The Awakening (2011) Poster

(I) (2011)

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An elegant, solid but expected ghost story
rivertam2615 August 2012
The Awakening is pretty much what you would expect it to be. It's well made with gorgeous cinematography and strong performances from its cast. And the story if unsurprising is solidly made and well told. The film is directed well and builds a nice amount of suspense throughout. At times its confusing because of the sheer amount of convoluted ideals being thrown around. The story concerns an educated young woman who debunks ghost theories. She is approached by the headmaster of a school to help out with a problem concerning the boys being frightened there. After some convincing she arrives at the location and begins her investigation. Many secrets are discovered and it builds to a somewhat expected finale. For those of you who've seen the brilliant films The Others, The Orphanage and The Devil's Backbone there's not much new here. Still it's competently made and there is a nice slow burn of suspense even culminating in some surprising scares and plot twists. Overall it's a old fashioned classic spook fest with a bit of wit and borrowed imagination from slightly better films. A bonus scene features sexy Dominic West in a solid performance shedding his clothes which is much appreciated but unnecessary like the other "bathtub" scene. And there seems to be niche with that running through the proceedings it's almost as if the people involved with making the film knew they had something that wasn't the most original concept so they threw in unnecessary things to kind of lead you astray it's a little manipulative on their part but keeps you engaged as a viewer and you don't feel too cheated at the films conclusion. Overall it's an elegant, solid but expected ghost story.
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A ghost story for grown-ups
dharmendrasingh20 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Between 1914 and 1919, one million people lost their lives to influenza. Society was more ignorant back then. Science and rational thinking were not then the forces they are today. People were open to anything, including the possibility of ghosts. Florence Cathcart (Rebecca Hall) stands out in the London of the twenties for being a free-thinker and a debunker of the supernatural. A boarding school teacher (Dominic West) implores her to visit his school following the death of a pupil, where unexplained sightings are being reported. Florence isn't a total sceptic. She leaves some room for belief, which caused me to note she is agnostic towards ghosts. Essentially, there are two stories. One is concerning the death of the pupil. The other is more interesting and distinguishes it from a deluge of other horror films which have vanished from my mind as quickly as the ghostly apparitions in them. It focuses on Florence herself, and I shall say no more as I will not spoil it for you. This is not a scary film; there are several portents but few frights. What there is plenty of, however, is suspense. Nick Murphy, in his feature-length debut, also manages to sustain a melancholy mood, crucial for his story. It's no surprise that Rebecca is the daughter of Peter Hall, founder of the Royal Shakespeare Company. She commands the screen in a way which would cause many of her peers to blush with envy. Her character is a difficult one to personify. Dominic West, he with the simian countenance from the groundbreaking crime series 'The Wire', is very good as the guilt-ridden soldier-turned-teacher. Imelda Staunton is effective as the school matron. She has that look in her eye which is trying to tell us something. I'm calling this a grown-up film because the spiritual element becomes auxiliary. Guilt and loneliness take over as leading themes. Murphy has the acuity to drop the ghost story – because otherwise it would be a simulacrum of other period chillers – and focuses on a story of locked emotion. The denouement is clever and original. The penultimate revelation would have been a superb ending on its own, so having a double-twist is all the more impressive.
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Gorgeous cinematography, muddled plot.
hugomelo6007 May 2012
I love old-fashioned ghost stories, both in literature and in moving picture. It's a harder genre than people give credit to, especially because it's age. Since it has been done to death, almost every possibility and approach seems to have been covered. However, there are movies that have taken the this tired formula and made splendid films - The Orphanage is a good example of a ghost story done right. The Awakening started off right. The acting was good, the mood was efficiently set and the cinematography gorgeous to look at. I was many times at absolute awe at the beautiful images and camera shots that the movie boosted. However, the central thing in a movie is it's plot, and that's where things get shaky. The plot wasn't that great to begin with and as it progressed became less interesting, managing nonetheless to sustain my interest throughout until the end, which was by far the film's greatest weakness. The ending "twist" came too late and was done with too much haste, which hurt it's already shaky believability. I think the ending despite being far-fetched could still work if done more competently and with more preparation. It's still an enjoyable movie, but the beautiful and eerie imagery would be much better served by a better plot. All in all, a solid 5 for the film, 10 for the cinematography. This cinematographer deserves to be well known, assuming he isn't already.
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Beautifully filmed, open-ended, marred by cliches
simmsmaggy11 November 2020
This film is set in a post-World War One society, devastated by loss and alienated from traditional Christian answers about the afterlife. The settings, context and costumes are done perfectly. The tensions between the situation and characters develop quickly, with the help of some genteel and understated movie tropes. But it is in the these tropes that it loses its way somewhat, and towards the last quarter IMO it loses its way royally. Take a pick n mix from haunted doll house, weird kid, who's a ghost, repressed memories and crazy ladies and you can have the awakening of your choice.....
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Good atmosphere
SnoopyStyle23 September 2013
It's 1921 after the horrors of WWI, England is full of charlatans trying to scam grieving people. Florence Cathcart (Rebecca Hall) is a professional skeptic driven to exposing hoaxes and getting the cons arrested. Robert Mallory (Dominic West) invites her to investigate a ghost at a boarding school. There was a murder long ago that could be the source, and recently a student had died. Florence is met by governess Maud Hill (Imelda Staunton) and the boy Thomas Hill. Teachers and staff soon goes on vacation leaving Florence alone with Robert, Maud and Tom in the school.

