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Father Knows Best: Father Is a Dope (1955)
Season 2, Episode 10
Manipulative Margaret
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really paints the usually nice and level headed Margaret in a pretty deceitful, underhanded and manipulating light. The episode overall isn't that bad, but the way Margaret is shown to be at the end just ruins the entire story for me because I don't feel her character would be that deceitful and manipulating towards Jim.

The plot revolves around Jim wanting to go hunting for a weekend with his friend and neighbor. Various instances are shown how everyone in the family suddenly and conveniently has reason for Jim to forgo his trip and stay home with them.

Jim believes they were all plotting against his going due to a family sitcom they all watched together the previous night where similar events happened to the sitcom family and Jim was determined not to fall for any of that ruse and continue to go on his hunting trip.

It appeared to me that Bud and Betty's situations were actually just unfortunate coincidences that happened and bad timing. Bud is diagnosed as really being sick by a doctor so he really wasn't faking it.

Betty appears to be genuinely confused at the end of the episode when Jim is apologizing to Margaret for thinking what he thought all along. After Jim walks away, Betty asks "What's he apologizing for?". So I believe she too was completely innocent.

It's then that we see Margaret give a sly, satisfied smile, and winks at the camera while saying "It's amazing the things one picks up on the TV", which is basically an outright admission to the audience that she actually WAS plotting and manipulating to keep Jim from going on his hunting trip all along and I found it unfunny and very out of character for her to do.

And I can't believe she would actually crash the car and damage the fence just to keep Jim from going away for a lousy weekend. The next morning she acts all innocent wondering how on earth she could have crashed the car like that right in the driveway.

But at the end we know, it was all part of her insidious plot...and it's kind of evil when you think about it. She destroyed her own property just to keep her husband from having a weekend hunting trip. It's diabolical and out of character for her.

Also, earlier we see Margaret instruct little Kathy to "Say exactly what I told you to" over the phone when she calls her friend Janet to say she can't go to her party because her Daddy is going to be away....and just as Jim is walking into the kitchen so he can hear it and feel guilty about going. So Margaret has no qualms to use her little girl as a manipulating tool either. It's really kind of sick.

What bothers me about all of this is that Margaret isn't this type of manipulative and deceitful character. In the end of the episode her sly smile and wink to the camera conveys to us that she's actually pleased and satisfied with herself for ruining her husband's trip. Wow.

Betty seems to understand because we see her smile in satisfaction as well which indicates to me that she's learned this now herself and will use it against her husband when she becomes a wife. What a nice lesson in manipulation and deceit to pass along to your daughter.

I would have rated this much higher if they had all the family members shown to be innocent of any kind manipulation and Jim really was just being paranoid, but that reveal at the end of Margaret being the one pulling the strings put her in a bad light, and her character has never been written that way before or after so it's baffling to watch.

I really love this series and watch a lot of episodes multiple times, but this is the only episode (other than the flashback ones) that I just cannot watch over because of how poorly and underhanded Margaret was written here.
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Knuckleball (II) (2018)
Snail paced snooze fest
24 May 2024
After an entire hour into this film the plot finally picked up...a little, but by that point I was so bored that I really didn't care what happened to the kid once the cat and mouse chase began. The kid was pretty unlikable too, which only made my concern for his character even less.

For most of the first hour, there's lots of long shots and long pauses that seemed like obvious attempts by the director to stretch out this thinly plotted film to fill the 90 minutes.

There's too many of these long drawn out shots happening that it took a lot of willpower not to use the FF button to speed things along.

Once the action does begin, instead of just leaving the property for help the dumb kid just runs back to his Grandpa's place to booby trap the home for the attacker when he finally gets there.

I say finally because the attacker lived next door, and it was daylight when he walked out of the house yet he doesn't reach the Grandpa's place until night time. But the kid ran over there in just a few minutes lol. It made no sense.

Why didn't the kid just leave for another neighbor's house for help instead of apparently spending the rest of the day booby trapping the house?! It seems a lot of needless work for nothing.

If there was one neighbor close by, odds are another one wasn't too far off. All he had to do was follow along the obvious telephone lines that were in plain view towards the next property.

Yet he chose to spend hours booby trapping the house instead while leaving the front door wide open also for the psycho to walk right in. The kid really had questionable intelligence.

Even the cat and mouse chase that finally ensued was a bore and once I saw Grandpa's ghost appear out of nowhere, that was it for me. I just couldn't go on anymore after that and clicked it off.

This was the most boring suspense film I've seen in a long time. And those parents....oh my lord....both of them acted like half dead zombies that I wondered what the heck was wrong with them. Neither one seemed to possess any type of a personality.

In fact, the kid didn't either which is one reason I didn't really care what happened to him. The character was just too unlikeable for me to feel any sympathy for his situation.

The only positive I can muster up for this snooze fest is that it was free on Tubi so I wasted nothing but my time and perhaps a few brain cells watching this mess

And the tired "no reception" plot device is so overused at this point in time that it needs to be dropped already.

I can only recommend this movie if you are having trouble falling asleep because this film will surely have you snoozing before the hour is up. 1 star and that's only because it's the minimum you have to give.
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Matlock: The Legacy (1992)
Season 7, Episode 2
Strange ending
23 May 2024
I enjoyed this episode right until the last couple of minutes outside the courthouse. The sister of one of the guilty parties exits the courthouse and slaps Conrad so hard that he nearly falls over on the steps and then says she broke his tooth.

Ben and his daughter laugh at what just happened! I found it incredible how this blatant incident of assault occurring right in front of their eyes is just casually laughed off by the two lawyers while the assaulter just walks away. What the hell?!

She should have been immediately reprrehanded and charged with assault for what she did.

I was really shocked how Ben and his daughter found such a serious incident like that to be funny when it was anything but, especially if Conrad really has his tooth cracked or broken by the slap.

The rest of the episode was great and had me guessing who the killer was right up until the end, but that slap scene really should have been reworked to where that woman was held and charged for assault. Hitting someone like that, especially outside a courthouse should be a charged offense.... especially with two lawyers as witnesses.

Ben just laughing at the incident was strangely out of character for him to do...but I think it was in character for his daughter who I just can't warm up to because she comes off a bit too smug to me when she's doing her job and interviewing suspects. I can see her taking delight and laughing at Conrad's slap, but not Ben. A serious lawyer like him witnessing an assault on his employee and good friend should have generated a much different reaction than humor from him.
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Father Knows Best: Country Cousin (1958)
Season 4, Episode 22
Season 4 Betty is such a hateful witch
7 April 2024
I don't know why the character seemed to turn from a nice average teenage girl into such a spiteful, snobbish, elitist, competitive and hateful young woman during Season 4 of this series.

