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I Told Sunset About You (2020–2022)
come here, go away
6 November 2023
Teh and Oh-aew meet under weird circumstances as kids and are best friends ever since. When a conflict arises - Teh's dream is to become an actor, but it his best friend who is chosen to play the main part in the school play and then tells him that he wants to become an actor, too - the boys separate.

Their feud lasts until way into high-school. Both plan to apply for an acting school and meet again in a class for Chinese. Having the same circle of friends, both boys grow closer again. And even more?

I decided to watch this drama after "Tonhon and Chonlatee", as I was in the mood for another childhood friends to lovers series. And it does have potential. For exactly three episodes.

I love how their story was told from the childhood on. I love how they, after hating each other for so long, grow closer. I love how they come closer. And then it all goes downhill.

Teh, albeit being the more mature and serious one, apparently loves to play the game of "come here, go away". If you are not familiar what this is: It's when a person tries to get closer to another person (in a romantic way) but for some reasons (mostly insecurity about their feelings, ignorance or just pure evil) pushes the other person away at the same time.

And so, Teh is always seeking Oh-Aew's company and closeness, but whenever Oh-aew opens up about his feelings and tries to get closer to Teh, he is pushed away again, suffers and cries. Besides, while growing closer to Oh-aew, Teh pursues a girl at the same time. I swear, the central relationship is bordering on toxic.

Speaking of crying: Honestly, the last two episodes are unbearable. There is so much crying from both sides that it gets to the point of being annoying. Billkin and PP Krit are both wonderful actors and also good at crying but it is just too much.

There is also an interesting storyline in this one: Before he falls in love with Teh, Oh-aew has a crush on one of his close friends, Bas. Bas is a friendly, gentle soul and after a while it becomes apparaent that Oh-aew's feelings are very much reciprocated. They go out for a while and it's a beautiful, healthy relationship full of love and tenderness. Alas, this is a BL and we all know how it will end. Against all odds, I was hoping that Oh-aew and Bas would end up together, I was simply in love with their love.

Let me sum up the more beautiful aspects of this drama: Like I said, the beginning is filmed beautifully. I have to compliment the cinematography of this one in general. The music is beautiful, too. And I love how on the one hand they use modern technology for all the main young characters to communicate with each other and express their feelings (through Instagram stories, for example), yet on the other hand the series has a vintage vibe and at some points reminded me of Your Name Engraved Herein.

For all the positive aspects: 6/10 stars. But, I'd rather recommend Tonhon and Chonlatee for a healthy childhood friends to lovers series.
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Jakkufurosuto (2023)
like drifting through a beautiful dream. and so romantic!
5 July 2023
Ritsu, a dreamy illustrator and Fumiya, a rather pragmatic salesman, are a couple. Everything seems fine, but Fumiya hasn't been happy in the relationship for a while, but instead of talking about it, he has been bottling up his emotions. On Ritsu's birthday, the situation escalates: Fumiya finally explodes, and tells Ritsu that he can't be with him any more. Ritsu storms out of their apartment and later is involved in an accident which results in amnesia. Ritsu remembers everything apart from his relationship with Fumiya. Fumiya, who feels sorry for him, tells Ritsu that they used to be roommates. They are back to living together again and both young men find themselves falling in love with the other again. Can they maybe start anew?

Oooh, boy, this one could have turned out depressing and dark. But it's not. It's a gentle story of two gentle souls who break up because of a misunderstanding and fall in love again. The production is calm and dreamy and you drift through it like through a beautiful dream. Ritsu and Fumiya are one of those couples where it doesn't need passion and fireworks (oh, there is passion, it's just not over the top), instead Jack O'Frost delivers quiet romance and domestic fluff.

What I loved most about the production is the wonderful, natural chemistry between the two (gorgeous) leads. It feels natural and not forced, you can feel that both actors are comfortable with each other and if they were not, they are damn good at acting as if they were. Also, and this is what I really would like to emphasize: Their love and kissing scenes were to die for, to the point where they pull you in and you want to watch them over and over again.

Jack O'Frost is a typically bittersweet Japanese BL (and I love those) and if you decide to watch it, you're in for a good time. Also, it only has six episodes, so it's not too long.

10/10 I wasn't bored for a moment, I didn't have to fast forward and it warmed my heart.
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Between Us (2022–2023)
not impressed (unfortunately)
8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At best, a BL is like really well or really badly written fanfiction. At worst, it is cliché and cheesy to the levels of being unbearable. I guess the truth for Between Us lies somewhere in the middle.

Of course, with WinTeam being such a popular ship on "Until We Meet Again", the expectations were very high and the hype stellar. I, too, had high expectations. I didn't watch it when it originally aired but later, and everyone kept swooning about it and telling how great the show is.

I give credit where credit is due: BounPrem's chemistry and playing off each other is wonderful. Their kisses and love scenes are to die for. But that's basically where it ends.

I loved them and their interactions in "Until We Meet Again" but after having finished "Between Us", I just don't get it.