This setting has a good old fashion atmosphere. It's basically a big old isolated building with a handful of people and a ghost story. You can't really get any more classic than that. The story does have a convoluted twist that could be quite problematic. I was able to follow the twist, and I'm fine with it. Rebecca Hall is a nice capable actress. And she makes a good avenging heroine and a damsel in distress.
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The Second "Twist" Could have been better
culmo8014 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie from the start through the finish despite the first twist.

The atmosphere is fantastic, from the opening scene onwards, there is a certain air to it that has you just waiting for something to jump out at you, without it being hokey.

I loved the main setting, of an old English estate house turned into a private boarding school. I thought the acting was great and I thought the film overall was very nicely done.

Spoilers Below:

I found the second twist, that she actually lived in that house and witnessed her father murder her mother and half-brother, to be a bit of a stretch. While it is certainly possible for a person to block out some memories, I find it very unlikely that anyone could block out their entire childhood and have no recollection upon seeing the house they grew up in.

As to the first twist, that Jonathan was a ghost, I found it clever. Sure, its been done before, but what hasn't? I think they did a nice job of keeping that a twist by having not one, but two people conversing with the ghost.

The third "twist" if that's what it was, was didn't know whether she died or not until almost the very end.

As for other parts...I felt the antagonism with the gardener/driver was an element of the plot that was unnecessary. Either more should have been done with that or it should have been cut.

Also, the sex scene was a little absurd. This woman just had the scare of her she goes with the guy to develop the film and when they see the ghost, she suddenly gets the urge and they have sex? If they wanted to keep that in, they could have moved it to earlier in the film, but it felt odd where they have it.

Anyway, this was a good film and if you like horror movies, this is one you should watch. It's not the best horror out there, but it is certainly better than most of the current crop of what is being marketed as horror; there are no cheap gimmicks or "shock'em with gore and blood" techniques here.
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The ghost of Joan Crawford
davidgee8 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There are noticeable borrowings in terms of themes and atmosphere from the 1961 classic THE INNOCENTS and more recent creepy hits such as as THE SIXTH SENSE and THE OTHERS in this tale of Florence (Rebecca Hall), a nervous investigator of the paranormal who sets out to disprove the existence of a ghostly schoolboy at a remote boarding school in 1921. Imelda Staunton plays the school matron in a style somewhere between Hattie Jacques and Mrs Danvers; Dominic West is a war-traumatised teacher who you somehow know will end up in a bonk scene with our heroine.

There's an endearingly precocious schoolboy called Thomas (Isaac Hempstead Wright) who hasn't gone home for the holidays; Thomas provides a solid counterpoint to the ghost-boy whom we as well as Florence get glimpses of. There's a haunted dolls-house that belongs in the Cabinet of Doctor Caligari. The pace is well-timed. The cinematography is outstanding.

The "exposition" at the end of the movie just about makes sense, but the film teeters on the brink of becoming one of those dire Psycho-shockers from Joan Crawford's twilight years, although Rebecca Hall is (thankfully) a much better actress. THE AWKENING has a satisfying number of make-you-jump moments - like a fun-fair ghost train, scary when you're on it but a bit daft when you think about it afterwards.
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A solid, creepy ghost story that pushes the boundaries of sensibilities
Robert_duder25 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into The Awakening with no prior knowledge of what the film was about except that it was meant to be creepy and had something to do with ghosts. This is the type of film you'll want to go into mostly blind because knowing too much is a bad thing. The film is very well crafted, it knows its genre and it sits comfortably in it. Much of the film feels like its been done before. It could be easily compared to The Others, Woman In Black, or even Sixth Sense and while the film has a twist ending it doesn't really come as a surprise because as many people point out there are very few new ideas in the ghost story genre. However, that doesn't make this film any less smart or entertaining. It is well written and a good story and genuinely gave me chills in several scenes. They use the eerie country setting of the empty boys' school to their benefit and it really gets under your skin. The characters are well developed and the film really has a smart ending that insists you watch carefully to follow each twist and turn. Its not just a ghost story as it also carefully manipulates your mind and shows the downward spiral of the lead character as she investigates the paranormal.

