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Foxfire (1996)
Superbly produced and inspired work with extraordinary insight into today's teens
12 January 2015
I think you could live a thousand years and never see a more brilliantly made cinematic work. Literally every scene is eloquently written and masterfully filmed. The visual tone exactly matches the content of every moment of the film. You very rarely see such technical virtuosity coupled with such depth of human interaction. ALL the performances are spot on. The movie takes an unflinching, unvarnished look at vulnerability and love and loss and the way of the world for young people growing up in our time. You've known these kids -- maybe you WERE one of them. Alternately brutal and magical -- FOXFIRE is an absolute masterwork in every way. A vividly beautiful, heartbreaking inspiration.
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Game Change (2012 TV Movie)
Dazzlingly entertaining, superbly crafted movie; wonderfully fun story-telling
16 May 2012
As I recall, the book "GAME CHANGE" was accused of ridiculing Sarah Palin. I'm sure many of the over-sensitive could take that away from the movie, too, but I absolutely did not. In fact, seeing this movie gave me not only a more detailed view of what happened but it also brought me to some serious admiration for Ms. Palin. There are a lot of laughs - it was a crazy situation at times - but the movie clearly illustrates how presidential campaigns have become a form of guerrilla warfare. What the film does best is show Ms. Palin's astonishing gifts as a public speaker and political activist. Julianne Moore gives a truly miraculous performance - there were many times when I thought: "How can that NOT be the actual Sarah Palin!" Before I saw this movie I had chalked most of Palin's success up to her good looks. I realize now that there is a genius of a certain kind in her. The movie makes that clear but very objectively shows her at her best and at her worst. She at times appears to be a monster - though no more so than any person who takes on leadership and responsibilities and has learned how to seriously kick butt. As has often been pointed out, men are forgiven for this far more readily than women. Sarah Palin has the one trait that's universally admired among humans and has been since before the Pleistocene: guts. You have to respect that - and the fact that she's coming from a place of deep personal conviction. If she had only grown up in a metropolitan setting and gotten a standard university education, who knows where she could be today? That's the sad and astonishing reality: her limitations seem to be due to the simple reality that she grew up in a very small town and did not get a very thorough education. I came away convinced that, had she been around in simpler times (maybe the early 1800s) she might well have become the first woman president - a hundred years before women had the right to vote! Lookout Annie Oakley! Eva Peron has nothing on Sarah. Great movie! It works because it remains at all times focused on the humanity of all the characters. The political efforts are merely the stage for each character to play out his or her true nature. I highly recommend this to Repubs and Dems alike. You will LOVE it!
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Inspired writing and performances -- a pure joy to watch
4 May 2012
Every now and then a show comes along that just goes its own way -- fearless -- provocative -- dazzling! This is one of those rare treats and you have to hope that its audience finds it while this absolute miracle is still on the air. These people trust their maddest impulses and what you get is not only hilariously funny but also outrageously original and profoundly entertaining. Just when you think you know who these characters are they stun you with another of their many hidden "facets". Chloe (Krysten Ritter) is always in danger of running away with this one -- you just almost never see a performance this outrageously over-the-top that is also so beautifully nuanced ... but not so fast -- June (Dreama Walker) can turn it way, way up at any time and so can James Van Der Beek -- or possibly anyone in this all-pro cast -- who knows?
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John Carter (2012)
Spectacular -- Transporting -- Surprisingly Moving High Adventure Epic!
28 February 2012
By my standards, "must-see" films are getting to be rather rare. This one is by all means a MUST-SEE for everyone who loves science fiction and/or super heroes! Long before Superman, there was John Carter. Many have very likely forgotten what a resourceful and imaginative writer Edgar Rice Burroughs was. Most people only know he authored the original TARZAN. The movie JOHN CARTER is based on Burroughs' novel, A PRINCESS OF MARS, and his 1911 vision of an advanced civilization on Mars is truly astonishing. Upon seeing this, the first question you will likely ask is, "How is it no one has filmed this fantastic, mind-blowing, eye-popping, compelling sci-fi adventure saga before?" Well, there have been a few faint attempts but the true realization of John Carter's magnificent adventures waited patiently for the masterful CGI wizardry of director Andrew Stanton and the 2012 resources of Disney/Pixar. Amazingly, Mr. Stanton shot this heavily CGI-based epic on film! According to the director, he did so simply to see what it was like to make a movie like this on film before film is gone. The experience apparently has made him a fan of the classic motion picture medium and I imagine we will hear more from him on why. Of course I'm not going to give anything away. Suffice it to say that, thankfully, JOHN CARTER is a complete film experience: a suspenseful, dazzling story -- efficiently and superbly told -- with dramatic and unforgettable visuals -- and compelling, moving performances. Lynn Collins is particularly brilliant and beguiling as the exotic and dynamic Martian princess. Throughout the film the detail is extraordinary and the pacing is right on the mark, relentlessly drawing you forward into the wonder of this newly discovered, challenging, turbulent world. What a magnificent adventure saga! Let's put it this way: if you liked Sinbad, you will LOVE John Carter. Thanks to a sure-handed director, an inspired cast, and state of the art technical people, it's a fulfilling experience that I predict will remain with you always -- especially if you are among the young! JOHN CARTER is the ultimate exotic adventure; a masterpiece of cinematic action and pacing.