I don't get what Win sees in Team that made him fall in love so deeply. I mean, to sum up, Team is a whiny, annoying, not very smart bordering on stupid, baby that is always hungry. I mean, I get why people would fall in love with Win - he is gorgeous, basically a saint that always takes care of the people around him, is kind, smart and stronger than he looks. But Team? Nope, I still don't get it. He simply has no redeeming qualities or attractive character traits.

This is why, after establishing this impression, I could not take the script seriously. There is so much drama, so many emotions, so many love and declaration scenes, so much crying, and all based on what ... nothing? Shallow attraction?

Let me sum up the rest that bothered me. We have, like four side couples. FOUR. In 12 episodes! Not necessary and just too much. The only couple I liked that had potential and played their scenes well, was Win's brother and Win's buddy. It does, to an extent, make sense to show Pharm's and Manow's love stories but the fourth couple was really unnecessary, had no chemistry and tbh I didn't like the actors playing them.

Another point of criticism is ... FOOD. I don't know whether the producers got the hint from "Until We Meet Again" for being guilty of fat shaming and promoting diet services on slim people, but they made sure in "Between Us" that people always have something in their belly. Whether it's asking if they should go and eat something, have eaten something or declaring that they want to eat something - about 60 % of the conversations in "Between Us" revolve around food and we even get to see some overweight side characters or extras. I do appreciate the effort, but it was just too much, too repetetive and, in the end, annoying.

Speaking of annoying, that leads us to criticism point no. 3: PRODUCT PLACEMENT. Thai BLs are generally guilty of it and surprisingly enough, this time it was not crisps (oh, they did advertise them, but it was not as blatant as in "Until We Meet Again") but a refreshment drink. It appeared in many scenes and the characters spent time talking about it and promotionally effectively drinking from it, which had nothing to do with the scene or the plot. Skip, skip, skip.

One last point that I found not only annoying but also bordering on rude: I am not familiar with the way Thailand handles homosexuality and displays of affection between a gay couple in public, but it was ridiculous how much Team kept pushing Win away at the least romantic gesture, be it a kiss or a hug. One could argue that Team is shy or that in Thailand, indeed, it is frowned upon when two men exchange romantic gestures in public, that I would get. But what about being in private? Their relationship began with sex, for God's sake! So why play hard to get or even being disgusted when Win wants to kiss him behind closed doors? Something I simply didn't get.

To sum it up: I skipped many scenes, we have again a character that whinily pronounces the name of their beloved in every scene (here it is Team instead of Pharm), a shallow love story that is blown out of proportions and, like in "Until We Meet Again", too many emotions and drama. The only episode I genuinely liked was the finale, I thought it would be a disaster but it was surprisingly gentle, sweet and romantic.

In the end, it IS a cheesily written fanfiction (with bad dialogue, by the way) that is only saved by BounPrem as the main couple but not really an overall pleasure to watch. Like I said, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
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wonderful series!
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After having a burnout in his office job in Tokyo, 30-year old Akira Minato returns to his hometown by the sea and runs a laundromat that he inherited from his grandfather. Life is quiet and Akira is happy. That is, until 17-year old student Shintaro shows up. Not only is Akira's life and feelings turned upside down, he also begins to realize that he has been running away from himself and his feelings for too long. Will he finally face his past?

Oh boy, is this one about crushes. We have teenagers crushing on adults, students on teachers and colleagues on ... well, colleagues.

But what I found intriguing was the unusual constellation of the two main couples: Usually, and that would have made me so uncomfortable that I probably would have quit the series in episode one, it is the older part pursuing the younger. The responsible adult grooms and seduces the inexperienced teenager.

But. This is not Lolita and thank God.

Instead, in both main couples, the younger part is the pursuer (and quite an aggressive pursuer for his young age sometimes, something which I haven't seen yet), and the adult pursued behaves like a kid.

Akira behaves and screams around like a 5-year old (which, I must admit, was a tad annoying sometimes). He runs away from his feelings, from his past and from his responsibilities. The other adult in the side couple, SEEMS like a responsible adult, but he lives in his own world and is, in every way, innocent. It is, again, the younger half of the couple that awakens new feelings and an outlook on reality in him.

The teenagers, on the other hand, are more mature and serious. Or so it seems. Thank God, the script lets them also be teenagers inbetween. They are overemotional sometimes, letting their feelings and first love consume them completely.

I know, some viewers have a problem with the age gap, or more specifically the ages of the age gap. In the end, Shin is 13 years younger than Akira, and just turns 18 in the run of the series. And I do agree. 17 and 30 are like different worlds. I recall that when I was 17, I was a completely different person than I am now. Like Shin, I used to have a crush on a much older man and today, in retrospective, I am glad he didn't act on it.

What makes it different here, is that Akira tries not to encourage the crush too much. He is instantly drawn to Shin, because Shin is his type (not because he is a teenager), but he at least tries to keep his distance. It is already a big deal when Shin simply wants to hold Akira's hand and their first kiss happens when Shin is over 18.