Rebecca Hall is truly excellent in her role. They establish her very quickly as a smart, well educated woman who is a skeptic and jaded in some way. She is riveting to watch her performance as her emotions run high further into the film. She leads the cast effortlessly and shows some real chops in her role. Dominic West is good in his role, though seems to pale in comparison to Hall. His character isn't delved into quite as much so he remains a little more mysterious but he is good. The chemistry between him and Hall is okay but often feels lacking somehow. Imelda Staunton is good, if not a little typical, in her role as Maud Hill. She does a great job but the character just felt a little stale and like we had seen it done before. You know almost immediately there is more to her than meets the eye. Isaac Hempstead Wright is very good in his role as Tom, the young lad left behind when everyone else has left. I would have liked to have seen him in more depth but he does a great job with what he has.

Co-writer and director Nick Murphy is relatively new to the scene but he obviously has an enjoyment of this genre. You can see it in the finely crafted story that appropriately uses the genre elements. Ghost story fans will love this! My issue with the film is that I'm just not sure that the ending is proved by the rest of the film. I feel like there were a lot of inconsistencies in the end that didn't lead up to the twist ending and any good M. Night fan will tell you that you have to drop the smallest of clues to make the end make sense. The ending is very convoluted but in a good way. Its a smart ending and you have to stay focused so I can't fault the film makers for being clever. Its lack of originality hurts it only a little and if you love the genre, then its well worth seeing. Despite its faults, it gave me thrills and chills and entertained so check it out!! 7/10
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a must see for those who like being intrigued
ivanaaaaaaaaa25 March 2012
I can't believe I almost didn't see this movie based on the lower rating and negative reviews. What a shame that would have been! There are always plenty of long reviews, so I won't bore you with mine.

This movie was absolutely wonderful. It has some drama, suspenseful music and scenes from start to finish, and even a bit of romance (but not nearly enough to make this a romantic or "chick" movie).

Each of the chosen actors were perfect for their part and they portrayed assigned characters beautifully. They were very likable and believable.

I'm not going to compare this movie with any other, but if you're like me and love movies such as The Sixth Sense, Shutter Island, Inception, Dream House, etc... I promise you will love this movie as well. You also, like me, may decide to immediately watch it the 2nd time to see if there are any clues you missed preparing you for the last 15 minutes of movie.

Out of over 700 movies in my collection, only 32 have a 10 star rating. This movie comes VERY close to that category. Definitely a must see!
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Is That a ... G-G-G-Ghost?
Chris_Pandolfi17 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"The Awakening" plays it safe as far as supernatural thrillers go, providing audiences with such reliable hallmarks as a melodramatic plot, an ending with several twists, and plenty in the way suspense and shocks. That it's unoriginal, there can be no question. Nevertheless, there's no denying the skill that went into it. It is, above all, an incredibly good-looking film; the atmosphere is one of perpetual gloom, the sun shrouded by gray clouds, the rooms of the old boarding house faded and decaying, the overall color scheme muted drearily. It mostly takes place in an isolated area of the English countryside, and in a fairly open field of dark gray grass and overgrown trees, a piece of old architecture juts into the sky menacingly. The only noticeable departure is that, in spite of the washed-out colors, much of the scenery is not concealed in shadows. That style is reserved only for a select number of scenes, most of which are featured in the final act.

Taking place in 1921, the story opens in London, where a woman named Florence Cathcart (Rebecca Hall) has made it her life's mission to debunk claims of supernatural phenomena and expose so-called mediums and spiritualists. And before I go any further, no, this movie is not a retread of "Red Lights," which not only examined the debate between faith and reason in a much more ambiguous way but was also focused on psychic powers rather than paranormal activity. Florence presents herself as a committed skeptic, going so far as to write a book called "Seeing Through Ghosts." But as the film progresses and her defensive layers gradually peel away, it becomes obvious that her crusade is less about convincing the general public and more about convincing herself. Let it suffice to say that her reasons stem from emotions rather than by scientific curiosity.