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The Artist (I) (2011)
A colossal disappointment - could have been a great film
2 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I give the producers and director enormous credit for being so bold as to make a SILENT, BLACK & WHITE feature in the year 2011. Jean DuJardin deserves all the awards there are for his fabulous embodiment (veritable channeling!) of a long list of great silent leading men, including Douglas Fairbanks (Senior & Junior!), Rudolf Valentino, Ramon Navarro, etc. But sadly there are a number of key flaws in the realization of this film that completely derail the extraordinary possibilities it offered. For one thing, the director seems not to know that silent films never played at natural speed. Much is made of the fact that silent films were shot at 16 frames per second and sound films at 24 frames per second. While this is a fact, makers of silent films all "undercranked" in order to perk up the action. The cameras were even designed to do this because, early on, they became aware that real-time -- without the realism of spoken dialog -- came across as very tedious. And that's exactly what this film is -- tedious. Furthermore, since the movie does eventually break its silence, I must say that the time for that to happen should have been MUCH earlier in the film. It would have been a wonderful touch for sound and dialog (and the revelation of the leading man's accent) to happen at the time that it becomes apparent that sound films have taken over at the box office. Instead, this movie draws it out -- way out -- until the leading man has finally accepted the way of history. It's terribly anticlimactic by then and comes way too late to make a point. Now here's a tip: just to test how this film would play slightly sped up, in the authentic style of silent movies, I watched it again. This time while in PLAY mode I pressed the ">>" SCAN button just once, to speed up the picture. Voila! Suddenly it's very entertaining -- especially the part with the dog! If you're not a fast reader, you may have to pause briefly to read the narrative cards, but this is the way I would recommend viewing the film. I'm not joking. The music is not affected -- and you will be finished sooner as well.
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Free Agents (2011–2012)
A dazzling polished gem of a pilot!
15 September 2011
Wow; wow; wow; wow; WOW! It is well-known in the TV world that a new sitcom now has to open running on all cylinders or it is over. The two seasons SEINFELD had to get it together is a thing of the past - now you're lucky if you get two episodes! Amazingly, now and then, a sitcom manages to present a pilot that is at mid-third-season form out of the gate, like MODERN FAMILY did - and now FREE AGENTS has done. The writing is quirky and original and yet 100% genuine-to-character - delicious dialog! Everyone knows what a great talent Hank Azaria is - and I have known of Kathryn Hahn's stunning performing skills since they gave her the "A" storyline in an episode of that coroner's office series in which she played a supporting character. I have always imagined they may have regretted that since she completely eclipsed everything else that ever came out of that fairly excellent program! This is television comedy AT ITS BEST. So far, I wouldn't hesitate to put this up against the best sitcoms of today or of any day. I can't imagine anyone giving this anything less than ten stars - unless they work for another network! It's truly top-of-the-line.
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The Doctors (2008–2022)
At least as much misinformation as information - are these real doctors?
8 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So, among the usual health tips, what have THE DOCTORS given us so far? A lot of silly live demos - including one in which a black volunteer from the audience was humiliated by a skincare guru smearing white goo all over his face. Then there was the time a couple wondered how their baby's eye color could be different from theirs. Now here's a great question that I'm sure has haunted marriages down through the ages and probably has been the cause of much needless suspicion! A perfect chance for Dr. Travis to explain how dominant traits (brown eyes) and recessive traits (light or blue eyes) interact. He could have finally explained to the public how two brown-eyed parents can easily produce a blue-eyed child. He could have also explained that brown eyes simply have more melanin (pigment) than light eyes and he could have pointed out that, in many individuals, pigment appears in eyes and hair later in childhood. We got none of the above. He simply observed that one parent had flecks of brown in his eyes and therefore could pass that on genetically.