It is just that in the end, both men have gone through development, Akira was finally able to confront the one he had been running from since he was a teenager, realizing that he is finally over him, and Shin is on the verge of entering university, a new chapter in his life, an important step into adulthood. Still, Akira always supports him, does not force him into anything (it is rather SHIN who constantly tries to seduce him), and says that he will wait for him no matter how long it takes.

That was what drew me to this couple and made me root for them until the beautiful end. That there is always a mutual respect and cautious tenderness.

Okay, enough with the analysis, let's face the facts: Both main actors are fantastic, especially Sho in the role of Shin has impressed me. He shows wonderful depths for his age (23 during production), but Takuya can easily hold his own. Both show emotions wonderfully and naturally and when they cry, it breaks your heart.

The production is absolutely lovely and heartwarming and I especially loved the effects when there was a flashback. Also, you will fall in love with the whole cast, who are just adorable.

What can I say? I laughed, I cried (or rather bawled my eyes out, when you see the scene in question, you will understand) and I had a good time watching the show. I give it a 9/10 because of some lengths and repetitions, but overall it's a must watch that I would absolutely recommend. And I am hoping for a second season, I'd love to see how Akira's and Shin's story goes on.
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Theory of Love (2019–2020)
meh, not their best series
18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really only watched this one because of OffGun and their fantastic chemistry in "Not Me".

I really shouldn't have.

The first five episodes were horrible and, plot-wise, could have been summed up into two episodes, tops. Gun mostly spends these crying and pining after someone who treats him like crap. Off plays said crap, and his character is so dumb that he is completely oblivious to his best friend's crush on him. Seriously, it gets annoying after two episodes and we really didn't need more negative examples on how Off's character uses Gun's.

The rest of the series is tolerable at best. We have one - ONE! - strong moment, namely the last scene of episode 11. Then comes the big finale and omg, it was just too much. Too much sugar, too much love declarations, too many emotions.

An actor can only work with as much as the script offers to him and boy, did OffGun obviously have to suffer through this one. The kisses feel forced and look unnatural (except for maybe the last one) and overall, I thought as a couple, they completely lacked chemistry.

And don't get me started on the side couple. One half of said side couple is chasing a girl for 70 % of the series, the other at least tries to reveal his crush. And then all of a sudden, in the last two episodes they are totally in love. Both parties are lovely (especially Earth plays the unhappy guy in love well) and they have good chemistry, but once again, a stupid script destroys it all. Because their story basically happens in two episodes, it feels rushed. I hope that EarthWhite will play a couple again in the future, just with a much better script.

Overall it feels like the script was written by an inexperienced teenager who knows nothing about love and relationships. One over-the-top, ridiculous scene follows another, there is complete lack of honest romance or sexual tension.

If you're a fifteen-year old girl who just wants to see cute boys kissing ... well, even then I would not recommend this series to you.

For all the efforts by the main actors and at least some good scenes, I give this series a well-meant 5/10 stars. But honestly, just go and watch "Not Me" again. To this day, it still remains OffGun's best series.
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Even Sun (2022)
vacation for the brain
8 January 2023
Sun has to be the worst or rather unluckiest debt collector ever. When his boss gives him one last chance - to collect a huge debt from a man living on an island - Sun is determined to finally succeed. That is until he meets Athit, the man in question, who turns out a rather worthy opponent.

Let's face it - this series is the definition of a no-brainer. And that's exactly how you should watch it. Beautiful people in a beautiful setting, a rather questionable plot and a little romance. Of course you will have the most fun if you watch this one because of Boun and Prem. I rather enjoyed their bickering, and how, especially in the beginning, they gave each other the cold shoulder - must have been hella fun for both to play. Just lean back and indulge in the beautiful images and the lovely music.

Of course, some points of criticism are in order. The series should definitely have been longer, because everything felt rushed. Especially the love story between the secondary couple, whom I almost liked more than the main one. I really hope there will be a series with them as the main couple in the future, they were absolutely lovely together and their story had potential. But also the love story between Boun and Prem was rushed - one moment they are fighting, the next gazing lovingly at each other. And one last point: There was an absolutely unnessesary third couple with absolutely zero chemistry and some as equally unnessesary side characters. The series could perfectly work without them.

For everything else: 7 stars.
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Golden Blood (2021)
wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
2 January 2023
You know, usually I complain that BLs tend to stretch a story into too many episodes, but Golden Blood was a BL that I really wanted to last longer. But the fact that so much happened in those 8 episodes, made it only more intense.

What can I say? Loved it! The script was awesome (you THINK you know what happens next but there is always a surprise), I loved the main couple (wonderful chemistry!), I loved the secondary couple (can they get their own series, please?) and it was just the right amount of cheesy. Also, without spoiling anything, but here we have probably the nicest mafia boss ever having bossed on screen.