One day, she's approached by Robert Mallory (Dominic West), a shellshocked World War I veteran who now teaches at a secluded all-boys boarding school outside the city. He wants her to investigate the recent death of one of the students, which ties into numerous reported sightings of a boy's ghost, the image of which has inexplicably shown up in group photos dating back to 1902. Florence's explanation of the boy's diffused image is logical enough, although she has yet to account for why the last photo, taken only weeks earlier, shows the boy looking out one of the building's windows. She initially refuses to involve herself, but in due time, she comes around. And so she travels with Robert to the boarding school, a bleak, borderline Dickensian world of strict regiment and harsh punishments. The teachers and staff skulk around, their eyes betraying fear, anger, and deep secrets. The boys stand around in constricting uniforms, their heads lowered guiltily.

Upon her arrival, Florence meets the housekeeper, who insists on being called Maud (Imelda Staunton). She's a right bundle of nerves, hovering around Florence with nothing but praise for her book and yet always seeming to know more than she's letting on. Always at Maud's side is a boy named Tom (Isaac Hempstead-Wright), a lonely orphan who inexplicably turns to Florence for solace. She sets up a series of still cameras, wire trips, powder trays for tracking footprints, and various pieces of machinery that would have been considered the latest in technology in 1921 – assuming they existed at all, and you'll forgive me for having no interest in doing the research. It's all in an effort to prove to the boys that there is no ghost wandering the halls. But ... what if there really is a ghost? How else to explain the strange occurrences that keep happening, some of which are rather startling?

To make the story about something more than the possibility of a spirit haunting an old boarding school, the filmmakers work in a mutual attraction between Florence and Robert, one that inevitably turns physical. It begins with a moment that could have been directly lifted from an erotic drama; while preparing a room with booby traps, Florence discovers that a hole in the wall gives her a view of the bathroom, and lo and behold, Robert emerges naked from the bathtub and treats a gaping wound on his right thigh. I'm not convinced of this subplot's necessity, although I will say that I appreciated the effort to make the film a character study as well as a supernatural thriller. Dominic West, known for his villain roles, at last is given the chance to play a sympathetic character, one who is, in a sense, haunted by his own ghosts.

The final act, which is surprisingly sentimental, requires high suspension of disbelief in order to seem even somewhat plausible. Is that to be expected from a movie like this? I suppose so, although even ghost stories have their limits. Still, there's a definite emotional payoff, one that stems from a logical progression of the plot and appropriate development of the characters. And let it not be said that the art direction, set design, cinematography, and costumes aren't put to good use. This film comes only six months after the release of "The Woman in Black," another suspenseful, atmospheric ghost story made by Hammer Studios in the tradition of classic horror movies. I found it incredibly satisfying, in large part because of its sense of style. "The Awakening" isn't quite up to that level, but it certainly accomplishes what it set out to accomplish.

-- Chris Pandolfi (
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An OK film that could've been great.
sandra_conner30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The true tragedy of this film doesn't lie within the backstories of its' characters -- it's that it had so much potential to be a much better film. It had - in my opinion - everything going for it: an interesting plot, compelling characters, an eerie and atmospheric setting... oh, and Imelda Staunton. And somehow it managed to toss all those things aside in the last ~40 minutes of the film in lieu of a not particularly clever twist that had very little, if any, build-up.
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An Instant Classic Ghost Story
robin-72-7182192 February 2013
I found "The Awakening" to be a breath of fresh air for the Horror/Suspense genre. With so many shaky cam, found footage, reality show type horror/suspense movies hitting the box offices and living rooms around the world with poor character development, over the top torture and gore, plots so thin they are the only transparent ghosts in the picture. "The Awakening" is bound to be an instant classic! It's done with just the right amount of restraint, it has a rather Hitchcockian tone to it.What you don't see is far more suspenseful and adds to it.Sometimes less really is more. There is a fine line to walk especially with a ghost story, to achieve that sense of spine tingling, skin crawling feeling and that element can only be teased from the psyche with mystery, not in your face guts or a head being lopped off - that is shock value and gross out, which is perfectly fine for a slasher pic or a grind house movie, but not a good ghost story.

"The Awakening" is set in 1921 England, our Protagonist Florence Cathcart a free thinking, strong willed ghost buster, author and hoax crusher opens this gem of a movie by diving right into the fray. Mediums, psychics and séances' were all the rage during that time period, which began with the religion of spiritualism. Spiritualism developed and reached its peak growth in the 1840's to the 1920's. With many patrons from the Aristocratic and famous class, like Abraham Lincoln joining his wife for a séance after the death of their young son. After WWI many bereaved souls were searching for a connection to loved ones lost either from deadly illness or the horrors of war and were further victimized by unscrupulous charlatans seeking only coin and selling false hope. Florence's main objective is to put a stop to this and shed light and truth on the subject of death, the afterlife and ghosts. But after being invited to a supposedly haunted old grand estate that was converted into a boy's boarding school, with a recent death of a student and a rumor of an old murder and sightings of a ghost, Florence finds much more than school boy pranks and hoaxes - she finds something good, something frightening and something truly enlightening.