For the first 3 seasons Betty was a pretty down to earth and nice character, but after she began college and got that short haircut, she seemed to have turned into a monster towards anyone she deemed beneath her...and was especially mean towards her younger siblings.

In just this season alone, she's treated little sister Kathy like absolute dirt as her camp counselor, treated brother Bud so terrible in the episode just before this one that she acted like she was repulsed by his very existence and embarrassed that he was her brother as she tried to impress some elite family that she hardly even knew.

In another episode, she purposely made a date with 2 different guys for the same night without caring at all how it would affect or hurt them because she's Princess Betty and the world revolves all around her and to hell with anyone else. What made her become this way?!

In the first 3 seasons, Betty wasn't this hateful at all. Perhaps Jim called her Princess one too many times that it finally went to her head and she began to believe that everyone else were just lowly serfs placed on Earth to be at her beck and call.

In this episode she treats yet another family member like dirt and this was one that she had never even met before! It makes me wonder if the writers purposely wanted viewers to turn on her because at this point in the season, I really despise Betty! She may redeem herself by the end of the episodes, but it doesn't matter because she's right back to being the hateful witchy Princess again in the next one! I keep asking myself what the hell is wrong with this girl?!

I agree with another reviewer here that the lovely Susan Oliver steals the show here and she really is such a joy to watch. I also agree with that same reviewer how it's a wonder that she never became a bigger star than she was because she had it all....looks, charm, likability and tons of charisma.

If it weren't for the appearance of Susan Oliver I would have certainly rated this episode a big fat 1 because Betty has become so despicable that it's starting to take the fun out of watching. I just want to see someone slap her hard across the face already to snap her back into reality and bring her back down to earth.

Maybe she needed to drop out of college and grow the ponytail back to become the girl that viewers can tolerate again because at this point I wouldn't be surprised if she went full psycho one night and butchered the whole family while they were sleeping because they forgot to call her Princess one day. I can actually see her laughing manically while holding the bloody knife afterwards.

I really miss the sweeter Betty of the earlier seasons. Anyway, my 10 rating is all for Susan Oliver who elevates this episode with her appearance. Hopefully in the next 2 seasons we get to see the nicer, down to earth Betty makes a return.
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Father Knows Best: Bud, the Mind Reader (1958)
Season 4, Episode 18
Not the best, but still far from worst.
5 April 2024
I was surprised to see the low reviews for this episode after I viewed it. While I do have a couple of nit picks myself about it, I overall enjoyed this episode a lot and feel it deserves a higher rating.

Another reviewer here states that the story line seemed to be "unsure where to go", but I didn't perceive it that way. While it is true there were two story lines going on through the episode, I thought they converged well together at the end where Bud defying Jim's orders to stay home wound up helping Betty make her Washington D. C. debate trip that she otherwise would have missed.

And the mind reader kick that Bud was on was a humorous and believable way for him to use and reveal where Betty was without getting caught himself...The mind reading lie seemed to work on Margaret and Kathy, but it didn't get past Jim one little bit and the look on Jim's face when he realized made me laugh out loud.

My nitpicks are just a couple...One is very minor and actually made me laugh as well. When Bud tells his parents that he and Kippy are meeting up with chorus girls from the show they wanted to see, Margaret puts her hand to her cheek in utter shock gasping "Chorus Girls!" My God, you'd think he had said they were meeting up with a couple of two dollar hookers instead! Calm down Margaret.

I know it was the highly conservative 1950's era, but Margaret's heaven's to Betsy type reaction was hysterical, especially since this was apparently a classy opera they were seeing, so it's highly unlikely that these chorus girl women were a couple of seedy saloon girls looking to corrupt her innocent son in unsavory ways.

And in just the previous episode, we saw how Margaret gleefully enjoys watching her daughter play two men against each other by making dates with both of them without cancelling out on one first. Apparently, this kind of amoral behavior from her daughter is perfectly fine with Margaret, but heaven forbid her 17 year old son goes out with an unworthy chorus girl! This woman's morals are kind of screwy if you ask me.

My other nitpick was where Jim defied Bud to leave the house or lose 3 months allowance when all Bud wanted to do was go down to the theater and let Kippy know he couldn't meet him since it was too late to call.

Before texting was invented to easily simplify these kinds of situations, back then it was really the only thing to do, and I think it was very mature of Bud to not want Kippy waiting if he wasn't coming to meet him as promised. Jim could have said "ok, but be back in 20 minutes" or however much time it would take to go and come back quickly and keep away from those horrid and despicable "chorus girls" lol.

When Bud defied Jim's orders and said "I'm going!" I actually thought the show was about to take a dramatic turn which would have been interesting to see had Bud defiantly walked out of the house on his father...but of course in 1958 they had to go for safe laughs, having him sneak out the bedroom window instead...But can you imagine if Bud had just walked out of the house and slammed the front door behind him blatantly defying Jim to his face? I think Bud would've lost his allowance forever!

I really think Jim should have been more understanding to how Bud just wanted to do the mature thing by going to tell Kippy he couldn't make it....and even afterwards when he learns the truth, Jim still makes Bud believe he's angry and says he'll think about suspending the 3 month no allowance.

I think Jim should have commended Bud for being mature and not wanting to have his friend stand waiting for him. Even Kippy wound up doing the same thing himself which shows what thoughtful and responsible friends they were to each other. Actions like that are to be commended.

And besides, without Bud leaving his room, Betty would have missed her D. C. trip and had surely moped and groused about it for days and probably weeks how it should've been her to go on the trip because she's the best at everything and always has to win and to hell with anyone else who may be as good or better than her. She's Princess Betty and more deserving of everything than anyone else.

Ok, i'm being a little exaggerating there, but the "Big Sister" episode that played recently before this one really displayed that mean "better than everyone" competitive streak that Betty possesses. I think Jim calling her Princess all the time really went to that girl's head.

But even with those nitpicks, I thought this was an overall great episode and I just wanted to leave a higher rated review in defense of it because I feel it deserves it.

Granted, the episodes are becoming just a bit lower in quality over previous seasons, but i'm still finding so many of them to be highly enjoyable viewing and I attribute that to the very fine cast who play the Anderson's. Even in the stinker episodes (which are very rare), the 5 actors in this series are always such a pleasure to watch. 9/10.
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The Camp Host (2024)
Strange horror
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't tell while watching if this was a straight horror or comedy horror because some scenes played out so weird and unrealistic that I wondered if it was a spoof of the genre.

I won't give too many spoilers here, but there's a bathroom scene where one of the leads ridiculously thinks a demon is in the toilet and does something so completely absurd than what a normal person would do. I actually laughed at how incredibly stupid he was and felt bad for the poor "demon" that was begging for help.