A solid 8/10 from me. I subtracted two stars because of the sometimes ridiculous sound effects (thank God they became less the more the plot progressed), some blatant product placement (which, as I learned, has become the norm for Thai BLs) and some lengthy fight scenes (but I guess you cannot avoid that when a series is set in the mafia milieu).
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despite its flaws entertaining and charming
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you thought Bad Buddy was a bad offender of slow burn, wait til you see "Oh! My Sunshine Night". It takes the term "slow burn" to the next level. It took the main couple 17 episodes to the first kiss! Out of 18. And yet it was still romantic as hell.

It is not without flaws, of course. It had lengths and was repetitive at times. The only thing that really bugged me was that inbetween, there was a period of three months having passed, and yet the plot picked up exactly where it left off. We definitely didn't need a 3rd or even 4th side couple. And the villain of the story was too one-dimensional.

But I still found it charming. I am honest - I watched it because of Ohm and Fluke at first. But I also must confess that - despite their lovely chemistry as usual - I really fell in love with the side couple of Rain and Phayu. Both parties are charming and good actors and their chemistry was simply lovely. I wish their love story was explored more. But maybe we are lucky and they get their own spinoff.

Overall, I think this series is pure escapism in the best sense. I felt like watching a whole damn Bollywood drama. There was romance, there was kitsch, there was action, there was suspense, there was music. And of course, drama. LOTS of drama. There were cliffhangers, surprising and even one or two clever ideas. The soundtrack was beautiful, too.

I personally was entertained. Thus, despite the flaws, 7/10 stars from me. But next time, I hope it takes Ohm and Fluke to get intimate sooner than 90% of the series.
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Until We Meet Again (2019–2020)
Nice in its core, but too many negative aspects.
2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two starcrossed lovers in the past (although their clothes and hairstyles look exactly like in the modern day) who were not allowed to be together - because gay - commit suicide and are reincarnated. They meet again as students in university and are instantly drawn to each other.

No, this is not a modern version of Romeo and Juliet but the plot for "Until We Meet Again" and - all flaws aside - it was actually a cute drama, thus I should give it a higher rating. But, alas, the flaws, the flaws...

I would like to start with what I liked. I am really a fan of the main couple, Pharm and Dean. Their acting is wonderful (Ohm really played the reserved, but slowly opening up Dean well and Fluke - well, we don't need to talk about his performance, he simply is a fantastic actor!) and their chemistry undeniable. You can sense that both actors really like and respect each other and that they are simply comfortable with the other's company. I liked the script, what they did with the main premise and where they went with it. I loved how Dean was courting Pharm, being very patient and giving him the time he needed, but being romantic at the same time. The music was - apart from one or two song exceptions - really nice. And like so many viewers, I am a fan of the side couple, Win and Team. Their dynamic is lively, playful and just cute (wish they had more screentime, but in the end we were rewarded with their own series, Between Us).

What I didn't like. I really had a problem with the main couple from the past, Korn and InTouch and their complete lack of chemistry. I hated their acting. It doesn't also help that Earth (InTouch) looks SO MUCH YOUNGER than Kao (Korn) and Korn looked annoyed with InTouch most of the time, in pain even, and it felt like he was forced to play his way through their mutual scenes. The chemistry is cruicial to the plot, it set the tone for the whole series. We, as an audience, had to understand just how great that love was, so great that it withstood the test of time, a love so great that it was reincarnated and the lovers still were drawn to each other. I felt none of it with Korn and InTouch. Their scenes looked unbelievable and friendly, at most. Completely turned me off.

Another aspect that bugged me in this series and made it reeeeeeeaaaallly hard to sit through it, is that there was just too much of everything ... too much emotion, too much drama, too much romance. It was a total emotion overkill. And don't get me started with crying ... oh, so much crying. To the point that I yelled out loud everytime: "Lord help us, he is crying again." Fluke did his best with the material he was given, but I swear, every time he teared up again or - while we're at it - called "P'Deeeeeeaaaan" in a whiny voice, I swear I wanted to slap him.

Let's turn to an aspect that really bugged me between Pharm and Dean, cue: consent. While Dean is patient and romantic when courting Pharm, it seems that this patience ends when it comes to getting physical. Their first kiss already looks forced and like the red string that ties the characters together, this characteristic drags on through the entire series. Dean forces himself on Pharm every chance he gets, and Pharm pushes him away, one time even explicitly saying to Dean that he shouldn't do that. Then, all of a sudden, they have sex and Pharm has no problem with it. What his reasons are, we never learn. Is he just shy? Does he need time? Was he somehow traumatized in the past? They never talk about their physical relationship - safe for one discussion about condoms and safer sex - Dean just announces that they will have sex and Pharm goes with it. I really had a problem with this plot line.

As for the other negative aspects, I will just sum them up in one paragraph. Samantha, who plays Manow, is a wonderful actress and her character has a lot of potential yet all they do is fat-shaming her (albeit the actress being a little chubby at best) and using her for comic relief. Also, the series is guilty for blatant product placement and, as sad as it sounds, I am slowly getting used to it. But the peak was really that they promoted a diet service on a character that wasn't even close to being overweight, on the contrary, he was very slim.

