
151 Reviews
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Seinfeld: Highlights of a Hundred (1995)
Season 6, Episode 14
Only Seinfeld "episode" I didn't like
13 February 2023
It's hard to down-rate one of your favourite shows of all time. This is essentially a compilation of funny moments in Seinfeld history (frankly I think they're all precious)

What was the reason for such an episode you ask? Because they got to episode 100. I don't see why that was deserving of this being made as part of the series. But anyway, it just didn't really add anything to the series as you can imagine.

Never the less, I do agree with some of the moments that were picked being the more funny ones. But frankly, the entire series is precious and I can think of numerous other moments that weren't included. In any case, great series, lazy episode that I don't recommend watching.
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Rugrats (1991–2003)
Nickelodeon at its finest
13 February 2023
Rugrats is incredibly nostalgic for me. It's a cartoon that is designed for children but can easily be watched and enjoyed by adults too. It speaks to the phrase "when the cat's away, the mice will play" and essentially follows the antics of a bunch of babies who get up to all sorts of mischief in the absence of their parents.

You also get insight into the funny interactions of their parents and how oblivious they are as well. It's a pretty funny cartoon that to this day I still watch for nostalgia purposes. The individual characters are also so unique and well-performed from a voice acting perspective. Definitely worth watching at any stage in your life!
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Black Site (I) (2022)
Drags on
13 February 2023
This is an action/espionage film that could have been cast a bit better. These are essentially a bunch of Australian actors playing Americans in what amounts to a pretty disappointing film. The pacing is off and the narrative is pretty predictable. The computer-generated images aren't the greatest, with some pretty questionable special effects.

Though I'm being quite critical, I also don't think this is the worst film of all time by any stretch. You can see the film is well-meaning as you watch it and otherwise not deserving of contempt (as a lot of big budget Hollywood movies can be) - but you are also left wondering 20 minutes into the film as to when it will be over.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Great series with important messages
13 February 2023
Black Mirror is a series that essentially focuses on how technology can backfire on society. It's of course a fantasy show and each episode serves as a standalone narrative. As a result, you can easily tap in and out of this show. That's not the de-value the series and suggest that because there's no undercurrent narrative that there's no reason to tune in after seeing one episode. The writers leave you wondering "what else could go wrong in this world?" This is a series that will get you pondering your own life choices. I will say as a slight minus, as a result of each episode being quite different, there is some variability in the quality of each episode. Generally speaking, I enjoyed the majority of this series.
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Life of Pi (2012)
13 February 2023
This film is one of the most memorable films of all times for me. It is based on a book and tells of a boy who experiences a ship wreck and undergoes loss and discovery in a magical world. The film for 2012 is visually stunning and the film score is so memorable and poignant.

The acting, direction, cinematography and notably, the editing/visual effects are truly commendable. There isn't a lot of script but then again, not a lot needs to be said.

The film leaves the viewer to more questions than answers but you take comfort in knowing that answers aren't always important and sometimes the journey is what matters.
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The Namesake (2006)
Kal Penn at his peak
13 February 2023
This is a film that deals with an Indian man in America dealing with an identity crisis. This comes into play with regards to his relationship with his parents, in relationships and in general life choices. It's a beautifully written and directed film with much reflection to be had, particularly if you're from a migrant family in a western country. It also stars the great and late Irrfan Khan who does a tremendous job as the protagonist's father.

This is a film for the ages that I feel is underrated and one might argue, deserves a modern remake - it's clear these issues have not completed disappeared from our society.
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Great and memorable film
13 February 2023
I loved this film when it came out. While I don't care much for soapie-type films, this film was the perfect marriage of culture clash, forbidden love, romance, sports and personal struggle. The main actress, Parminder Nagra does a stellar job as the protagonist - a struggling Indian woman in the UK wanting to pursue her soccer dreams despite her family's wishes. Meanwhile, she has the challenging relationship to navigate with her friend/teammate played by Keira Knightley. She also faces the challenges of being attracted to a white man in her life played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Truly a film for the ages.
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Sexy Beast (2000)
Go Kingsley!
13 February 2023
This wasn't my most favourite mobster/heist film of all time, but one has to pay respect to the good word of Sir Ben Kingsley. He did a fantastic job of playing a fairly ruthless mob boss. The writing and direction are so-so. There is a decent musical score that runs through the film. The casting seems appropriate for what the film ends up being.

There just isn't much of an innovative storyline here. It's somewhat derivative, even for its time. Never the less, please don't mistake my criticisms as me not liking the film - while you may have some reminiscent moments, the performances are strong and you'll be on the edge of your seat for sure!
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The Love Guru (2008)
Not funny
13 February 2023
I can only give three points to the cinematographer and actors who put in the misguided time to make this poorly written and rather racist/stereotyped film. Mike Myers is a funny guy, it's a shame he didn't devote his time to making a more tasteful representation of a "Guru" and giving more credit to Indian culture.

