavers became American icons for fifties T.V.. Jerry Mathers was the stellar top draw as "The Beav". Tony Dow was the brother, Wally, Mr All American. Hugh Beaumont, played Ward Cleaver, the perfect husband and father. Last, but certainly not least, Barbara Billingsly assumed the part of June Cleaver, she was so stereotypical of the model wife and mother that many male television viewers would perennially say, "My wife is not perfect, it's not like she's June Clever or something." "Leave it to Beaver" was synonymous with an American utopia which embraced the kindred spirits of the vast majority of families nationwide! Jerry Mathers' role as "Beaver", made him the most popular kid in the United States! June Cleaver (Barbara Billingsly's character) was indicative of the ultimate housewife who became the antithesis of woman's liberation by being egregiously submissive and deferential to her husband, Ward. In reality, however, Barbara Billingsly herself was an integral part of the harbinger of events to follow that would fortify woman's liberation just by virtue of the fact that she was a working woman. In an interview with Barbara, she told a Philadelphia newspaper reporter that she actually never personally wore an apron in her private life ever!! The whole sitcom was predicated on the wiles and chicanery that Beaver engaged in. After the television audience witnessed all of Beaver's troublesome antics, many people who watched "Leave it to Beaver" garnered an enticing empathy for the typical family of the 1950's by attaching a tenet of moral imperatives to everything. In Beaver's own precocious way, he was able to think about his precarious experiences and learn from them. The show "Leave it to Beaver" is considered one of the best shows in the entire duration of television. I think that such an accolade is due to the fact that through this whole series, all Americans could be wide eyed, whimsical, yet very astute about socially acceptable ethics which guided our youth in the RIGHT direction!! I liked "Leave it to Beaver", and I think that the appreciation for this T.V. program is timeless!! By the way, despite some crazy rumors, I do not think Wally's friend, Eddie, was played by Alice Cooper!! "Leave it to Beaver" was spectacular for back then, it is still spectacular today!!
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The Other 1%
9 May 2009
The monotony of marriage manifests itself through a potpourri of boring actions, usually there is nothing wrong with your marriage, yet, often times, there is nothing right with your marriage either!! Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn play two people who were brought together by a happenstance encounter. Dining alone became dining together, and the rest, as they say, is history. Everything between the two of them seemed to click!! Eventually, their elongated diatribes of discontentment garnered some sort of precariously unexplained kindred spirit. Both characters' penchant for conventionalism made them reluctant to establish extra marital relations. Bottom line, the two of them may as well have flipped a coin, heads, they do it (In a manner of speaking). This is where the plot of the movie is established!! Here was the attraction, at some point, your married life of the kids, the mortgage, and the dog, must be given a reprieve for just one weekend out of an entire year. At this point, it is time to pontificate, placate, theorize, ruminate, and, most importantly, it is also a time to listen to each other. Americans call it infidelity, most archaic nations call it a mistress!! The favorite euphemism for this situation is surrogacy!! Now enters, the comprehension of hang ups, afflictions, and overall resilience which both these characters possess!!! This little endeavor of marital indiscretion was for purposes of emotional nurturing, as well as a reaffirmation of each other's necessary fortitude. Both Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn felt so justified for their actions that even mere mention of recrimination for these actions was categorized as utterly ludicrous!! In this affair, everything else was preempted by a bittersweet stoicism that mandated that this theatrical adultery linger on for 27 years and counting!! "Same Time Next Year" was originally a stage play, the dialog attempted to be witty, it did not fail, however, it was not filled with razor sharp wit either!! Movies which started out as stage plays are intriguing to me because they itemize the expressions of their characters far more effectively than a typical high budget Hollywood film!! The snippets of pop culture throughout the different decades of this film signified the change in attitudes the main characters (Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn) experienced!! The most significant concept to emanate from this movie was that 99% of your life was about doing the right thing!! The other one percent is reserved for you, and the type of person you are!! You are permitted to do one wrong thing to make all of the right things better, if you know what I mean!! In essence, the amelioration for marital infidelity in this movie served as a subterfuge for white collar psycho analysis!! Richard Mulligan directs this film, he is best known for "To Kill A Mockingbird", "Inside Daisy Clover" is my favorite Mulligan film!! The cinematography to the film "Same Time Next Year" was sensational!! The theme song "The Last Time I Felt Like This" was on the charts forever back in 1978!! My overall assessment of "Same Time Next Year" is that it was successfully unique!! Very good movie, I liked it very much!!