So, you see, as much as I liked some aspects of this drama, the negative ones unfortunately prevail. Thus, I can give it only 6/10 stars. Watch it for PharmDean and WinTeam only, but be prepared to skip through most of it.
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difficult to watch but Fluke delivers the performance of his lifetime!
2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think we can all agree that this film is weird and messed up in so many ways.

Whether you will like it or not, depends on your taste.

It is a vampire story that avoids all the clichés and has a surprising (but justified) ending.

What I really would like to highlight is Fluke's performance. In many ways, he reminded me of Anthony Perkins in Psycho. An innocent young man looking for love who happens to be a psycho and killer who would do anything to keep this love.

Fluke, who mainly played cute, sweet and innocent characters so far, takes his image, plays with it and in the end completely destroys it. His acting is FANTASTIC to the point that it makes you uncomfortable, in the best way. And to imagine how young he was in this one, he is a really talented actor!

Because of this and some interesting ideas, I give this film a 6/10. I had to switch it off at some point because I really would like to keep Fluke in my imagination as the sweet, innocent Pharm. Also, it is not really well filmed (I think it's an indie film) and by that, I mean the lighting and some really awkward and uncomfortable sex scenes. I believe TV Tropes calls that fan disservice.
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a magical experience
18 November 2022
A lonely boy who can see ghosts. A lonely ghost who cannot be seen by anyone except a little boy. They find solace in each other's company and become friends. When they meet again, the boy has grown into a young man. And suddenly, the friendly feelings become something more...

I cannot say one bad word about this drama. It was perfect from the beginning to end. The script was fantastic. There was romance, drama, lighthearted moments, comedy, and even a little bit of thrill. Most episodes ended on a cliffhanger that had you gasping. But most of all, I liked the initial idea of a human falling in love with a ghost. The script handled the sensitive topic in a lovely way.

The cast is absolutely fantastic, and I am not only speaking of the main couple but also all the wonderful support cast. Thun's friends and his mother captured my heart. But it was, of course, the main couple that shone above it all. Singto's performance was very gentle and Ohm was, as always, fantastic, showing a range of emotions and doing so in a very believable way. Apart from that, they had wonderful chemistry.

What I also liked was the subtle insight into the Thai culture, religion and customs, and how they deal with the loss and honor of their loved ones. Just like the portrayal of the unusual love story, it was handled delicately and with care.

What can I say? I laughed, I cried, I was on the edge and most of all, I swooned, rooting for the main couple all the way.

One of the best BL dramas I have seen so far. 10/10 would recommend.
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Vice Versa (2022)
when the supporting cast has more chemistry than the main couple.
12 November 2022
I am a bit conflicted as to how to rate this series. Don't get me wrong, I know exactly what I liked and didn't like, how much stars I want to give it, it's just it's so charming, it might let me stray away from my path. I will try to stay on it.

I really liked the initial idea and what they did with it. At times, it could be cheesy, but overall, I am content with the result. There were surprises and twists and turns, funny and heartwarming moments and most important of all, there was romance.

My problem is that the main couple has zero chemistry. They are both lovely, they do their best with the material given to them, but Jimmy (Tan/Puen) is just not a good actor. He is mediocre at best. He is okay in supporting roles, but I don't think he can carry a whole movie/series. The worst was watching him in kissing scenes, those were awful. His partner, on the other hand, Sea (Tess/Talay) is absolutely lovely and a decent actor. He carried most of the movie on his back and ties everything together. I kinda felt bad for him that he had to act with the acting partner given to him (and even more so, kiss him).

What totally bugged me was the blatant product placement in this series. Usually, I don't mind product placement, but did they have to shove it in our faces every five minutes? Yes, we get it, this drink has zero percent sugar, no need to repeat it three times.

But, like I said, I liked the idea very much, I liked the script very much and I am simply in love with the acting of the supporting cast, especially the two guys playing Aou and Up, but actually, they were all wonderful and a delight to watch. What I also absolutely loved was seeing Ohm and Nanon from Bad Buddy again. They didn't have much screentime, but they made the most of it, especially Nanon.

My recommendation would be: If you can turn a blind eye on the main couple's lack of chemistry and Jimmy's acting, you might actually enjoy this one. I definitely think it is worth a watch. Thus, I give it a solid 6/10.
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
I just couldn't watch it
23 January 2022
The setting is nice, the dialogue is, too, but man, that kid is annyoing and theatrical! Absolutely unbearable. Had to switch it off halfway into the first episode.
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What a really good actor and charismatic person can do
1 May 2011
This movie at first was a clear but now is a difficult case for me. Like probably all people who see this film for the first time, I saw "The Prince and Me" first and this second film is way worse than the first film.