Okay, it's daytime TV - so keep it simple, fast, and program for the lowest IQ possible, right? Cast your regulars and guest doctors on their likability and their Hollywood good looks. So what if your hottie Dr. Lisa has a tendency toward whininess and crankiness. I'll never forget the time she casually referred to plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew as "The plastic guy over there." Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew seems to think he's also automatically a dermatologist but seems to know next to nothing about dark circles under the eyes, simply putting them down to "Mediterranean origin" or allergies. It would have been helpful to viewers if he had explained that the "Mediterranean origin" dark circles are the brown genetic ones that result from pigmentation. The effective treatment for these consists of lightening creams or bleaching agents. And the blue/red pigmentation is almost always due to ruptured capillaries; it's treated with entirely different preparations. Just knowing that distinction - the brown vs. the blue/red would have been helpful to a lot of people.

Another dismal failure was the remote segment that was supposed to inform us as to whether we should drink bottled water or tap water. We hear a lot from the tap water side - including that they test their water every 24 hours. If they had bothered to consult anyone from the bottled water side (a glaring omission) they would have found out that bottled water companies test EVERY HOUR. This is a medical program but they never bother to mention that most who drink tap water are now drinking a percentage of "reprocessed" waste water. Much to the surprise of modern science, traces of antibiotics and other prescription drugs which are routinely flushed down the toilet (the standard medical method of disposal) are being ingested by tap water drinkers. Shouldn't a drinking water quality segment on a show called THE DOCTORS at least mention this? The bacteriologist who finds a high level of bacteria in one sample of bottled water doesn't bother to mention whether this is a harmful bacteria or what symptoms (if any) it might produce. Other things that should have come up would be trihalomethanes which are only produced in piped tap water and the more effective and chlorine-free ozonation process which all bottled water companies must use to purify their water.

The worst thing I've seen yet is Dr. Lisa in Chicago, drooling over and raving about what she authoritatively calls "healthy" hot dogs. Two of the four hot dogs she raves about are regular beef hot dogs which are WAY too high in saturated fat and sodium. Even the turkey dog is relatively high in saturated fat and sodium and low in nutrition. "SELF" magazine's online nutrition guide gives turkey dogs 1.5 out of 5 stars for healthfulness. According to Dr. Lisa, "healthy sauerkraut" and simple vegetable garnishes like tomatoes apparently transform the hot dog into a health food. She exaggerates the vitamin and fiber content of sauerkraut, which is on the low side and she somehow forgets all about its huge sugar and sodium content. In an era when black people suffer from diabetes and heart disease at staggering rates and in which legislation has had to be invoked to prevent more fast food restaurants from opening in black neighborhoods this is just what we need: a black M.D. telling the world how healthy hot dogs are. At the close of the segment we see all the other docs happily chewing away on hot dogs as well! I'm suspicious - was the hot dog segment a product placement deal? Are people paying for the chance to have a doctor pitch their product? There have been a slew of questionable products promoted on the show with the doctors saying they "might work". Well, just when did supposed professionals in the medical field stop waiting for scientific proof? I have to ask again - are these real doctors? The producers of this show are asleep at the wheel. Do they not know how to do elementary research on the net? Doesn't anyone know that nutrition levels of foods are easily checked with official USDA charts? Do the "doctors" not know basic genetics? Do they not care at all about accuracy or dispensing accurate information? Or are they simply hungry to break into the media field at any cost?
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Mr. Sunshine (2011–2012)
Horrendous waste of talent - painful to watch - an exercise in futility.
9 April 2011
Cliché characters, cliché plots, lame jokes, awkward scenes, clumsy shots - It's mystifying that these superbly talented actors could have ever looked at these scripts and thought they could be even remotely funny when produced. in the last episode I watched, they fell into the deadly sitcom trap of all the characters seeming to speak with the same character "voice". I should say "quip" with the same character "voice". Quip - quip - quip - not very pleasant. And not only are these bad scripts, they are bad scripts produced badly. They actually succeed in making Alison Janney look even taller than she is! To begin with, Matthew Perry as lovable Lothario is simply not a convincing scenario. The show tries everything to sizzle - from trying to imitate Aaron Sorkin's rapid-fire quipping to applying juvenile sexual wish-fulfillment. Ugh. I do have to give credit to these brave actors who really do give it their all trying to make this schtick work - but it's an exercise in pure futility. This is a perfect illustration of the fact that you can book all the best on screen talent in the world and still not achieve chemistry or overcome bad writing.