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Vega$ (1978–1981)
I Loved Robert Urich!!!!!!
12 June 2008
Robert Urich played Dan Tanna on this very popular 1970's -80's television show, "Vega$".. The whole show was pretty entertaining, however, Robert Urich was by far and away, the greatest part of the entire series!! I think that the character Robert Urich played was so smooth and assertive!! His superiority was very evident,and everyone around him was always yearning to be just like Dan Tanna; The great looking hot shot detective!! Robert Urich was SO!! Handsome!! I do not know any women who were my contemporaries who were not just totally in love with the Vega$ character, Dan Tanna (Robert Urich)!! He was such a hot and incredibly gorgeous stud!! I thought in the sitcom "Soap" Robert Urich was cute, but in "Vega$" he had to be one of the all time prime time television studs!! Robert Urich was spectacular in "Vega$" and he is the primary reason why I loved the show!! Wow!! Robert Urich was so great!! What an absolute and total hunk!! He was oone of the first all time television hunks and probably one of the best too!!
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Grand (1990)
Let Me Ask A Question!!!
11 June 2008
Let me ask a question? Who can take a guess? Who holds the key to your happiness?... This television show was a flippant account of how everyone's life is on the decline in one way or another!! People who should have psychological problems didn't!! And people who shouldn't have psychological problems did!! I found this series to be very entertaining!! Everything was just sort of out there for people to observe... The rumination to most dilemmas on this show were caused by a fatal lack of accepting responsibility!! "Grand" went off the air almost as soon as it went on, the television audience did not take to it!! I loved this show because it was during a time in my life where I was satisfied with my life!! Let's face it!! people's financial situation dictates their philosophical outlook in life!! The show "Grand" pointed this out time and time again!! I wish more shows could be like this one...One where people are honest about their shortcomings!! I give it a thumbs up!!!!
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Las Vegas (2003–2008)
Josh Duhamel
21 May 2008
I think Josh Duhamel is so great!! The rest of the show is fun to watch, but, I think it is the handsome and sexy Josh Duhamel that makes the show "Las Vegas" really fun to see!! In the days of "Magnum" I loved Tom Selleck, I thought he was the sexiest man on the face of the earth!! A hunk on a television show is a must in order for women to enjoy watching something, especially just for purposes of innocuous entertainment!! I would have done anything to "Win A Date With Tad Hamilton"!! Josh Duhamel is incredible and I will always have a super crush on him!! Josh is definitely a HUNK!! and I will watch "Las Vegas" all the time, Josh Duhamel is a big reason why too!!
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The Natural (1984)
Baseball Evokes A Bittersweet Recollection Of Our Accomplishments, Everybody Knows That!!
30 March 2008
The challenges we face with our lives are so often times metaphorically relegated to the game of baseball... Baseball has always been a somber analogy of the ups and downs in our precarious existence.. This nineteenth century pastime, which evolved as a criteria for success and failure, has cultivated itself as an American ideology that reflects our fortitude as United States citizens!! This embodiment of winning and losing is the key element that made the movie "The Natural" so painstakingly identifiable!! Barry Levensen directs this film, for me, that is enough to categorize "The Natural" as one of the best movies anyone will ever see!! "Diner", which was directed by Barry Levensen, is one of my favorite movies of all time... Of course, "Rain Man" is his prize piece, "Rain Man" won the academy award for best picture in 1988!! "The Natural" is a film which garners a heartfelt empathy from the movie audience to understand Robert Redford's character's desire to prove his ability ,and reaffirm his coveted achievements to himself and to everyone around him!! Robert Redford stars in this movie, and like so many of Redford's films, the fervor to take his emotions seriously is always a critical component to justifying his comprehensive endeavors!! Robert Redford is very believable in this film, and his interpretation of peculiar occurrences, and flagrant human shortcomings, manifest themselves in a way which leaves an indelible impact on the movie audience!! I have embraced baseball as a kindred spirit, and not just a recreational hobby, that is why I love this movie!! Kim Bassinger is so incredibly beautiful in this film, and it stands to reason that Robert Redford perceives her beauty to be almost hypnotic!! Glen Close plays a succor of spiritual enlightenment for Redford, as the two of them commiserate, and engage in the intellectual luxury of delving into an onslaught of perplexing questions which require definitive answers!! For his own edification, Redford must resolve every issue in this