The major problem, of course, is that they exchanged almost all of the main cast. This makes it difficult to identify with the story and the characters. Also, it is very obviously that Luke Mably really didn't want to be in this one (and I can understand why he didn't).

The plot is thin, Paige is annoying, Edvard looks repulsed most of the time, and all the other characters are just ridiculous.

That was a while ago. In the meantime I have seen the film about three times. On my free will. What did change my mind? Simple: It was one actor. Jonathan Firth. In my opinion, he is the most elegant, sweet and sensitive character in this film. A real joy to watch. And basically the reason you like watching the whole film in the end.

Because it seems with brilliant actors that, their talent, and the heart they put into the role seems to rub off on the characters and the plot. In his calm and careful presence, Paige suddenly becomes a soft and likable personality, Edvard becomes sarcastic instead of depressed and the bitch of the film seems even bitchier.

So, in the end I can say: "The Prince and Me 2" is really a bad film. BUT Jonathan Firth's performance is worth every minute and you have missed something if you haven't seen him in it.
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CSI: NY: Help (2009)
Season 5, Episode 12
Seriously, one of the best CSI NY episodes ever
23 November 2009
You know, if I start describing why this episode was so good, I would spoil a whole lot of it and probably run out of superlatives very quickly. So, I'll try to keep it basic.

Fantastic and very interesting storyline. Great moments between the team. But most of all, this episode belonged to Hawkes (and Mac and Hawkes) and I'm glad that finally the series focuses on him a little bit and he gets the attention he deserves.

One last remark is very personal: I am from Germany, therefore watched the dubbed German version. And the young man dubbing Hawkes, Julien Haggége, did such a good job on this episode. Very touching, sensitive and careful dubbing, he touches your soul. And basically breathes more life into Hawkes than he already has.

All in one a superb episode. Don't miss it!
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Grey's Anatomy: Stairway to Heaven (2009)
Season 5, Episode 13
Hands down, one of the best series episodes I've seen in my life
24 June 2009
You know, it takes a lot to impress me and even more to touch me so deep that I break down and cry. And this episode touched me so deep that I don't think it could go any deeper. I won't lose one word about the plot because I wouldn't want to spoil it for anybody who will see it. But be assured: It will be an overwhelming experience that makes you realize so many things about yourself that you will probably want to laugh and cry at the same time. Although there is nothing remotely funny about this episode.

There are not many times that television creates magical moments. This episode is definitely one of them.

10 stars!
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A Risk Worth Taking (2008 TV Movie)
8 July 2008
The plot: A young designer (Muriel Baumeister) cares for her sick husband (the gorgeous James Wilby) and while the husband is dying from a sickness, she falls in love with his best friend.

Unbearable, incredibly cheesy flick. There is absolutely no chemistry between Baumeister and Wilby and at times it is obvious how uncomfy she feels around him.

The only person who saves this is James Wilby, whose performance is loving, caring and gorgeous as usual. He is also the only reason why one should watch this movie. Forget about the rest of it.

Credits go only to Wilby's performance and some beautiful shots of landscape.
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Best film and most beautiful love story I have seen in years
24 January 2008
What I loved most about this film is its silence. Usually big love stories are loud, passionate, desperate and over the top. But this film shows that big emotions don't have to be loud and sometimes silence and a little, tender touch between two people can be more intensive than screaming passion.

What I also love about this film that it doesn't only focus on the two protagonists and their love story but also takes care of other characters and their touching stories.

Most of all this is a film about people who are stuck with their lives and desperate to change them but too shy to do so. Thank God they find a helping hand that invites them to tango and together they dance into a brighter future. :)

A wonderful film and a simply beautiful love story. Outstanding performances by the two protagonists as well as the rest of the cast.
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a masterpiece
13 December 2007
I have seen quite a few films in my life, but this is one of the films that will be one of my absolute faves of all time. And it's definitely a brilliant piece of art and a film legend.

Eva, the unhappy wife of a rich man and Pierre, a poor rebel, are killed at the same time, independently from each other. They meet again in a mysterious village and both are lead to a small street and a house that turns out to be the waiting room, where they get to know what happens to them in after life. Eva and Pierre fall in love while waiting and when their time comes, they are given a chance: Both will be send back to live and if they succeed in finding each other on earth again and staying a couple, they can stay together for all time in the afterlife. If they don't succeed, they will be banned from ever seeing each other again. And so off they go back to life...

I won't tell how this all is resolved and what end Eva and Pierre find, but the story, as well as the settings and the style this film was shot in, are remarkable and intriguing. Even more if you keep in mind that this film was made in the 40s.

I can't say anything bad about it. It has everything: Style, suspense, emotion, a simply wonderful love story and a fantastic plot. Both protagonists are doing a fantastic job and Micheline Presle is simply a feast to watch...

As I said: A masterpiece. Worth watching at least once and being remembered forever.
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2 November 2007
Ohhhh my God, that was dreadful. Okay, DeMornay is quite nice to look at, but the prince looks like a cheap body builder from a cheap advertisement.