Then there's the surreal conversations the lead characters have with each other while in the midst of a psycho killer on the loose.

They actually argue about their freaking relationship when they should have been protecting themselves or getting help....or maybe just leaving?!.... Speaking of which....

At one point they were miles away from the danger, but they unbelievably willingly return back to psycho killer's lair......because they forgot their dog lol. Seriously!

Why not have the police come back with you when you go back?! Just make the phone call, or stop at a police station first.... But they're too stupid to figure that out and just turn the camper around back to an armed and crazed psycho killer by themselves! It HAD to be a spoof or comedy!

Then there's the unbelievable scene where the lead girl suddenly thinks she's invincible and upon their return, she boldly climbs out of her camper to insult the killer right up in her face without any weapon to protect herself....while her neutered husband just sits in the car watching and psycho killer has a loaded gun.

It was just so surreal that I couldn't believe they filmed this as straight up horror. I would have rated it higher if it was actually meant to be a comedy, but it apparently wasn't.

And that ending was the most terrifying part of all because it insinuated the possibility of additional sequels on the way.

And since when is a hefty trash bag so strong that you can't just pop your finger in it to tear a breathing hole if a psycho killer is attempting to suffocate you with it? I know they're strong bags...but they're not THAT strong!!! I laughed out loud at that ridiculous scene. 3 stars if it was a straight horror, and 5 stars of it was meant to be comedy/horror. Either way, I just can't recommend unless you're really bored for something mindless to watch.
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Why? (I) (2021)
The title is what you'll be asking throughout this film.
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love horror, but this was so strangely done that I half wondered if it was actually a spoof on the genre than a straight horror. I say this because the victim was made to be so incredibly dumb that it looked like she was spoofing or parodying what some characters do in these types of films when running from a killer.

I won't give much away but I just have to point out what really made me tune out of the film and not care what happened after a certain point.

Here was a woman all alone in a cabin in the mountains.....While reading a book in the evening she hears strange noises right outside. After getting up to investigate, a rock is clearly thrown by someone into the window of the living room she's in.

She begins screaming "Who's out there?" and acting hysterical looking in fear for her life, which is understandable. But what she does 5 minutes later is jaw dropping......he shuts the lights.....AND GOES TO SLEEP!!! LMAO. WHY?!

She went from hysterical and in fear for her life to "I'm going to bed" in the span of 2 minutes. It made no sense at all and that's when I wondered if this was actually a horror spoof movie.

Who would DO that in that kind of situation? She doesn't even use her phone either.... Just turns all the lights out and goes to bed. I was astounded by her actions and didn't care if she lived or died by that point.

There are more instances like this with this woman. She's the dumbest character i've ever seen in a horror film, and i've seen hundreds.

She drops her phone on the ground to run after seeing a dead rabbit hanging from a tree LOL. WHY?! Why do that? Did the sight of a dead rabbit scare her that much to toss her phone away?

The stupidity was just too much with this one....why write her this way unless the intention was for the viewer to root for the killer. But even he wasn't scary as he should've been.

He can't even catch this whimpering idiot when he's wrestling with her in the front seat of her car. I was laughing at parts I should have been biting my nails at.

This could have been a really good suspense flick if the victim were written with a brain. And the police...OMG...there's a known serial killer in the mountains yet the Police Chief sends out one cop to investigate...who is all of 5 feet tall, and a middle aged woman to boot. No backup for her at all?!

If you must watch this film, I suggest you do it on Tubi where it's free. I see that Amazon has the gall to charge $3.99 for this and no one should waste a penny to watch this flick....that alone is the true horror! 1 star for how stupid the main character was written.....I still can't believe SHE WENT TO SLEEP!!...."WHY?" is definitely the perfect title for this mess.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Jaw dropping stupidity
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love these types of suspense films and have learned to be forgiving when there's a plot hole here or plot device used there to further the story along.

But the incidents in this film just kept piling up on top of each other at such speed I sat there incredulous and actually wondered if the writers purposely did it that way to us viewers can poke fun at it. Otherwise, whoever wrote this script should never be allowed to make movies ever again.

****SPOILERS COMING**** Here are just a few of the dozens of unbelievable instances that occurred in this film--- A young woman traveling alone on a 4 day interstate trip is repeatedly followed by a creepy man who nearly got her killed on the highway by not allowing her back into the lane when passing him on a 2 lane road when a semi started coming at her.

Hours later he reappears to her and even a whole day goes by and this creep just keeps appearing wherever she goes but the alarm bells don't go off to this half wit. The next night she's at a rest stop where we see there are men close by who can help her if this creep tried something, but she incredulously just drives away from the safety of the rest stop by herself onto a lonely dark road instead LOL. WHY?!

This creepy man was following her for over 24 hours by this point and the danger bells still don't go off for her?! Come on. As another reviewer noted, this moron couldn't even fit a house plant into her half empty U-Haul in the opening scene so decides instead to just leave it on the sidewalk because fitting it into all that free space available was apparently too much work for her.

She also possesses absolutely ZERO fight or flight skills and not a drop of adrenaline in her body because when she's running for her very life from the creep chasing her through the woods, she steps on a branch that impales into her foot and rather than just yank it out and keep on running, she just sits in the dirt whining in pain and scared to pull it out.

Any normal person would be so high on adrenaline in that instance that they wouldn't even feel the wound, and just pull the twig out and keep running instead of sniveling like a child on the ground.

The creepy killer is no better....he tosses her down into a basement without even bothering to tie her or chain her to anything and is so inept at being a serial killer that he actually leaves the key in the door that locks her away lol. Really...he leaves the key inside the door for her to pluck it out and go free when he's out buying groceries! It's like watching a horror/suspense version of Dumb & Dumber.

There's a final showdown between the two idiots that has to be seen to be believed because it's so jaw dropping silly. Especially the phone call the woman makes to the serial killer's wife instead of calling 911 as he's coming at her with a giant knife. After making the call and getting her on the line, she then THROWS THE WORKING PHONE ONTO THE GROUND TO THE KILLER LMAO!! Why do that? So he can talk with his wife before he kills you instead of you calling 911 and getting HELP?!!

Watch this one only for the jaw dropping stupidity displayed throughout the film. 4 stars and that's being generous.
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The Fearway (2023)
Could've been so much better
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love movies about being chased on the road by a crazed psycho in the middle of the desert with nowhere to go for help, but this movie just didn't deliver it for me.

It did build some kind of suspense in the beginning when I wondered just what the hell was going on, but then when things are finally revealed I was left scratching my head because it made no sense to me whatsoever.