film through the personally mandatory guise of going in accordance with his urges!! These instincts necessitate his utterly human responses!! Baseball just emerged as a cutthroat business back in the 1920's, and, suffice it to say, that subsequently, it has snowballed into a corporate nightmare of today!! Baseball has now been reduced to the clinical and callous translation of television revenue, multi million dollar salaries, and mega facilitated stadia which require subsidy by the taxpayers!! The single most poignant concept to emanate from this film "The Natural" is that an individual's accomplishments must be approved by that individual in order for them to be truly rewarding!! I found the movie "The Natural" to be a remarkable film, the acting was sensational!! Robert Duvall's role was seedy and intriguing as well!! This movie also possessed very well thought out acting performances by John Finnegan, Darrin McGavin and Jon Van Ness!! In general, Baseball parallels our national guidelines, everybody interprets so many life situations by the rule of thumb pertaining to three strikes and you're out!! The national association with baseball in this country is pandemic!! In 1984, when "The Natural" came out, people took to it, in this case, the movie audience and I were in sync!! I thought "The Natural" was a fantastic film!! I recommend to everyone that they see it!!
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Fight Club (1999)
Maybe Golf Can Fill The Void!!
12 February 2008
It is nice to have all the material accoutrement of a thriving, cosmopolitan guinea pig. You are raptured by consumerism, which includes owning several hundred pounds of Scandinavian furniture.You have a precocious infatuation for a white collar title, and your lackluster, extra curricular activities have dictated that you mollycoddle someone with testicular cancer!! As enticing as all of this sounds, you know what sparks your interest even more, BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF SOMEONE!! (I have been underemployed for over eight years now, I am all ears!!) What do you really want out of life? Recognition at the Neanderthal level, or, to be another citified anonymity? The former, of course!! Brad Pitt conveys his message to Edward Norton very convincingly, and now, the trick is to spread the good news, but, remember rules one and two, you are not allowed to talk about it, and, you are not allowed to talk about it!! How do you persevere under such a deranged set of circumstances? Yes!! Boredom constitutes a first rate felony. Fighting to a near death represents an exuberance that has titillated Edward Norton's character to a personal Nirvana!! Dangerously convoluted logic is the ultimate spirituality. You have experienced excruciating chemical pain, someone torched your condo because they want to get to know you a little better, you got fired because you always have blood stains on your clothes, you want to blow up a credit card centralized information building complex, and sex has not been this sensational since seventh grade!! Nobody said that this was a family oriented film!! The aggregate depravity for all of the characters in the movie transcends a diversified experimentation with needless destruction, their devotion to the non-conventional is a little too difficult to comprehend!! What does anybody really accomplish by going this route anyway? Capitualation to the bizarre? This movie's charades of insurrection are exhilarating to the clinically demented (Otherwise known as the fight club) The less I know, the better off I will be I think!! Banalities pertinent to the Bourgeousie have brazenly threatened this bevy of belligerent overgrown boys who wish to brandish their high levels of testosterone... So Now!! Life is one big boxing ring!! This is a potpourri of apocalyptic misgivings which are socially perverse!! How do you empathize with any of this?... You don't!! This website has ranked this movie the 31st best film out of the top 250 ever made.... To concur with these findings would be tantamount to indulging the character that Brad Pitt played, to the nth degree!! The psychopathic rumination involved in all of these felonious antics are even more repugnant than the eating habits of an alpaca!!! It is truly indicative of human nature to favor the form of fruition which is pecuniary, their form of fruition deals with societal malcontent and mutilation!! The resonating agitation, which serves as an inspiration to everyone in this movie, is commensurate with the film "Clockwork Orange"!!! Both films possess a ruthless determination to establish an adamant,counter-culture militancy with a bunch of immature misfits!! The macabre actions to both of these movies signify a heinous non-justification which is pertinent to everything!!! This is not what the phrase "Change your sedentary lifestyle" means!!! There are other recreational diversions out there, maybe golf can fill the void!! As far as unprecedented creativity goes "Fight Club" gets a resoundingly perfect ten!!! Overall, however, for "Fight Club" to be ranked the 31st best movie ever produced, I don't know, I really just do not know about that one at all!!