Worse than that, it's genuinely not a funny movie. I had a few moments of maybe "chuckling in my head" but those moments were few and far between in this train wreck of a film. I like the direction Mike has gone with his career, doing more dramatic roles. This was probably a dark spot in his career.
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When We Leave (2010)
Sad and beautiful film
13 February 2023
This is such a difficult film to watch. It's the story of a Turkish woman trying to rise up beyond her culture and religion to pursue her autonomy. It's painful to watch given the strong performances/direction and script which will both shock you and get you reflecting on the current state of affairs.

The protagonist encounters various obstacles towards her pursuit of happiness, sadly within her own family. This is relatable regardless of your gender, cast or creed. The main actress Sibel Kekilli does a fantastic job of drawing the viewer into her turmoil. The pain she endures was truly palpable. A beautiful film.
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Troll (2022)
13 February 2023
I'm afraid to say it, but as much as I want to support a foreign film, this film is so derivative of every Hollywood film about a monster wreaking havoc on a city. This film is very akin to Jurassic Park, Godzilla and King Kong but in Troll format. I won't deny that the Troll looks pretty cool and is intimidating as hell, but it doesn't excuse the lack of originality here. There's token characters that are found in similar movies - scientists, military and some sinister person in the background. I won't say it's unwatchable - you may well enjoy it if you haven't already seen the aforementioned titles.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Brilliant crime drama
12 February 2023
This is a brilliantly written and performed drama about a judge who will go to any lengths to cover up an accident committed by his own son. Unfortunately that sees him squaring off between law enforcement and gangsters- as all good dramas should of course!

There's a lot of suspense and stressful moments in this series. You'll find yourself wanting to tune in for more though I found this to be less the case in the latter season, which moves at a relatively slower but still captivating pace. If you're a fan of Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad, you'll love yet another antihero drama depicted by him here!
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Disturbing true crime drama
12 February 2023
This series follows the true story of an underperforming neurosurgeon with a major ego issue. This results in him covering up horrible errors and botched surgeries that lead to poor outcomes for his patients. The series is brilliantly performed with actors Christian Slater and Alec Baldwin playing colleagues of this neurosurgeon who privately investigate him.

There's a great score by Atticus Ross et al. That keep the story moving with suspense. It's a hard series to follow as you see how disturbed the man is and the consequences of this on his victims. Definitely recommend this show if you're a true crime and medical show fan!
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Resident Evil (2022)
12 February 2023
I had a hard time watching this series due to sheer disappointment. It's a very starkly shot apocalyptic series but it doesn't succeed in terms of writing. The characters aren't particularly endearing and I feel like it's the writing that fails them rather than the acting or direction.

There's definitely some tense zombie-esque action sequences that will momentarily have you captivated. These moments are fleeting as you're then left to return to the relatively bland plot that underpins the series. I would say if you're a fan of the Resident Evil games or even other comparable series like Walking Dead or The Last of Us, you might be disappointed by this series.
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The Woodsman (2004)
Tough but eye-opening film
12 February 2023
This is a tough movie to handle and controversial now and for it's time- but it is written and directed in such a balanced and sensitive way. It has an unlikely casting of Kevin Bacon and Mos Def (now Yasiin Bey). Kevin Bacon plays a released offender (involving children) who is on a personal path towards redemption.

The story some might say is a tad simplistic. But never the less, it's an important story to be told in any event. And the acting is relatively successful and convincing enough in achieving this narrative. If you're a fan of this cast, you'll no doubt be impressed by their performances.
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Seinfeld: The Non-Fat Yogurt (1993)
Season 5, Episode 7
Seinfeld at its best
12 February 2023
This is my favorite episode of Seinfeld. It's hard to put my finger on why. Perhaps I like the Newman episodes. He's a quirky dude and I love how excited he becomes by the "non-fat" yoghurt with hysterical laughter

Perhaps I was also impressed that they got Rudy Giuliani into this episode. And poor George and his layering of lies with the arm spasms. It's hilarious how he perseveres with the lie until it becomes a truth.

Then there's Jerry swearing at the kid. What continues to impress me is how all the Seinfeld subplots come together so wonderfully. Start on this one if you are new to Seinfeld!
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Suicide Squad (2016)
12 February 2023
I must ask a pertinent question: What on earth are Hollywood producers thinking? I feel like they think they have free license to make anything because of infinite revenue. This film is one such example.