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Entourage (2004– )
Way beyond BRILLIANT - as good as it gets in modern entertainment
8 April 2011
This show sets the bar so high there may never be another production, film or TV, to match it. They could have easily gone for a fine one-hour drama with this much delicious content - but instead they maxxed-out the impact by compressing a stunning array of great scenes into a completely dazzling half hour. Everything here is top-of-the-line: writing, directing, casting, acting, sets, cinematography, sound, editing, music - it is a tour de force of excellence. And there is not a single performance in this entire series that does not rate AT LEAST an A+. Some of the character work is in the stratosphere. Debi Mazar is outstanding as Shauna Roberts, the brassy go-getter publicity agent who every now-and-then reveals a touching vulnerability just below the surface. Often she's held to only a few seconds of screen time yet accomplishes everything necessary to etch a great character on your memory forever. Constance Zimmer conjures up the very soul of Dana Gordon (the earthy, "climb up the career ladder whatever way you can" studio exec) - she is so seamlessly perfect you literally cannot believe she is an actress! Jeremy Piven as the complicated, ass-kicking, no-holds-barred, turn-on-a-dime, win-at-all-costs, beat-the-odds alpha-male agent is 100% IN THE ZONE! I have never seen a performance outside a Shakespearean theatre that matches this in virtuosity. Every molecule - every atom of Piven's being resonates to Ari's larger than life character! Thinking of coming to L.A. to work in the glittering world of the Hollywood entertainment biz? It may be cranked up a notch or two, but this IS the Hollywood of today. Are you ready for the blissful highs and devastating lows? The duplicity, the betrayals, the moments of self-confrontation, the unpredictability, the irrationality, the insane risks, the amazing rewards, the fragility and fleeting nature of success? This is the way it is for the young people who come to scale the heights - or be gutted by the merciless system. As a new actor in town, you should be so lucky as to draw the attention of lovable scumbag Ari Gold!!! All the characters in this show are as real as you will ever see anywhere. You could spend an afternoon on the Sunset Strip any day of the week and come up with multiples of ALL OF THEM. There has never been a better series on television.
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The in Crowd (2000)
Absorbing & worth watching -- especially for Susan Ward's wonderfully eerie performance
22 March 2011
I LOVE movies like this and they are all too rare. Yes, it's a highly commercial venture but its creators and participants just can't resist doing something compelling - and fascinating - with their work. For me, the all-time classic in this category would be Herk Harvey's "Carnival Of Souls" (1962). Expectations are set at zero but, scene by scene, something is developing that you just don't want to let go of. I find that low budget films in general have an astonishing tendency to find their own unique character! The basic premise is well-thought out and very well conceived - you immediately sense the vulnerability of Lori Heuring's very well-played character as the "have-not" among the disturbingly menacing "haves". And, as a result, you feel her personal strength as well. Thus the major conflict is set -- and the crisis and resolution turn out to be pretty gripping after all. Susan Ward is truly mesmerizing in her meticulously developed, wonderfully shaded role. The movie would be worth seeing for that alone but it's actually a very good, spine-tingling psychological horror/thriller and it's entertaining throughout.
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A stunning disappointment
19 March 2011
Academy Award for Best Picture? You have got to be kidding. Take an interesting but threadbare story, pad it up with stereotypical Hollywood moments and phony sentimentality, add lavish period shots - and we got a winnah, ladies and gentlemen. The new King of England has a speech problem and an unlikely bloke from Australia helps him. That's it. Not a lot of twists and turns in this one are there? And, by the way, the whole thing is based on a misconception: that stammering is caused by fear and childhood trauma. We know now it is inherited and physiological in nature, which entirely guts the impact of the content. This might have made a good HISTORY DETECTIVES segment, contrasting the historical event with the modern view. The problem is, no one knows much about what really went on. So, if you want to make a movie, you have to make up 90% of what you're filming, including the actual nature of the relationships between the characters. And they all "feel" made up, with the exception of the little girls - and, for my money, those two also did the best acting in the film. Geoffrey Rush does his usual overly-precious performance, playing hard to the camera and not really working from character. When are people going to wake up to his cloying schtick? What about all those knowing looks between the King and his therapist? Is there some sort of homosexual overtone being implied? If not, what? There's a certain uneven goofiness to the portrayal of their interaction that is superficial, unsatisfying, and very amateur. The only thing holding this turkey up is the superb craftsmanship of the cinematography and physical production values.