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Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988)
Meet Mr Detective 80's Friendly!!
7 July 2007
Everyone loved Tom Selleck as the mischief making private investigator Thomas Magnum... This cavalier Casanova who always had teenage boy intuitions via his tiny little voice was the ideal guy, he got to drive a Ferrari, the women thought he was so good looking and athletic, and the male T.V Viewers had an overt admiration of Thomas Magnum's innocent chicanery! Always thwarting Higgins, he was the type of guy everyone wanted to be just like!! This was Tom Selleck's big break, he was a soap opera star before "Magnum" and even a contestant on "The Dating Game" ... "Magnum" is what put Tom Selleck on the superstar map, and since "Magnum" he has been tremendously successful as a big box office movie star!! People identify "Magnum" with Tom Selleck, and love the show because of him!! So did I!!
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Suicide Kings (1997)
First We Bicker!!
18 February 2006
This movie exemplifies the praise a movie gets by virtue of the plethora of outstanding acting talent it possesses!! Christopher Walken could have coasted on his credentials in the elitist Hollywood venue after his performance in "Deer Hunter" but, he decided not do that!! He combines psychotic reasoning with deliberate hostility, you the movie viewer may take your pick as to what you prefer!! Either way, he is sensational in every movie he stars in !!! Denis Leary (The former Cop) always seems to make his point very clearly with a gun and/or a lethal object!! Jay Mohr has a flippant demeanor towards his roles no matter how serious these roles are!! This acting mode of his makes him very effective!! He is wonderful at engaging in degrading condescension and intellectual obviation of anyone he perceives as his adversary!!!Anything that has to be accomplished in a role, Jay Mohr seems to carry it off and flawlessly!! The list of all other actors in this movie merely epitomizes the superb acting talent in "Suicide Kings"..Very few films exude such acting ability!!

The movie starts out with an amateurishly orchestrated kidnapping attempt which is used as a defense strategy to abort another kidnapping!! It is a proverbial case of the adolescent's version of an eye for an eye!! This convoluted logic serves as a dementedly lingering discontentment for a bunch of educated pipsqueaks!! The bottom line on this whole charade is that there is little or no organization for the expedition of this particular kidnapping!! Mutilation of Christopher Walken's finger serve as a cry for attention!! It really does not work, of course, this is the movies, not real life!! The intensity of emotions in this film makes everything cohesive in terms of what depraved mixes of irrationality prevail in these affluent derelict's lives!!

I thought the acting was fantastic in this film, and it was a simple plot outline of age and experience winning out over precocious recreation with criminal chicanery!! Everything was an argument..there were more issues out there besides a kidnapping!!! Criminal doubts and insecurities are always depicted in movies like these, just not so succinctly!! This movie illustrates how ideological disagreement with a prevailing situation does not sufficiently justify engaging in a felony!! I thought this film was excellent!!!
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The Twilight Zone (1959–1964)
Spur of the Moment
7 February 2006
Imagine you are an unsuspecting daughter of prominent New England wealth, and suddenly you are upended by a malignant premonition!! This woman is an enigmatic phantom who has been disillusioned by consequences, she winds up resorting to dipsomanical forms of entertainment, this means that her only form of emotional consolation comes from a bottle of cognac, apathy is suffocating her, and she is afflicted by her own personal failure!! The abrupt revelation that mendacity is your stilted panacea, and reality is her bitter cynicism, necessitates a formidable trepidation which you are unable to cope with!! This is a dreadfully candid scenario with definable features!! You are unfamiliar with this nightmarish figure, but she has an acute resemblance to you, she is warning you about yourself, and you have become terrified!!