Yeah, the costumes were nice. But the story was totally empty, lacking emotions, suspense, style, ah, just everything. In the end you just don't understand why she stayed with the prince and fell in love with him cause the dude is boring as hell and delivers one stupid line after another.

Never before have I felt less while watching a movie.

I guess the two best adaptions of this tale are still the Disney one and the one by Jean Cocteau, with Jean Marais playing the prince / the beast. Go watch those instead and save your time on this empty flick.
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Has it shocking moments but I wouldn't necessarily give it the rating it has
2 May 2007
I don't know, for me this is not one of the best movies of all time. It was a nice time-passer, has its thrilling moments, but in my opinion too many chances and ideas were wasted in this film.

What's with this blind, screaming woman always announcing that John was in danger? (I know her role.) They could have got more out of this instead of letting her scream every ten minutes and look frightened all the time. Because all the time the film tries to let her and her sister look freaky, but in the end they are just two normal women. (And more normal than the "normal" characters, I must add.)

What also was annoying was this endless wandering of the main characters, especially Donald Sutherland, through some dark corners of Venice. Honestly, after this movie you get the impression that Venice is a city inhabited by ghosts, murderers and freaks, is always dirty and dark and if you visit it you cannot be sure to get out of it alive.

I liked some moments and the ending, for it gave away the twist, but my personal highlight of this film is Julie Christie whom I have never seen in a movie before. She was elegant, emotional, very beautiful and intelligent - simply a pleasure to watch and some so-called "Hollywood" actresses from today surely could learn one or two things from her.

To sum it up: Typical horror trash - and I have seen better before. But Julie Christie gives the film a touch of class.
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Just another meaningless love-comedy TV show
25 March 2007
A little bit "Sex and the city", the typical quota gay best friend and absolutely no brain - there you have "Verrückt nach Clara". A meaningless series about a young woman, who works as a journalist in Berlin, can do nothing, shags with men and discusses life and love with her best gay friend. This series was forgotten even before it started.

The only person who pulls it out a bit is Sascha Göpel as the gay buddy. The protagonist, Clara, looks like a transvestite and sucks beyond words. And finally, the plot is absolutely empty, boring and leads nowhere. In the end Clara has shagged, lost, shagged more, nothing has changed and nothing happened. You might as well not watch it.
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The Ten Commandments (2005–2006)
too long, too ridiculous
14 April 2006
Oh my, not another "Best of Moses"-story. Well, first of all, I thought it was a stupid idea to cast an Indian and a British actor as Egyptian princes (with the British actor I mean the guy who played Ramses). Well, Dougray Scott, as much as I adore him, is also not the best choice for Moses, in fact, I don't think he fits into the role at all.

And what is it with costume films taking place in ancient Egypt where Egyptian make-up and clothes look like in a cheap drag show.

Boring film, laking plot, tension, drama, style and class. Absolutely unnecessary. And a waste for actors like Dougray Scott who simply don't fit into historical roles.
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Queer as Folk (2000–2005)
crazy sexy sweet cool
30 March 2006
Two men are standing on the roof of a hospital. Brian and Michael are in their late twenties, gay and best friends. In the past three hours before this rooftop scene, Brian has had sex in a gay nightclub, hooked up with a 17-year old boy (whom he will deflower approximately one hour later) and has become a father. Michael, on the other hand, was about to have a one-night stand and realized but once again that he actually is secretly in love with Brian.

With drugs inside, Brian goes on a trip, climbs the edge of the roof, pulls Michael to him and whispers in his ear: "Come on, Mickey, let's fly!" In the background, Heather Small sings "I step out of the ordinary…" It is a mild summer night in the middle of a sparkling city and there is magic in the air.

The first episode of "Queer as folk" was probably the sexiest, craziest, sweetest and best TV show premiere I've ever seen (well, apart maybe from "Desperate Housewives"). It really impressed me and woke my interest. But it was this magical moment Michael and Brian share on the roof that made me fall in love with this show. You can almost smell the night air, feel the warm summer wind breeze and know: it's one of those crazy, unusual moments that make us feel alive. The music, the atmosphere, the scenery – it's all perfect and goes straight under your skin into your heart and soul. The scene gives a promise to the viewer that in the future we will witness unusual, as well as profound and ordinary things, but most of all it is a promise that there will be more magical moments like this one and breathtaking surprises like the ones that happened previously and followed right after. And what better promise can a first episode give – and keep? We witness the lives of four gay friends, a newbie, a gay man's mother and a lesbian couple plus their friends, lovers, relatives and one-night-stands in Pittsburgh. Brian, the main character, is a selfish asshole and Casanova on the one hand and a vulnerable, caring, sweet young man on the other. Michael, whose relationship to Brian I have already described a bit, on the one hand loves his proud mother, on the other tries everything to pretend that he's straight at the supermarket he works in. Emmett, a sweetheart of a queen, always delivers flamboyant one-liners and looks for the man of his dreams. So does Ted, suffering from his not-classically-attractive looks, but having a heart of gold. Young Justin is about to discover the scene and has the (bad) luck to choose Brian as his first love(r). And then there are Lindsay and Melanie, just your average lesbian couple, who has just become mother and … mother with the little help of … Brian.