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Perfect Couples (2010–2011)
Smart show - superb writing - consistently inspired performances from the entire cast
17 March 2011
Sadly, in today's loud, hot-sex, amped-up television environment, this wonderful program is too easily ignored! I know - because I almost didn't give it a shot, thinking it was just another "couples comedy", drab by comparison to its peers. Note that none of the actors seem to have the stereotypical "star looks" ... you know: giant cheekbones - cleft chins - big baby doll eyes - fabulous hair. Maybe the cast should wear more orange - or hot pink? The characters DO mostly keep their clothes on and DON'T indulge in a lot of outrageous slapstick gags. But just pick up on the characters and listen to those inspired line readings and you will be partaking of the delicious entertainment this show has to offer. The characters are all fun, quirky, and real. The comedy frequently reaches genius level. Wow. There ARE no better actors than these anywhere. They get a sparkling, intriguing, truly original script every week - and then proceed directly to virtuosity! If you happen to record the show and if you truly appreciate great comic delivery, you will find yourself playing the best scenes over several times. And anytime ALL the performances in a show are fantastic you have to give a huge nod to director, casting director, and producers - without whose top-rung participation, this simply cannot happen. This is a SMART show - intelligently conceived and never talking down to its audience. Now I know what it must have been like to view FRASIER before the rest of the world caught on. Watch it ONCE and you will be hooked.
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
Brilliant, offbeat, hilarious comedy with spectacular cast!,
5 November 2010
Wow - you rarely find television comedy this fresh and original. Okay, the settings are familiar ... and maybe a lot of the "family" situations but what goes on is definitely NOT what we've seen before. For one thing, one of the families is a gay couple - played not with the usual clichés but with real human complexity - and funny without the usual slurs. This show is literally dripping with talent - wonderful writing and a stunningly talented cast make for an auspicious beginning for this show. All the kid actors are amazingly talented. Ty Burrell is particularly great, already "inhabiting" this quirky, VERY funny character. And Julie Bowen - almost criminally gorgeous to begin with - turns out to be sublimely talented as well, giving us a fascinating and fully 4-dimensional character that dazzles in every way. What a great new arrival to prime time TV !!!
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Better with You (2010–2011)
Entertaining writing, sparkling performances, and a rare sitcom with a FRESH feel!
4 October 2010
Wow! What a fun show. I've been a fan of Jennifer Finnigan from her outstandingly entertaining work in a guest-starring role on Crossing Jordan and through her first sitcom. I'm pleasantly surprised to find that the entire cast is equally sharp in this new offering! About the rarest thing to find in a new sitcom is a freshness of approach and "Better With You" definitely has it. Oh, the scripts are not revolutionary -- after all, it is a sitcom about modern couples living in the city. But they are fresh, unpredictable, and absorbing. There is a sure hand on this very polished comedic work and it's great to see top-notch actors wring laugh after laugh out of truly engaging material. In all the best sitcoms, the comedy springs from character -- clearly everyone on either side of the camera knows this and knows how to deliver it.
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Julia (2008)
Intriguing, adventurous French film shot originally in English!
2 October 2010
"JULIA" is a rare example of a movie created IN English by a French director - and Erick Zonca is truly one of the finest directors around these days. He's only made 6 films and all of them have won or been nominated for major awards. Sadly overlooked by American audiences, "JULIA" is a beautifully crafted mystery-suspense drama that serves as a wonderful setting for the amazing Tilda Swinton to present one of the most resonant motion picture performances of recent years. It's an in-depth "lead" and, at the same time, "character" role and her performance is truly unforgettable. As we have come to expect from Mr. Zonca, this is a beautifully crafted yet spontaneous work. It is a living, breathing, thoughtful film experience that will stay with you for a long time.
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Hamlet (2009 TV Movie)
Sorry, but this was an unforgivable atrocity from beginning to end
26 August 2010
I'm all for new approaches to Hamlet - I truly LOVED Branagh's portrayal of Hamlet as "everyman". And I'd love to see a modern-day version that really works! (Sorry - not Ethan Hawke's). Mel Gibson's Hamlet was nicely filmed and might have gotten at least a B+ if not for his annoying habit of wagging his head from side to side on every line. Sadly, in the Royal Shakespeare Company's version, almost everything that can be done to ruin the play has been incorporated. Hamlet speaks the lines intended to be spoken introspectively to himself - to the camera! And likewise with the Sililoquoy - during which he keeps glancing just off-camera - as if looking at a cue card! And just whose idea was it to play Hamlet as a cross between Pee Wee Herman and Monty Python's "Upper Class Twit Of The Year" anyway? Hamlet comes off as an absolute jerk throughout - first as a goofy 12 year-old figuratively giving the finger to all the adults - later, as a vicious monster out for blood. Although it is clearly part of Mr. Shakespeare's intention that Hamlet be seen by the other characters in the play as very likely