This Twilight Zone episode deals with devastating disappointments which emanated from personal neglect and wanton selfishness!! You (Ann Henderson) were mirrored by the fallen angel of darkness, otherwise known as you at age 43!! You were suppose to marry Mr Right, and as a result of your adolescent instinct being one of your downfalls, you wound up marrying your childhood sweetheart, he was definitely Mr Wrong!! ..The only constant in your life is alcohol, and your stupors of disenchantment result in blaming your father for everything, hence, you are stalemated by non-productiveness, and you have become misanthropic by default.. These irrational logic patterns of yours are indicative of a banal, run of the mill, alcoholic's proverbial cop out!! Your father's estate has been run into ruin, and your prevailing domestic enmity is a crippling force to your very existence!! At the ripe old age of 18, your desolate future accosted you, and you had no way of fighting back...You were victimized by a lethargic attrition, disheveled by circumstances, and though you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, your incredible lack of discipline and discriminating judgment has caused you to be permanently bankrupt!! Bottom line, you had a dual with adversity and adversity won!! Everything in your life has gone wrong, and now you are isolated and despondent!! This comprises the callous vilification of your miserably pathetic plight...Without question!! It is definitely time for you to reap what you've sown!!

This was my favorite Twilight Zone episode of all time!! It depicts the realistic tragedy of deteriorating wealth decimating an entire family!! Rod Serling illustrates how lives can easily be destroyed by making the wrong decisions!! Films like "Dracula" and "Wolfman" are indeed supernatural sensationalism, and the real horror story which receives the certificate of authenticity is Ann Henderson's life!! Yes, the monster that will destroy you is your future!! While Ann owned a racing horse on the verge of bank foreclosure, by no means, may she ride off into the sunset!! This episode has a very poignant and compelling dialog which addresses the upheaval of pecuniary dissemination!! The trend of domestic disaster in this case is resoundingly irreversible!! In 1964, television's perception of the well to do insinuated that they were omnipotent.. The reality of affluence is that once it is passed down to the heirs (Otherwise known as the overgrown adolescents) it is reduced to nothing in record time!! The Twilight Zone segment "Spur of the Moment" does a tremendous job of displaying such an unfortunately realistic situation!! It was made during the last season of the series!! This was a fantastic idea for a Twilight Zone segment, as I stated before, this is my favorite Twilight Zone episode out of the entire series!!
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Carrie (1952)
Very Realistic (Unfortunately!!)
8 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A well respected spawn of Chicago society, George Hurstwood ,(Lawrence Olivier) from outward appearances, seems to have it all!! Money, stature, and prestige!! Being a deservedly integral facet of a well renowned Lincoln Park restaurant in the late 1890's suggests a comfortable and justified complacency in the aggregate scheme of events...Why would anyone risk all of this? TRUE LOVE!!!...Misery in George's (Lawrence Olivier's) life has a very ubiquitous disposition, and necessitates the desire for George Hurstwood to be intimately nurtured, as well as thoroughly appreciated for what he is as a man!! His wife, (Miriam Hopkins) the perennial virago, is consumed by social facades, and pretentious aristocratic Chicago register acquaintances, as a means of furthering the family's societal plight!! Lawrence Olivier senses the unfortunate reveille with the fact that his family is pieced together by coercively orchestrated affluent trappings, and upscale pecuniary circle obligations...Now enters Carrie into his life, he falls in love with Carrie!! She is young and impressionable, and develops a precocious infatuation for him!!

Carrie (Jennifer Jones) is the main character in the movie, quite a bit of this film is through her eyes!..Initially, Charlie's (Eddie Albert's) wife, she does not feel comfortable with him entirely!! A good friend perhaps, but not sustenance material for an indefinite marriage commitment!! Carrie becomes enthralled with Lawrence Olivier's character, she is easily cajoled, and thus very susceptible to George Hurstwood's professional charm!!...So now, Carrie wants to be married to an older, more distinguished man, whom she feels she can devote her life to!!...What is the problem with falling in love with this married man? The problems are too numerous to count!! Now propagates a myriad of emotional nightmares!!

Lawrence Olivier loses his job, his money, his status in Chicago society, his family and his friends...To top things off, he is earmarked for grand larceny!! From there, things go from bad to worse....George and Carrie move to the Big Apple!! New York capriciously beats them up, financial circumstances dictate that they get resorted to the New York City slums, there they are effortlessly mangled!! Such a situation depicts the apocalyptic ramifications incurred as a result of George and Carrie's quest for true love!!!! Lawrence Olivier is relegated to becoming a hobo on the street, while Carrie makes it in the theater world, and attempts to make restitution on the fact that she too neglected Lawrence Olivier in her own manner!! The flop house scene at the end of the movie was very poignant as a way of illustrating the despondent indigence that Lawrence Olivier was plagued with!!!