After having seen three more episodes I am completely addicted to this show. I could enumerate at least 1000 reasons why it went so quickly with me and scenes like the one above which pulled me inside this "queer" world. But I won't. Because everybody has their own reasons to love (or hate) this show and the right to discover it for themselves. But I would like to mention "QAF" 's greatest strength and maybe THE reason why this is a brilliant series. Today's TV shows have so many clichés, try to judge, to label. You will find none of this in "Queer as folk". It just witnesses the lives of people without commenting on it, judging or trying to justify what they do. If they want to shag, they shag, if they want to take drugs, they do so without asking anyone's permission, if they want to party, they party and they make just as many and stupid mistakes as everyone does. Sometimes they screw up and there are times they don't know if they want to scream of joy or suffering. They just live and the show celebrates them for it. And what better message can it have? I know that the show was already a huge success in the US, I am glad that it finally reached Europe (or at least Germany) and I am very grateful that I have the opportunity to see it. Great performances by a brilliant cast and a plot that simply knocks you off – for me one of the best TV shows that has ever been done.
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Much ado about two cowboys
30 March 2006
So this is finally it. The movie that moved so many critics in the world. The movie basically everybody has been talking about in the past months. The movie I have been waiting for and looking forward to seeing for three years. Just to leave the cinema with an empty feeling afterwards.

Two men who love each other are unable and scared to admit it because of the time and the society they live in. What potential stuff for a movie! Even more so because it is set in the Wild West area but presented in a natural way. Annie Proulx' short story "Brokeback Mountain" is probably the most powerful, moving, tender and beautiful tale and love story I've ever read in my life. Too bad Ang Lee turned it into a sleepy two-hour documentary of the undoubtfully stunning Canadian landscape and the forced acting of two young Hollywood actors. Because basically this is how you can sum up the film that – according to critics – should actually be able to shake our beliefs and change the world.

As for me, it just didn't reach me. Or touch me. Or move me. Maybe Jake Gyllenhaal is just too flamboyant to play a simple cowboy. Or Heath Ledger too intellectual. From time to time their faces basically scream in this movie: "Give us Shakespeare! Or Allen!" Maybe the movie is badly cut (which surprised me the most as it is made by Ang Lee) – the scenes and landscapes just are lined up one after another and somehow there is no time or space for them to set in. There is no flow. But what annoyed me most is really the obviously forced acting of the two protagonists that ruined the film. The sentence "I don't want to do it but let's just get over it" is all over the place and casts its shadows at every intimate scene those two cowboys have together. Also, often the viewer simply has the feeling to be in a theater and either watch two people perform in a hysteric, overacting way or witness two actors rehearse for their roles. Distance between a performance and the audience might be a good thing and work in a theatre but it sure is bad in a movie because I think the most important thing a film should achieve is to pull you straight into the plot and capture you so for one moment you forget about reality.

It's not about the gay aspect of the story. But this couple in love just isn't authentic enough. Or close enough. Or goddamnit human enough. Two men who work together surprisingly notice that they are attracted to each other. One day, their feelings just overwhelm them and they have sex in the first place they can find – tearing down each others' clothes, sweating, not knowing what to do and one of them simply thrusting into the other. It's all violence and energy, with one or two tender looks in their eyes but so much lust and passion. It's dirty, it's uncontrolled, it's all over the place. You can see their pain and lust in their faces, you can almost feel it. One of the best (first) love scenes I have ever seen in cinema. But what I have just described here is a scene from the gay drama "Proteus" and something you definitely won't find in "Brokeback Mountain".

Yet there were one or two strong things in this film. Stunning, powerful and moving performances by the two leading ladies – Michelle Williams' and Anne Hathaway's best work so far. The soundtrack has the most beautiful music I've ever heard in a movie and is the only thing about "Brokeback Mountain" that really deserves the buzz. And then of course the shots of the stunning Canadian landscape I've already mentioned – they breathe wilderness, freedom and freshness so you just wanna pack your bag and travel there. But what's the use in two good actresses, great music and stunning landscape if you can simply forget about the rest of the film?

My final conclusion is that this film was shot in the wrong time (it should have been thirty or forty years earlier), the wrong director (should have been a gay one or Francis Ford Coppola), the wrong (male, leading) cast (too young, too Hollywood) and simply in too big dimensions. I really wish that this story will be adapted again one day – by an independent, small, largely unknown European company, an independent, largely unknown director, with an independent, largely unknown cast. I think that would hit the tone of the novel far better than this large blockbuster something.

There have been and hopefully will be films that can shake your beliefs, change the world and some ignorant minds. Brokeback Mountain is not one of them.
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