addled, I think it unwise to present him as definitely so to the audience. There's a little thing called "audience identification" at stake. The only people I can think of who might possibly identify with this asinine character would be Generation "Z"! Why not just play him as a good kid gone "Goth"? That would be fun! And why not write your own modern day script if you are going to ignore the poetry? This is truly a Hamlet for post-MTV generations - everyone runs or hustles almost ALL the time. Most of the actors rush through the dialogue, apparently to get to the action, with abject disregard for The Bard's poetic genius. Notable exceptions are Oliver Ford Davies (Polonius), Patrick Stewart (Claudius), and Mariah Gales (Ophelia), whose innate sensibilities for great language apparently immunize them from this all-pervasive plague. Every moment and every line of Davies' Polonius is superb - masterful. Stewart's Claudius is excellent, though oddly played as remarkably sympathetic, with measured civility and visceral remorse. In fact, though probably unintentional, it's far more likely that the audience identifies with him as protagonist as opposed to the obnoxious and self-absorbed Hamlet! Inexplicably, this rendition of Hamlet starts off pretty much as a filmed play, with mostly wide-angle master shots - then, somewhere around the midpoint, suddenly and joltingly discovers cinematography - with closeups, high angles, and stark lighting. The sets and wardrobe are a mish-mash of past, present, and future - oddly enough, more like a Doctor Who environment than anything else! The orange t-shirt with the musculature on the front is particularly witless. Sure, slash a few lines out of that damn Sililoquoy and play it squirrel-eyed and flatter than a dental hygiene film. Or is that actually "tongue-in-cheek"??? Hey, I know - let's give Gertrude a cigarette - why not! And, what do you know, Hamlet is recording a performance with a 1940s home movie camera. Yuk, yuk! Ugh. Not witty; not funny; not cute - just ... WHY? Even the blocking is distracting and forced. Your average television commercial is far more fluidly and intelligently blocked. "Critically acclaimed", huh? If he were still around, William Shakespeare would be suing to get his name off this monstrosity. Sorry, but for the benefit of posterity, all copies of this production should be destroyed.
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Hank (2009)
Great cast, interesting premise, needs a simple tweak or two ...
30 October 2009
First, you have to give credit to Kelsey Grammar for getting in shape for his new series - he is sporting the physique of an Olympic gymnast! Now THAT is showing dedication to your profession. His acting chops are as sharp as ever - but people are going to be looking for FRASIER at every turn and how can anyone be expected to live up to that? It may not even be humanly possible. The problem is that Kelsey still LOOKS almost exactly like Frasier - so you constantly find yourself expecting a Frasier line to come out of him. Here's what they need to do to parry the FRASIER curse: simply give Kelsey a mustache -- or maybe even a beard. He looked great with facial hair in the costume party episode that just aired in syndication. Are you listening, producers of HANK? It could turn out to be a show saver. This is the best way to allow the nega-talented Kelsey the fresh start he so richly deserves. Another thing: the Grady character needs more dimensionality - as soon as he enters we are totally prepared for the mean-spirited sarcasm. Way too predictable - and not really that funny. Everything else on the show is terrific!
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Community (2009–2015)
Great ensemble work with fresh ideas about relationships
29 October 2009
The promos for this series really turned me off. Another dreary, predictable story about the uncaring horny guy pursuing the lovely stand-offish female? Wow was I wrong! These characters are refreshingly complex and give us lots of surprises in an all too short half-hour. The concept of a bunch of mismatched community college students bumbling through life is rich with possibilities and, speaking as a former community college student, has the ring of truth all the way through. All the actors are wonderful -- especially Gillian Jacobs and Alison Brie. The cherry on top is the amazing Chevy Chase, so oft-criticized for being the self-indulgent ham, who delivers as nuanced and compelling ensemble-sensitive performance as you are ever going to see. My sense is that this show has got some serious legs!
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The Middle (2009–2018)
Wonderfully original, entertaining, and satisfying new comedy!
2 October 2009
Supernaturally talented Patricia Heaton may be doomed to playing the long suffering wife now, as far as television goes -- but she is SO good at it. After who knows how many seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond she appears to have completely mastered the role. And who's complaining? I would never have thought there was so much fertile ground left for family comedy but the writers seem to have tapped a whole new vein. Patricia Heaton being one of the most talented humans ever, your expectations are high on anything new from this lady. No disappointments here! Great story - great imagery - sizzling dialog - wonderful character work from a top-notch cast. Where are all these brilliant new kid actors coming from? Atticus Shaffer is simply miraculous in his role as the ... "unusual child". There was so much entertaining content in this half-hour (or about 22 minutes, I guess, minus the commercials) that I felt like I'd watched a class A feature film comedy. It's not going to be easy to maintain this level of excellence but if they even get close, I'll be a huge fan. Can't wait to see the next episode!