******SPOILERS COMING!!!!!!!*******

Ok....since the beginning of time everyone has died. Everyone reading this review will one day die as well as myself too. To portray death as this sinister, evil looking "ferryman" with fangs who slashes people across the chest with pointy fingernails to take them to the other side is absurd. I've obviously never died before, but I highly doubt that death will come in the form of someone/something so sinister and evil.

For this film to portray death as like that is ridiculous because it assumes that when all of our lives are over, we're going to be met with this angry, evil creature who wants to harm us lol. No, I don't think so. Like I said, I have never died (obviously), but inherently, I just do not feel this and thought it was absurd of the filmmakers to imply death this way.

Had the film specifically stated that this was in fact the Devil who was fighting for their souls, I would have given it more stars, but to basically imply that death for all of us is going to be greeted with a sinister evil man with fangs and pointy fingernails who wants to hurt us is not a very good message to send. I can't speak for anyone else, but my personal view of death is the exact opposite of what this film implies.

Had they just said he was the Devil wanting their souls and the waitress and busboy in the diner were angels who were trying to fight the Devil and help the couple, it would have been so much better and more suspenseful for me.

That would have really elevated this film up a lot imo. I'm giving it 2 stars only for the beautiful visuals of the desert that the film was produced in (it really was breathtaking to look at)...and I thought the woman who played the waitress was pretty good and while watching the movie I was wishing that she were the lead character instead because I felt she was much more interesting than the lead actress and I liked her a lot more.

I can't recommend this film because even without the absurdity of implying that Death is some evil and sinister being waiting to devour us all, it's just a really boring and foolish movie. I'm rating it 2 stars (and that's being very generous).
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Guess Who (2024 TV Movie)
Good suspense
22 February 2024
For a Tubi original movie that was free to watch, this was surprisingly good. I won't give away any spoilers, because with a title of "Guess Who", you should know there's going to be surprises along the way but it's best to see this without knowing too much beforehand.

I never heard of Mummering before watching this, but apparently it's been a tradition since the 1800's and is actually a real thing. I'm surprised that a horror flick hasn't been made with this kind of plot until now because a tradition like that just screams for one.

I thought the plot and acting were both good here and the film kept me interested until the end, and I thought the final scenes were pretty intense...(don't worry, no spoilers will be written in this review.)

I especially enjoyed the lead actress who played Kaitlyn and would love to see her in more horror/slasher flicks. I think she has the perfect look to be a great "Scream Queen" actress like Jamie Lee Curtis was back in the day.

I thought she was really good as the innocent girl thrust into a nightmarish situation and felt the actress displayed lots of charm and charisma. I'd love to see her again as the "Final Girl" in more of these types of slasher flicks.

I thought rest of the actors were also good as well as the production quality and pace of the story. If Tubi continues to make more original horror flicks like this, I will continue to watch them. (but then they'll probably start charging us to watch so maybe I shouldn't say that lol) I give this film a solid 8 and recommend especially to other horror/suspense fans. I really enjoyed it.
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13 Cameras (2015)
Could've been better
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found this on Tubi for free and it held my attention to the end which is actually saying a lot for films made these days. The creepiness of the landlord was well done and his character really grossed me out the way he'd ogle the tenants through the hidden cameras and looking like he was ready to climax all over himself at any second lol. He was so effectively sinister, disgusting and gross.

It was all good up until the final acts where the wife found one of the cameras outside the front door and got all bent out of shape about it. It was weird because the front door is where you normally expect to find a camera lens so why did she go all nuts about it?

And if she found that one, why was it not as easy for her to find the ones in her shower and around the inside of the house....and most especially in the toilet bowl where he apparently had one facing where she eliminated her waste.

Why on earth did he want to look at that too?! Yuck! I'd think even a tiny camera looking up from the toilet water would be noticeable to her if she found one all the way up top of the front door. And when the toilet wouldn't flush, she should have noticed it then when she was paying attention to it.

Another thing that bothered me was as another reviewer stated here....the husband is having an affair with his hot coworker, yet brings her to his house to get it on with her in the poll rather than go to her place or to a motel.....why the hell would you bring her to your own home?!

And even more unbelievable, she had her own key to his home and just walked in when he was out with his either she secretly made her own key from his key ring (which would be difficult to do without his knowing the keys were missing while she duplicated it....or he actually gave her a key to his house to have for herself.) That made no sense at all.

Then there's Hannah's kidnapping by the creepy landlord.....Rather than take her somewhere to hide her....he locks her right there inside the couple's own home down in the basement lol. WHY?! Did creepy really think the couple would never notice a woman was chained up right below them inside the house?!

And creepy is shown feeding her hamburgers and wants her to wear pretty dresses while she's locked down there so he obviously seems to want her to live...yet when she escapes he quickly kills her in the pool rather than just subdue her and chain her up again somewhere else. So why didn't he just kill her the first time?! Made no sense at all.

Then there's the part when Hannah burst out of the basement and the couple realize the creepy landlord had her locked down there. This is where logical people would all just quickly leave that creep house together and get in the car to get far away from there.

Yet the doofus cheating husband tosses his wife and mistress into the bathroom telling them to stay in there and call the police when conveniently, wife's phone suddenly had no signal....yet throughout the whole movie it worked perfectly fine when Hannah would call it lol. Please.

I'm so tired of the plot device of cell phones losing signals just when victims need to use them for help. It's really very rare these days to lose signals anywhere so I wish films would stop using that lame plot device.

Why they didn't all just leave the house initially together made no sense and then creepy just decides to bash husbands head into mush with a hammer and that made no sense to me.

Throughout the whole film he didn't seem to be a murderer and when Hannah was coming to the house to tell about her affair with the husband to the wife, creepy ambushed her, so it appeared he wanted to help the cheating husband by doing it made no sense when he just bashed husband's head in later on.

And weren't there any neighbors to hear all this commotion going on? Why didn't the husband just tell the women to go to the neighbors for help?!

This could have been so much better had the writers thought it out more and made it a little more realistic like having the couple find Hannah and were then thrust into a fight for survival with creepy. Had that happened, I could've accepted the husband and Hannah getting killed since they would have been fighting for their lives and at least given a chance....but no one even had a chance because creepy just killed them without any effort or fight.

And I won't even get into the absurdity of the final scene where the wife became creepy's new captive while he was apparently raising her newborn baby as his own lol. Where and how did she give birth?! Give me a break....stupid stupid nonsensical ending.

Granted, all the victims in this film weren't the least bit likable to begin with, but at least give them a chance to put up a fight. It's why I love to watch these horror/suspense I can see the victims fight back and try to survive.