Nobody should have any delusions of grandeur about this situation turning around...To say that this is an unhappy ending for Lawrence Olivier would be a masterpiece of understatement!! This is indeed a living horror to the point where Lawrence Olivier's suicide attempt, which he backs down on, is viewed by the movie audience as a good way of quelling his tragically pathetic existence on earth!! He was a totally ruined man, and inevitably, he will be relegated by the population to the unfortunate status of an educated derelict!!

This movie is extremely powerful and gripping!! It effectuates a sympathy and fear for an unencumbered social plummet that devastates George Hurstwood!! He abandons everything just because he felt his marriage emotionally neglected him, and as a result,he sought an opportunity for spousal contentment and gratification with another woman!! Performances by Jennifer Jones, Eddie Albert, Miriam Hopkins and of course Sir Lawrence Olivier, were to say the least, phenomenal!!. "Carrie" is one of the stellar films in all of American cinema history !!! Without a doubt, SENSATIONAL!! William Wyler directed this film ("Director of Best Years of Our Lives") This movie stands behind his fabulous reputation, and ultimately delivers with noteworthy critical acclaim as well!! I was very impressed with this movie, depressed as well, as it was very realistic!! (unfortunately)...See this movie!!!! I give it five stars out of five stars, a perfect ten!!
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Big Fish (2003)
Boy Who Cried Wolf!! (Werewolf!!)
19 October 2005
"A BIG FISH in a small pond!!!" the phrase applies to a typical local yokel who better not leave his sequestered Podunk town or else he is in for a rude awakening!!.. Venturesome as though he may be, Ed Bloom leaves his Mayberry, joins the circus, and decides to fall in love...True love comes along less than once in a lifetime...The intuition for true love in this movie is succinctly illustrated through a dark angled idealism, and suddenly, problems with falling in love are romanticized by a myriad of quirky determination patterns, as well as utterly human shortcomings!!. Married, having a son, a house, etc, etc, etc and so on and so on and so on and so forth and so forth and so forth, pans out to whereby his emeritus years become those of expounding dissertation about his exciting dare devil nefarious life as an impervious adolescent.. Spinning Yarns? We know better!!...Try telling his son that...Too incredible!! Too spectacular!! Too heroic!!...Ed Bloom's blindly motivational love and devotion towards the woman he cherishes, makes Romeo and Juliet's relationship seem platonic... Crazy dreams, the supernatural, and negligence of compassion via the compelling illustration of the cold cruel world, make Big Fish a reality as far as being a five star film!!

In the end, Big Fish shows how the aspect of positive human nature prevails, and how a person's life is intricate and meaningful!! The impact your father has on you is indelible, and recognition of unconditional love for your family, and the people around you, manifest themselves in many distinguishable ways, all of them being indispensable!! Ed Bloom is the picture-book example of how exaggerations and erroneous behavior in your life are an integral part of your existence!! You have realized you are fortunate to be human because you are not perfect, the adjective perfect is for calculators, Hallmark Cards, and martinis after work...Ed Bloom had an anything but John Doe in an orange crate funeral.. A numerous cross section of socially diverse individuals had a grass roots recognition of who Ed Bloom was, in that sense, Ed Bloom died a very rich man!! Big Fish was a melting pot of proclivities and acute misconceptualizations that established a colorful obituary as being the ultimate trophy we can be the recipients of for our agenda here on earth!! More significantly, the aggregate affection, as well as the life experiences all of the characters in the movie have had, and would not trade for a million dollars, is something that this film brilliantly portrays, by way of a hail Mary pass that winds up being the game winning touchdown!!.. It was this convoluted philosophical disposition that "Big Fish" so perfectly executed that puts this film in the category as one of the best films ever produced. Expediting faulted emotions is a sink or swim endeavor, and, in this case "Big Fish" swam, (No pun intended) Metaphorically, all of these accolades are a way of saying that the ending to this film was very powerful and cohesive...surprisingly and effectively so!! I give Big Fish a five star rating, and a perfect 10!! This website ranks it as one of the top 250 films ever made!! I totally concur!!