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Cougar Town (2009–2015)
Courtney Cox more brilliant than ever - in an unfortunately crappy show
2 October 2009
So Desperate Housewives is a big hit and, as I guess Peggy Lee would have said, "Send In The Clones". Courtney Cox is such a beauty and such a rare talent, it is positively painful to watch it all go to waste here in this pilot episode. Puerile story lines; superficial characters; no interesting or original content whatsoever. Great title, though! Which makes it all the more disappointing to watch. The attempts at erotically amusing situations are all at approximately the preteen level. Watching this show you would have to wonder if any of the writers or producers had ever actually had sex, let alone a relationship. They seem to have simply concluded that hit hour-long TV adventures nowadays are all about the shock value of simple-minded, immature, selfish, trashy, vulgar, sexualized behavior. Probably they think they've gone one step beyond Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy - but all they've done is accidentally satirized them and very poorly.

Only the irrestible Courtney got me to watch the second episode -- and WOW! What a difference -- much better writing and all the characters suddenly have some very interesting depth and complexity. Putting Ms. Cox in almost every scene is a winning strategy -- what an extraordinary persona -- and real star talent! This show might just live up to the hype after all!
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Absorbing, quiet little masterpiece with extraordinary human insight
23 August 2009
Ever see a film so rich in character and humanity that made you want to hug not only the projectionist -- but the projector that brought it to life for you? Well, this is one of those. Not a casual word is wasted as these characters so adeptly sneak up on you. In no time you are carried into their complex inner lives in much the same manner as you get to know new friends and neighbors. Rohmer's story and character design are masterful; the touches are sure-handed and rich. There are moments along the way that make you gasp with recognition. Subtle, inner feelings you may have experienced about yourself and those close to you that you never dreamed anyone else had touched. Unlike so many movies, there's a wonderful awareness that, in life, no one is really in control of even the minutest events of the day. Life happens and continues to happen ... everyone plays their role from the inside, out and we all endure or celebrate the consequences. The subtle insight; the ring of truth; there is such finesse here; this one is unforgettable.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
Brilliantly Hilarious -- and Hilariously Brilliant! Fantastic!
17 May 2009
I've been a big fan of Amy Poehler ever since she played Andy Richter's pigtailed, dental-retainered little sister (with the huge crush on Conan!) on Conan O'Brien's late night show. That first appearance is still the most amazing performance I've ever seen on TV. The addled but adorable Leslie Knope is the absolutely IDEAL character for Amy to play! I'm also thrilled to see Rashida Jones, another of my favorite super-talents, doing a thoroughly delicious characterization as Ann Perkins. Word was that the network was worried about the similarity to The Office. What's to worry? Two genius shows just might be better than one!!! The writing on this show is breathtakingly original and deeply enjoyable. You won't find a better cast anywhere on Earth. This is just another case of "a perfect storm" of comedy excellence on NBC -- along with The Office and 30 Rock. It's well known that the best TV comedy derives from complex, fascinating characters. Along with the creators and scribes of those other two shows, these writers are the absolute best at devising characters that are equally lovable and horrifying -- you can totally revel in their triumphs AND their tragedies!
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Dancing with the Stars (I) (2005– )
Beautiful music! Wonderful dancing! Heartfelt adventure! Delicious entertainment!
30 April 2009
My friends all think I watch this program for the skin-show but they couldn't be more wrong! Okay, who wouldn't enjoy watching such a lavish disply of youthful physicality? But Dancing With The Stars is SO much more than that. Start with the moment the professional dancer meets his (or her) new partner. That could be anything from a race car driver to a famous actress to a computer geek to a cowboy -- or who knows what else? The partners are from different worlds. They barely know each other but their destinies are now in each other's hands. In a matter of moments, they will be locked in embrace -- swaying -- gripping -- tumbling -- sliding sensuously together -- and spending entire days sweating all over each other from elevated head to pointed toe.

Show #1 of the season: It's Monday and the moment of truth has arrived. All those endless practice sessions -- will they pay off? Will it be triumph or disaster? Welcome to the dancer's world. Onstage, awaiting their cue -- the partners lock eyes -- committed, body and soul! Do or die. Now or never. There may be six billion people on the planet -- but right now there is no one who can pull this off but YOU and your partner. Hit it, "live" orchestra!

A small eternity passes; the dance is over. Yes, there were some mistakes. Small ones? Huge ones? Did anyone notice? Did you make an utter fool of yourself? The ultimate challenge has passed -- the look that passes between partners is beyond description. Impossibly -- they've done it! It's over. It's a magical moment of accomplishment and relief.