What's the point when the killer wins in the end? It just negates everything that came before it if no one gets out alive or manages to get free. And really, who wants to see a creeper like that be the victor before the credits roll? I'd rather have seen that guy's head bashed in instead.

I'm giving it 5 stars because it held my attention till the end and even though the characters were unlikable, the acting was good...and that landlord was really creepy as all hell.

I see there are 2 sequels to this so i'll probably give them a watch soon. Thankfully those too are free on Tubi. Hopefully creepy gets his head bashed in in one of those.
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None of it made any sense
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS are in my review from the beginning so scroll away now if you want to watch this film without knowing the key plot points.....

I'm a big fan of 'fight for survival' and 'cat and mouse' films where the protagonist has to match wits with his or her attacker to survive the ordeal, but this film was just so badly done that it was painful for me to slog through to the end...but I did make it....and it was really quite a chore to finish it.

WHY didn't the guy just kill Karen when she opened the door to accept the delivery package and be done with it in 2 seconds? What the heck was that whole elaborate 5 man cat and mouse chase for instead? What on earth purpose did that serve except to be a lame plot device to see the protagonist go all Rambo on the 5 of them? There was just no reason for the 5 men on 1 girl chase that ensued when the delivery guy (who was one of the killers) could have just offed her when she accepted the package early in the evening. It would've taken 2 seconds to do it and the police would have chalked it up to a random killing.

For the ex husband/ex boyfriend to make such a big plan with 4 other guys (friends of his?) to chase her around an empty warehouse (that was apparently the size of Disney World) to kill her made no sense at all.

And the girl was no better. She had her phone right in her back pocket, yet when she realized there were 4 men trying to kill her she doesn't instinctively reach for the phone to call, or even silently text anyone for help. It's not until one of the killers catch up to her later on that her phone falls out of her back pocket and slides across the floor for the killer to break into little pieces.

WHY didn't she whip the phone out when she was hiding inside the barrel earlier?! I seriously doubt she forgot she had it lol. It's giant plot holes like this that pull me right out of the movie and is also insulting to boot. It tells me that the writer really thinks the audience is stupid.

Also, this girl never says a word either. I'm sorry, but if 4 strange men are suddenly trying to kill me while i'm working the first night at a night shift warehouse janitor job, i'd be shouting "Why are you doing this?! What do you want from me?!" It's just natural instinct to question this, but this character stays quiet even while the killer is right on top of her trying to take her life.

Isn't she at least curious why 4 men are chasing her around like this at her janitor job out of the blue?! I can see if she was working overnight at a bank watching a vault with billions of dollars inside. That would make sense because they'd want to get to the money....but why would 4 men want to take this much trouble to kill a female night janitor in some giant empty warehouse that had nothing of value? She didn't seem the least bit curious to ask LOL. Another clue that the writer apparently feels that the viewer watching is a complete idiot.

There are so many better fight for survival/cat and mouse horror/suspense flicks out there to choose from over this. Watch this one if you must, but i'm warning you now, you will lose brain cells watching it.

Oh and she has a screwdriver at the very beginning of the ordeal that she used to stab the hand of one of the killers, yet she drops it when she runs away LOL.... Sorry, but if you're in an empty warehouse overnight with 4 killers, you hold on to your weapons!! Whoever wrote this trash really had no clue how to properly write this type of story because absolutely none of it made any sense.

And finally, why kill the mother of your child just because she got custody of her? If you cared anything about your own daughter, you wouldn't take her mother's life. It's just another thing that made no sense. Perhaps a little back story would have put that into some kind of perspective, or probably not.

This is really just a bad, bad movie that will insult your intelligence the longer you watch it. It gets a 1 star rating from me and only because that's the minimum to give....otherwise it would get zero stars from me because there's absolutely nothing redeemable about this badly written film. Nothing at all. Give this a pass and find another cat and mouse flick to watch. You've been warned. Definitely NOT recommended.
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Margaux (2022)
Killer Smart-home
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did and found myself into the movie up until the third act when it all seemed to fall apart. For the first 3/4 of the film though, the story and acting was all good and the suspense kept building up. But when the Margaux, the Smart Home entity revealed her sinister intentions to the house guests, the film didn't seem to know where to go after that and seemed to scatter in different directions.

It's a shame because up till Margaux's deadly reveal it was really good and the actors were also good too. It was just in the final act where I began to lose interest and would have preferred more of a serious fight for survival rather than the comedic tone it veered into. I don't mind comedy/horror, but this didn't seem to be that genre going into it so to have comedy pop up during the most intense final scenes kinda threw me for a loop. I don't want to laugh when characters are fighting for their lives. I want to feel the suspense/horror of the situations they're in instead.


And the final minute really ruined it for me...I won't do into detail and spoil anything specific but i've noticed this trend in modern horrors lately where the ending tends to be bleak and dark rather than positive, and I really don't like that. I guess i'm an old school horror fan, but is it so wrong to have a positive ending after watching 90 minutes of bloodbath and murders? Come least have a Final Girl make it out and go free. The sinister tone during the final seconds of this was so bleak and depressing. Couldn't they have had the Final Girl fight for survival and blow the Margaux Smart Home sky high to smithereens instead of having her whimpering like a scared little girl in a locked car while Margaux's voice creeped out of the dashboard about to kill her before the credits? When everyone dies in these horror films, what's the point? You need a survivor who fights back and makes it out alive, otherwise we're just watching a complete massacre where evil wins out and that's not very entertaining.

I'm rating it a generous 7 because the story was engaging and the acting was surprisingly good for a low budget film like this. It all just fell apart during the final acts and I really wish someone had made it out alive and blew that smart home away in a fantastic and giant explosion. It would've been such a better ending.
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Route 66: A Long Way from St. Louie (1963)
Season 4, Episode 10
This has become my favorite episode
27 December 2023
Everything about this episode clicked with me which was surprising because I usually go for the heavy dramatic stories.

But this was such a lighthearted and fun story that I found myself laughing and smiling throughout the episode.

I loved all five of the girls and actually think they could've spun off into their own show because they were all so likeable and endearing. I definitely would've watched a series with them as stars.

I even liked that old cad Foxglove who originally had less than savory intentions with the girls but proved to be a nice guy in the end getting them the booking.

I've already watched this episode twice now and as much as I love the heavy drama of this series, this one stands out for me as a huge favorite due to its very likeable guest stars and lighthearted story with a happy ending.

The only thing that saddens me is learning that the Inn on the Park hotel where they filmed the episode has been demolished because it looked like a really nice hotel and sad that it's gone.

I can watch this episode again and again and especially when I need to lift my spirits up a little because it's so much fun.
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Route 66: Peace, Pity, Pardon (1963)
Season 3, Episode 26
One of the best
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The final scenes of this episode are both shocking and gut wrenching and it's surprising to me that something this heavy and dramatic aired on network television in it's time.