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Exiled (1998 TV Movie)
My Name is Mike Logan!!!
12 July 2005
My name is Mike Logan, I am the best part of Law&Order...I completely dominated this wonderful two hour special of Law&Order entitled "EXILED" I was incredible in my acting performance and I look FANTASTIC!!...Many people want me back on Law&Order.. However, I am a sensational success on the hit series "Sex and the City" as well!! I am doing hit movies and I love being a huge and immensely popular actor in one of the biggest Television series in all of the history of NBC's history and all other networks as well!! Law&Order has done a great deal for me, however I have made significant contributions to the success of Law&Order as well!! When you are 6'4" and you are loved by women and admired and respected by men due to your great looks and wonderful personality, you are cast as the highlight in a Law&Order television special....Exiled was my show...nobody else seemed to spark the television audience nearly as much..."Exiled" was great, because I was great!!!...Of course, Chris Noth is way too modest to say all of these things...but he should...So I will say it for him...I loved Chris Noth in Law&Order "Exiled" just as I thought that he was without question and effortlessly the best part of Law&Order as well!!!
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Mr. Romance (2005– )
Scott was my favorite too!!!
7 July 2005
The scenario being close to heaven so many gorgeous guys at one time, but despite Andrew's Nordic perfection and Mark's beyond incredibly handsome face and Tony's muscle bound rear end (WOW!!)...I feel that Scott was without a doubt my favorite and if it were up to me, Scott would have been chosen for the title of Mr Romance...I loved that scene where he was in front of the mirror wearing nothing but his underwear, as a matter of fact, I liked any scene where Scott was wearing nothing but underwear...I recognize Scott as a professional...A star lighted figure for the dance troop The Hollywood Men....I would love to have been at the charity ball in the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles to make a huge contribution and have Scott dance for me or whatever!! Certain men are so so so so so so GORGEOUS!!!!!!!...I think Scott is without a doubt one of those types of guys...In the competitive sense, he comes off better than the other guys too, and he has a wonderful talent for diverting your attention to him and no other guy competing for the title of Mr Romance...One article on this website has Scott as being their favorite stud for the title of Mr Romance, well I honestly have to say that Scott was my favorite too!!!
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L.A. Law (1986–1994)
Steven Eckholdt/ Yes I will marry you!!!!!
22 May 2005
Tall gorgeous handsome sexy six figure prominent attorney with an incredibly great personality and a command on the world that respects him as well as loves the fact that he is young and good looking!! Let's face it girls, where are we going to find a guy this perfect? Steven Eckhold plays the gorgeous hunk attorney who is just too good to be true...This is why he is a television character, and not a real guy just walking around in downtown Los Angeles somewhere!! I love Steven Eckholdt...I loved him in a great number of things, but I really loved him in L.A. Law,,,he is so incredibly handsome and I just go crazy thinking about dating a guy like that...He was the true hunk on L.A. Law and some of the other guys were OK!! Nothing really all that special...Television is of course supposed to be entertainment, and looking at a hunk like Steven Eckholdt is very entertaining to me.. As a matter of fact, Steven Eckholdt would be the perfect blind date...upon feasting my eyes on him and then finding out that he is L.A.'s most prominent attorneys, the first thing I would say to him would be, yes I will marry you!!!
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Kevin Kirchen is SUPER BUNS!!!
22 May 2005
This has got to be one of the most entertaining videos I have seen for quite some time I Mean!!! All of those super great super hunky Chippendale Dancers, I loved quite a few of them, but Kevin Kirchen!! I mean what a HUNK!!...That room service dance routine which he performed was absolutely SENSATIONAL!! I am green with envy at Judy Landers, how incredibly lucky she was to be with all those hunks...Kevin Kirchen is got to be the most gorgeous man on the face of the earth!!If not literally, he is without a doubt way up there..I do not think I have seen a better rear end in my life (By the way you eventually notice that his eyes are to die for too!!) but I mean what a hunk and those super buns drive me crazy!!! Taking a picture of his< "Well you know"> was extremely hilarious, especially since you got to see him in that red t-back which showed his super buns...Kevin Kirchen is a genuine GOD LIKE!!! ADONIS HUNK!!...The most gorgeous body you will ever feast your eyes on!! Especially his "SUPER BUNS" I love him!!
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