Oh, but it's NOT over. Chests heaving, they walk to the judging area where they await triumph -- humiliation -- or, mercifully, maybe something in-between. Another colossal challenge looms. You just danced your heart out -- pushed yourself beyond all known limits -- gave it your ALL. But what you think does not matter. These three regal people are the judges. They have observed your efforts and will now apply an impassive clinical dissection. It doesn't matter that they are opinionated, fallible, biased, moody, and often all too human. They ARE the judges and you will have to stand there with the world watching and take it -- whatever it is ... contempt for your heroic efforts -- marginal acceptance -- praise for your feeble attempt at showmanship -- ridicule for your awkwardness -- exaltation at your excellence -- or just more salt in your wounds. You WILL accept it -- whatever it is -- and move on. You have another dance to learn for next week -- or maybe even two or three!

I hope this program brings to the public a much greater appreciation for the character of professional dancers. Though their talents are rarer, their achievements much riskier, their work load much harder, and their careers shorter, the chances for stardom and wealth that are there for other performers have rarely been there for dancers. Before I started watching this show, I had no idea that humans could produce such supreme beauty using only their brilliantly costumed bodies! I had no idea there were people outside Cirque De Soleil who could perform such spectacular feats of strength, elasticity, musicality, and split-second timing. And I never dreamed that anyone who had not experienced a lifetime of training could even come close to dancing at a professional level. Frankly, the idea that a professional dancer would even be willing to attempt some of these feats with a rank amateur still astounds me.

It's no ordinary gig. As the weeks go on, there will be a personal bonding that takes place between partners that will be as genuine as anything they experience in their lives. They will on occasion go to the limits of mind, body, and soul. For them, this experience is about as likely to fade as Wyatt Earp's and Doc Holliday's memory of the gunfight at the OK Corral! Clearly, if they live to be a hundred, they will still reflect on this unique journey of growth, trust, and courage.

Tuesdays are elimination days and they are cruel. This is when the pros and the amateurs will have to face the combined whims of the judges and the television audience. It won't really matter at all how well you danced if America should decide to vote thumbs down on you -- or simply ignore your performance in favor of their favorite celeb -- you will be going home. And the impossible dream will be over.

Personally, I think this part is unnecessary. The rest of the show is so profoundly positive -- I don't appreciate this negative holdover from American Idol. I would rather see ALL the couples dance it out to the last, accumulating points as they go. I also think participants should be required to pass a strength and flexibility test (to avoid the serious injuries) and I don't think they should ever have to prepare more than one dance per week. I would definitely much rather see them do their level best at ONE dance than struggle through two or three half-prepared numbers on show day.

Maybe I'm quibbling here -- but who wouldn't want a great show to be perfect! And here's a thought -- how about a spin-off series -- "Tango With The Stars" that features ONLY the tango?
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
Let's git it on! Ha, ha, ha!
20 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie Sheen has led a sex-charged private life – even openly dating a porn star for a time (Ginger Lynn). -- so why not star him in a show about a sex-crazed sex addict? Haw, haw, haw! What's funnier than sex addiction in the age of AIDS! Haw, haw, hee, hee! Charlie is a good-lookin' guy so all the good-lookin' ladies can't help but jump into bed with him! HA! And they're all perfect, shallow, one-dimensional hot chicks who just can't say "no" – haw, haw. And, of course HE can never say "no", can he? Haw, haw, haw – no way -- no matter how hard he tries – haw, haw, haw, haw! And get this -- Charlie's brother is not so good-lookin' -- and he can never manage to get it on with anyone at all!!! Hooooo -- is that funny or what? What's funnier than that? Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw! But that's not all -- the brother's got a young son who might possibly be disturbed by all the sex going on … But no – the stone-faced little kid knows all about sex and he is way cool with it! That's so funny – haw, haw -- the kid already knows everything there is to know about sex! And there's more ... Charlie's mom is old -- but she's still hot for sex all the time, too! Can things ever get any funnier than this? Non-stop sex – and nobody ever even thinks about getting AIDS! Haw, Haw, Haw! Is this still CBS' top show? Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw!
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The Office (2005–2013)
Top of the line entertainment ... As good as it gets!
19 April 2009
I just watched the April 16 episode: HEAVY COMPETITION". Can any show -- TV, film, or live theatre -- top that? I really don't think so. This was my favorite episode yet -- unbelievably funny and fascinatingly original. These are the best comedy writers on the planet -- with absolutely the best cast on the planet. It takes a terrific actor to perform consistently with this kind of delicate understatement. I have to admit, when this program premiered, I thought the characters and the writing were excellent -- but that it was a one-note samba. I didn't see how they could get more than three good episodes out of the seemingly limited premise. Well I couldn't have been more wrong. In the hands of these genius writers, underneath the "ordinary everyday" faces, these characters are a bottomless pit full of bizarre, interlacing quirks and complexes. Just as in the classic "THIS IS SPINAL TAP", playing a hair's breadth from the straight-on truth is where the greatest humor lies.
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