I haven't finished the whole series yet but this episode most definitely stands way up at the top for me as one of the best of the entire series.

For a show that's usually light with the stories, this was a pretty far departure into gritty reality storytelling, but had me riveted throughout those final scenes.

When Linc blew up the boat killing the commie soldier it was pretty shocking even though you knew he had to do it to save himself and Tod.

This is imo an episode of Route 66 not to be missed and a solid 10 with excellent acting and storytelling all around.

And I'm really liking Glenn Corbett as Linc the more I watch him. I do miss Buz of course, but I think Linc is a great character with a solid moral compass and I like the actor as well. Don't miss this great episode!
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Could've been a great suspense film
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is really great but the film doesn't live up to it at all. I got hooked into it from the trailer because I love fight for survival flicks. However, this one was not only too predictable and lacking suspense, but the interjection of political stuff that Hollywood loves to shove into every movie made me tune out quickly.

Here's a suspense film about a woman being shot at by an unknown killer in an isolated gas station, yet instead of being enthralled in that horror situation, the viewer is subjected to talk about racism, guns, anti vaxxers, and what a messed up country America is. What the hell?!

It was surreal and jarring and had no place in a film like this, but this is the New Woke Hollywood of today that wants to shove their crazed politics into every form of modern entertainment which effectively ruins the movie.

And they can show close ups of a billboard saying "God is Nowhere" all they want like they did countless times in this movie. was like every 5 minutes they would linger on that billboard.... I will never allow it to brainwash me to believe that because I believe that God is EVERYWHERE and Hollywood can hate on God all they like, but they will never change my mind about that. And why try?! It's weird.

They showed closeups of that billboard way too many times for it to be subtle. It's as if they were trying to convince the viewer that it was true. Why do that? Is New Hollywood really that afraid of God?

Even for the non religious viewer, this movie will not entertain many who are fans of suspense/horror genre due to the blatant politics and anti God message that infects it.

And the main character was shown to be a loose amoral woman cheating on her man who she has the gall to keep his face as wallpaper on her phone but then shacks up with another man in a seedy motel room.

And to make us hate her even more, she video calls him saying how she loves him while her lover jumps in the shower behind her LOL. Are we really expected to care if she has her head blown off in a gas station? I didn't and cheered when her lover got blown away when he walked in the station.

A premise like this could have easily been 10 star rating by me but I have to give it 1 star for being so boring, predictable and offensive.
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Wanted: Dead or Alive: Baa-Baa (1961)
Season 3, Episode 15
19 November 2023
What I love about this series is how you never know what you're going to get with each episode. It's so unpredictable that I enjoy starting the next one and wondering what's coming up.

This was a nice change of pace and I really enjoyed all the comedy in it. Josh's reactions to the unusual situation of hunting for a woman's pet sheep as well as the saloon's teasing of his latest bounty hunt was fun to watch.

When he walked into the saloon and a guy teasingly shouts "Baa-Baa!" to him I couldn't help but laugh along with the rest of the bar. Steve McQueen displayed a good comedic side here and the sight of him running away from the sheep at the end of the episode was funny.

I'm just sad that i'm almost through with this series because i'm enjoying it so much and wish there were more than just 3 seasons. I understand that this type of episode is not everyone's cup of tea, but I for one thoroughly enjoyed it. 10/10.
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Storm Warning (2007)
Slow moving until final act
5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A dumb couple take a row boat out on the water and when it starts looking like rain, instead of going back to the safe marina that they came from, the husband decides to steer them into swampland.

Incredibly, he continues on until there's literally no water left to float the boat on. Why he didn't turn the boat around when the water level began dropping is a mystery.

They actually abandon the boat and begin walking in the woods for a house they can use a phone at. And even after witnessing a murder while out of sight in bushes, they STILL don't go back to their boat and get the hell outta there! You have to wonder how these two idiots managed to live as long as they did.

When they come across a decrepit looking old farmhouse, they don't put two and two together and deduce it may belong to the savage hillbillies they just saw murder a guy. They decide to enter the home like it's their own place and look around for a phone and when the hillbillies return, they're not very happy people!

What ensues afterwards is the husband losing his spine and the woman taking control of the situation as we tend to see in movies nowadays. Man are bad and weak, woman good and strong is the message. Yawn.

The woman of course annihilates the bad hillbillies one by one while her sniveling, neutered, pile of goo husband helplessly watches on. One scene that really had me scratching my head was where she had a loaded shotgun and could have just blown the rest of the hillbillies away after killing the first, but she strangely doesn't use it!!

What she does instead makes no sense whatsoever. She places a half broken bottle up inside her lady parts and allows the hillbilly to take her up to bed. How she managed to walk all the way from the outside barn, to the main house and up the stairs with a half broken bottle up herself with nary a scratch is just amazing!

She lays down on the bed and allows the hillbilly to insert himself into her where his male parts quickly becomes a flesh teared bloody mess. Yikes! She then plucks the broken bottle out of her with surprisingly amazing ease and tosses it onto the floor while the man screams in pain while clutching his shredded, bloody manhood.

I wondered why she chose to go through such an elaborate and dangerous plan like that when she had a loaded shotgun in the barn and could have just blown his head off when he entered. Why place a broken bottle up yourself instead?! Ouch!

This could have been much better had the couple not been imbeciles and the man not been such a sniveling wimp--and that bottle scene was just really dumb because I doubt any woman in her right mind would choose to do that over just pulling the trigger on a shotgun and been done with it. 3 stars only for the gore.
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Scream VI (2023)
Couldn't finish it
29 October 2023
I managed to slog through the first hour until I couldn't take anymore and shut it off. The characters were uninteresting and blah. They all had bland personalities and looked so similar to each other that I couldn't even tell them apart. I didn't care if any of them got murdered.

The plot was boring and not engaging. After an hour of too many soap operas like scenes that made me feel like I was watching a Telanova than a slasher movie I had to shut it off. The opening kill scene that this series is famous for was surprisingly mediocre and made me long for that classic suspense filled Drew Barrymore opening of the original.

Then there's the NYC setting. Watching the murderer do his killing in a corner bodega is not frightening. I laughed out loud because he had a freaking shotgun and still couldn't blow those two annoying sisters away in that tiny little store? Please. It was so damn laughable and sad at the same time.

I was so bored by that point that I looked up spoilers as to who the killers were and wasn't at all shocked and nor did I care. I was just thankful I just saved myself another boring hour of this garbage to find out and ended my suffering. I won't be tuning into future installments of this dead horse, but that won't stop Hollywood from continuing to beat it. 1/10.
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Route 66: Welcome to Amity (1961)
Season 1, Episode 29
Interesting story
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Disclaimer: There's going to be spoilers revealed in my review so if you haven't yet watched the episode and don't want to know major plot revelations don't read the rest of my review and come back later!