Suicide Squad bands together all the A lister actors the producers could think of purely for the purposes of traction. The story and comedic moments are cliched. There are no particularly interesting characters with redeeming qualities for me to care about them.

The only redeeming qualities about the film itself are the production values, including special effects, costumes, cinematography and set design. Otherwise I'd give this film a kiss.
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Naughty adventure game
12 February 2023
For its time, I'm surprised this game even existed. Leisure suit Larry tells of Larry, this questionable 40-something year old dude who tries to seduce young women. The humour is slapstick but had me in hysterical laughter at some points. There's quite a few of lewd jokes here too. It's definitely risqué PC game that you wouldn't want your kids to be playing (even though I did!)

The characters are pretty unique with some well-performed voice work. The story itself is somewhat lacking but never the less, Larry's failing journey through the dating world will keep you entertained and intrigued. See if you can get your hands on it!
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Sam and Max Hit the Road (1993 Video Game)
Fun adventure game
11 February 2023
I loved Sam and Max Hit the Road! It's such a classic video game that deserves its own franchise in the tv and movie world. It centers on an unlikely police detective pairing of a dog and a rabbit out on the town to fight crime.

The graphics were great for its time. The comedy is dry but also innocent so that children can also relate to it. The characters are endearing in their personalities. They are well acted and the narrative is easy to follow but not simplistic at the same time.

I strongly recommend anyone watch/play this. It's got some great nostalgia for me as I played this well and truly back in the day. But the comedy still hits home even now.
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Good GK installment
11 February 2023
Gabriel Knight is a New Orleans writer and book store owner who is as charming as he is foolish. He's always up for adventure and as a result of this, he finds himself in all kinds of trouble. This particular installment sends him to France and ultimately, he finds the adventure he was after. While also finding himself facing off with vampires.

This adventure game's graphics were great for its time as was the musical score. I must say I wasn't as won over by the story as it's predecessors, with some noticeable lulls in the drama. Overall, none of that distracted from this classic being a great game!
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11 February 2023
Loved this adventure game so much. This game series about a New Orleans writer/bookstore owner whose wit, charm and sense of adventure gets him in all kinds of prickly situations. It's a series that blends adventure and drama with the occult/horror. In this particular game, the focus is on voodooism. There's a charm in Tim Curry's voice that can't be beat. He plays Gabriel's voice so well. I also still pinch myself that Mark Hamill is in this as well!

The game is so well-written, you genuinely feel like you're watching a movie. The music score is memorable. The comedic moments are to be cherished. Play this!
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Nostalgic masterpiece
11 February 2023
I remember playing this game in the 90s. It's an absolute classic of an adventure game. It strikes me that people born after that era will be frustrated by the dated cartoon pixelated graphics but back then, this is all we had! As a result, we resorted to relying on good writing and script to propagate the story. Jones finds himself searching for Atlantis in the era of World War Two.

Though they didn't utilize Harrison Ford, the voice actors do an amazing job of bringing this story to the masses. To be honest, I would hazard by saying this video game's story beats movie from the same franchise.
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Star Trek: New Worlds (1999 Video Game)
11 February 2023
It's a real shame that Gene Roddenberry is listed as the writer of this very poorly scripted Star Trek game. There's essentially no meaningful plot, the voice acting isn't great and the gameplay is pretty awful.

I do enjoy most Star Trek video games but this is by far one of the worst I've played so far. The graphics look dated even for its time. You feel like you're looking at a bunch of Lego blocks connected together (badly might I add) rather than proper spaceships that resemble anything remotely from the Star Trek universe.

I wouldn't even suggest watching the gameplay videos online. Pass this one.
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11 February 2023
I'm not normally a Chris Hemsworth fan outside of his Thor performance - and this film is no exception. He and Taika Waititi deliver in this action adventure fantasy comedy. The characters are all so vibrant and well-acted. The costumes and set designs were memorable. The expert cinematography, editing and film score add to a truly memorable cinematic experience.

You'll find yourself laughing to the point of crying at some of the jokes. The comedic timing was literally on point. The story itself is easy to follow but at the same time not entirely simplistic or formulaic. I've seen it 5 times already. Much recommended.
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11 February 2023
I must say. I was really looking forward to this installment. Was a massive fan of Ragnarok, which combined comedy, fantasy and superhero storytelling perfectly.

This film on the other hand- an absolute travesty. It seemed very much like an excuse to get as many A-listers as possible reading a poorly scripted film with some sad attempts at humour. There were few redeeming qualities in this film besides some fancy special effects. It was also quite overacted despite its stellar cast- though that is likely the product of bad direction y Waititi, who I suspect has for some reason taken the franchise in a different direction this time.
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