This episode had me guessing throughout most of it because many times I was asking myself "Just what the hell is going on in this town?!" It's a story that unfolds slowly as the episode progresses and it kept me hanging on to find out what the heck this was all about.

The lovely Susan Oliver plays Joan Maslow. A woman who returns to her hometown after 10 or so years away following the death of her mother.

She's returning home to move her mother's final resting place from a Potter's Field over to a nicer cemetery on top of a hill. Joan is met with opposition from nearly everyone in town who tries to block her attempt to move her mother.

I kept wondering why all these people were so adamant about stopping her from moving her Mom's grave? The woman was long dead and moving her resting place wasn't going to hurt anyone so it had me baffled as to why everyone in town was so against her mission. It was quite the mystery until things were fully revealed.

The revelation was that Joan's Mom was a loose, hard drinking woman who had relations with a lot of the men in the town back then and their wives still harbored hate and resentment towards her even though she's been dead for 10 years.

I still couldn't see why they were so against moving the woman to a different cemetery no matter what she had done or what their feelings were towards her.

Couldn't they understand her daughter just wanting to place her in a nicer final resting place. Wouldn't they want the same for their own mothers, no matter what kind of a live she had lived?

In the end we find out that Joan hated her mother and was only doing it because she wanted to shame her by doing something nice for her. She says this was her way of paying her back for being the kind of mother she was, but I didn't believe that excuse.

In the final scene, she begins crying over her mother's freshly moved grave and wonders aloud why she's crying when she hated her. Tod points out how she says "hated" in the past tense meaning her hate is now gone.

But I don't think it was ever really there. I think she wanted to do this for her mother out of love and she tried to convince herself over the years that it was being done out of hate or some kind of payback to her.

Susan Oliver owns this episode and gives a riveting performance as Joan. She successfully conveys a range of emotions with just her eyes and facial expressions while interacting with the various townspeople who are less than welcoming towards her that made me really care about the character. And I was glad when she finally found some closure in the final scene at her mother's grave.

I agree with another reviewer here that the ending could have shown Tod and Buzz stay with Joan rather than just walk away so abruptly and I wish they had shown the three of them leaving the grave together instead. But that's my only minor nitpick.

I first "discovered" Susan Oliver last year when watching "Never Say Goodbye" in The Fugitive and loved her performance so much that now whenever I see her name in the opening credits of other shows I know i'm in for a treat.

I see from another review here that this was her first of three guest appearances on Route 66 and i'm very much looking forward to the other two. 10/10 for this outstanding episode.
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PC parody and comedy horror
23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching this I read some reviews of others being offended by the blatant PC of the lead character and I was all set to hate the film because I didn't want my beloved 80's being infected by it.

Perhaps it was just my perspective, but what I saw was PC being parodied throughout the film. The lead character Jamie travels to 1987 from 2023 and comes off like an overly sensitive imbecile when she arrives, immediately checking everyone that she crosses paths with for their oh so ignorant 1980's ways.

And thankfully, the 80's characters weren't made to look like idiots either because most of them checked her right back against her stick in the mud PC ways. I loved how they held their own when faced with her absurd 21st century scolding and it was so refreshing to see characters fighting back to the silliness of it.

When Jamie got all bent out of shape when she saw the carload of guys drive up to the cabin when it was supposed to be just the girls night together, the 80's girl replies to her "Did you think we were gonna lez out all weekend?" I howled with laughter at that, but 21st century PC Jamie chastises her for saying such a hateful homophobic slur. Please. This gay viewer found the comment hysterical and I cringe so much when straight people like her decide to speak for me as to what comments should be considered "homophobic". Unless you're gay yourself, you really have no right to define it for me. Her "lez out" line was damn funny.

She makes these stupid PC comments throughout the film and tries to correct everyone but comes off as an overly sensitive idiot. This is why I think it's purposely done as a parody of the PC nonsense because she sounded so dumb when she opened her mouth.

The overall story here was pretty similar to 2015's "The Final Girls" (which I loved) mixed with "Back to the Future" with a little bit of "Scream" thrown into the mix and I enjoyed the plot of finding the killer and trying to prevent the 1987 murders.

I have only 2 nitpicks of the movie. First was the scene where the police refuse the blood samples of the killer. Jamie mentions DNA which was certainly in use by police by 1987. A simple Google search will tell you that, so the police would have surely known what DNA was and wouldn't have tossed the evidence on the floor while laughing like idiots. Really sad writing there. Didn't these writers even bother to fact check these simple things?!

***MINOR SPOILER COMING*** And then there's a twist revealed at the end while on the gravity ride that seemed to be just thrown in for twist sake and it only complicated things. I liked how the killer was unmasked before the twist occurred and I think they should have just left it at that. What happened after we found out who the killer is was just a little too reminiscent of "Scream" for me and i'm so over those tired Scream type twists because the movie didn't need it.

All in all I thought it was a fun movie and nothing here offended me because I felt they were actually making fun of PC stuff rather than desecrating my beloved 80's with it.

I'm an 80's teen myself and was all set to despise this film but I actually found it funny, fast paced and even endearing in some parts. I think they could have spent a little more time getting the late 80's styles right, but it's another small nitpick. 7/10.
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Worth a watch
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While still enjoyable, it felt more scattered and less focused to me than the original film. Like a lot more was going on over the first one. The addition of the multiverse was fun, but I wondered why Tree didn't seem to have an original version of herself in the alternate universe like Ryan did. She wasn't replacing her alternate self in that world, so the original Tree in that universe had to be there somewhere and I think it would have been fun to see the two cross paths.

---------SPOILERS AHEAD-------- And after Tree was sent back to her original world, where was the original Tree in the alternate world after Tree #2 left it?! She had to be somewhere if Ryan's other version was there. I felt it was a plot hole that should have been filled in. It did feel more like a romantic sci-fi comedy than horror as others have noted, and that's not bad, but a little more horror/suspense would have been welcomed.

The reveal of the killer at the end (I won't share that spoiler) felt anti-climactic and kind of a head scratcher because when I found out why everything was happening, I thought to myself "Why would you go through all that trouble just for that?!" It seemed too lame of an excuse from the killer. It's still a fun film and I enjoyed it, and if there's another sequel to it i'll definitely watch. 7/10.
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The Burning (1981)
Poor man's Friday the 13th
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th was a huge megahit when it released in spring of 1980. This bad carbon copy was filmed that August so it was obviously made to ride the coattails off that hit.

It's not unwatchable, but it is pretty boring. The film lacks any suspense, the kills are ho hum and the final scene where tension is supposed to be at it's highest is a surprising bore.

And there's an unintentionally hysterical scene in a makeshift raft where the serial killer literally slices and dices all 10 campers in 30 seconds lol. Please.

I howled with laughter during that entire scene because it was so absurdly unrealistic. Even Jason never murdered this many people in one shot!

I never heard of this flick until browsing Prime tonight for slasher films to watch and as an 80's teen, I thought I knew all the horrors that came out during that time, but this stinker must have come and gone from theaters after only 2 weeks. Thankfully it was so bad it didn't generate any sequels. Watch this one only for nostalgia sake...and for early 80's gratuitous display of T&A.

I'm rating it 3 stars because it was watchable and if you're a horror buff it's worth a watch if nothing better is available.
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Route 66: Like a Motherless Child (1961)
Season 1, Episode 20
I didn't understand Todd's motives
18 October 2023
I've been watching these Route 66 episodes in order from the beginning and this episode was the first one that I really enjoyed. (Granted i'm a hard to please viewer!) I understood Buzz's angry feelings when Todd took the boy back to the orphanage but logically and legally it was something that had to be done. Even though I sided with Todd in the situation, because of Buzz's personal experience growing up in an orphanage I understood why he took his bags and went his own way afterwards.

After getting a job, he meets his trailer neighbor Hannah, a lonely, sad middle aged woman who gave up her son many years ago. Buzz is roughly the same age as her son would be and is a reminder of her loss. They quickly develop an interesting bond and I thought the scenes between the two of them were the best of the episode. I never heard of Sylvia Sidney before, but I really enjoyed her performance here as Hannah and now want to see her other stuff.

Todd arrives on the scene securing himself a job at the same place as Buzz. He and Buzz are still on the outs but are now tentatively communicating. Todd watches Buzz and Hannah and this is where I get confused. It appeared that Todd didn't approve of Buzz being around Hannah, because when he first came across her on his way to Buzz's trailer the evening before, I guess he realized she's a lady of the evening or at the very least, a loose woman.

I'm only assuming this because the meeting between Todd and Hannah was so brief and all she did was be a little rude to him in passing, but I guess her outfit and the way she talked and moved relayed to him what she was.

But still, I didn't understand why Todd seemed so concerned by that, or the friendship between Buzz and Hannah. There's a scene where he watches them like a hawk, but we aren't privy to what he's thinking. They were just friends as Buzz told him and Todd had no idea what their developing bond was even about, so what was his problem with it? Why did it apparently bother him enough to do what he eventually did?

Was Todd threatened by Buzz's budding friendship with someone else since they were still on the outs from their orphanage fight? Did he feel jealous? It's never really made clear just what motivated Todd to do what he did and I just think it was such a low and nasty thing to do.

He doesn't just tell Buzz that he suspects she's a "lady of the evening" (and even that's not made 100% clear in the episode so he's really still assuming) He has to actually take Buzz to the roadhouse where she apparently gets her customers, and shoves it right in his face with no prior warning, embarrassing the two of them in the process. How low can you be to do something like that to a friend? Buzz of course is hurt, but not by what Hannah is, but what Todd did to him and they fight it out in the parking lot....and then....they make up?! What?! You'd think something like this would tear them further apart.

It appears the message here is that Hannah being a lady of the evening, or loose woman was unworthy of Buzz's friendship and Todd the savior pulls Buzz safely back from her wanton clutches. I realize it was 1961 and these were the very conservative mores of society back then, but it's so archaic and silly watching it through 21st century eyes. I mean, so what if that's what she was? How on earth does that affect Buzz's platonic friendship with her? Or threatens Todd in any way? It's so weird.

I felt incredibly sad for Hannah afterwards because she was a really lovely woman under that hard, bitter exterior and Buzz empathized with that and felt she was worthy of his friendship...which she was.

Why Todd felt she wasn't worthy makes me think much less of his character now which is ironic because up till this point it was Buzz who usually got on my nerves with his annoying sarcasm and tendency to provoke fist fights with people all the time. Till now, I always felt Todd was the level headed one of the two.

But here I was now liking Buzz and not Todd anymore because I think he had no right to interfere in a relationship that he knew nothing about, and it really wasn't his place to do what he did at the roadhouse. And not only that, it was just downright mean.

I only wish it had a better ending and Buzz was able to say a proper goodbye to his friend because she deserved it and I wish Hannah had opened the door when Buzz knocked on her trailer before leaving, but I guess she was too embarrassed and ashamed to face him. It only made me even more angry at Todd for ruining that friendship the way he did out of his own jealousy or insecurity or whatever the heck his motivation was.

Was hurting and embarrassing both Hannah and Buzz like that really worth it just to get him away from her?

I liked the final scene where Buzz left the plant at her trailer before leaving. Even though she couldn't face him, the affectionate gesture let's her know that she was still considered a friend of his and I was glad for that. Shame on Todd though for metaphorically taking a knife and selfishly slicing through a very touching connection that was made between two lonely souls. He had no right to do that.
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Piggy (2022)
Painfully slow
15 October 2023
Piggy is an overweight girl who is bullied and verbally assaulted by mean girls who try to drown her at a local pool and then steal her clothes and bag while she's in the water.

Piggy then walks home nearly naked and spots a white van with her bullies inside all bloody and crying for help through the back windows. Piggy is horrified by the sight as it drives away, but she decides not to tell the cops about their abduction.

What ensues for the next hour or so is a bunch of needless scenes that plods the movie along. Piggy masturbates with her phone under the covers, Piggy has her period at the police station while being interrogated, Piggy almost kisses the serial killer who abducted her bullies in the woods. It's a very long and busy night for Piggy lol.

Also, Piggy's Mama can't stand the sight of her and treats her like crap and endlessly yells at her...on and on these drawn out scenes plod the film along until we finally get some action going on when Piggy finds her bullies alive and tied up in a dark warehouse during the final 20 minutes.

But even then the scenes are so dimly lit that it's hard to see what's going on when the action ensues. And one of the bullies crying to her for help even calls her "Piggy" lol. That's not something you'd wanna say to someone who can save your life.

I won't give spoilers and ruin it for you, but if this film had cut out many of it's pointless scenes, I think it would've been a much better experience.

The plot listing makes it out to sound like a horror/revenge flick which is what I thought it was, but it's not. It's more a slow burning drama than horror and not much suspense.

I'm giving it 2 stars because it moves painfully slow and takes way too long to get to the suspense part which sadly only lasts for like 10 minutes before it's over. Sadly, this little Piggy is a big fat dud.
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