The character development in "The Awakening" is done perfectly with solid performances from the entire cast. The cinematography is excellent as is the entire production tip to tail. From sets and wardrobe to the musical score. The research done for the story and time period is what really brings this ghost story to life. It's the small details and creepy little surprises that all add to the reality of the time this story is told and the ensuing mystery. I must also comment on the pacing - this movie wasted no time, it's no action packed, a scare a minute kind of movie, it's far more subtle, but it's never slow or boring and nothing is wasted.

As a true horror/suspense connoisseur (I have a degree in film production and I was a make-up artist/Stylist for print, film and T.V. for 12 years.) I'd like to comment on some of the cynical and negative reviews. One cannot simply lump all horror and suspense films together. There are many subsets of the genre (Slasher, Grind House, Mystery, Supernatural, Creature, Occult, Gothic..etc.)and each has it's own flavor so to speak. You cannot compare a movie like "A nightmare on Elm street" to "The Changeling". Though they are both considered to be horror, one is supernatural slasher and the other is classic ghost story. Even when comparing movies in the same subset like "The house on haunted hill" with "The Haunting" both of which have remakes, have huge differences, usually found in the details and presentation and should be considered unique in their own right. While it may be true that there is nothing new under the sun and we've all seen the same plots and themes over and over again - I have found there is always something new to add to the age old themes.

This movie is in my top 10 of great ghost stories - 8 out of 10 stars for "The Awakening".
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A well crafted, traditional ghost story, with some flaws
yris200224 December 2011
The movie does not sound original, in terms of plot and style, it is a very old-style ghost story, built according to the most traditional but still effective means in pictures like these, where the supernatural has to find its ways. Creaking doors, mysterious sounds, light and dark play, set in a solitary gloomy mansion in the English countryside, are part of the oldest tradition of scary movies, the plot twists are also not new, but the impression I got is that of a simple, well crafted ghost story, with an interesting psychological insight, that without needing exaggerated sci-fi effects gets to appeal and entertain the viewer till the end. A good English cast helps give insight to the the frailty and fears of its characters, and to make up for some flaws in the picture, above all a rather hasty and underdeveloped finale, as opposed to some slowness in the previous parts.
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Some good camera work here and there, but mostly a mash-up of better films
FairlyAnonymous6 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I will not lie and say that The Awakening was a poorly MADE movie, but I will say that it essentially tore any goodness that it had into pieces, burned them, and then quickly attempted to put them back together; as if they never burned in the first place.

The Awakening (yeah, another "The" horror movie) stars Rebecca Hall has a "modern woman" in London who hunts down ghosts and reveals the truths behind it. She is essentially a female Sherlock Holmes mixed with Scooby Doo. She apparently lost someone close to her, her parents, and has since become a strong independent woman. Now, I wouldn't say this in a cynical manner if it weren't for the fact that she is SUPER modern. The way she acts and dresses at times is much more typical of someone... eh 50-70 years ahead of the time period. There is nothing wrong with a strong female character, but when they seem to tear out of their time period it kind of... loses the atmosphere... and this movie tries a lot to have a good atmosphere.

Essentially, she has one last big case to do where she needs to go to a boarding school and solve the crime of a ghost child that has been haunting the place for awhile... and has led to a new death. She thinks she has solved the case at first, but things start to get strange, so she stays to solve the entire mystery. On her side is a man who works there, a lady who attends there, and a little boy named Tom.

Aaaaannnndddd... then the movie starts to make fun of the audience's intelligence. This strong independent woman decides to have super cliché sex with a man she has only just met... and to make things worse she does it within about .5 seconds after discovering that the ghosts are real. It truly doesn't make any sense. This character suddenly has a photograph of the ghost and then turns to the male character and vigorously makes out with him... and then they tear down the blinds which leads to all of their photographs of the ghost being destroyed.

This is the point in the movie where you can almost smell someone burning the script. It is as if someone said "You know this strong character who has been independent and all and is all about the evidence? The second she gets that evidence, let's have her have sex because she no longer feels independent and then have her DESTROY that evidence in the act... yeah... this is a good idea *sips tea*."

But it gets worse! Not five minutes later, the groundskeeper tries to rape her... completely out of nowhere. This scene has nothing to do with the plot, and it ends up with him dying, but it makes no sense at all.

And eventually we get to the movie's infamous and most obvious plot- twist. Tom (the little boy) was the ghost all along *buh bum BUUUMMMM*.

What makes this plot-twist painful is that it was the most obvious idea, so I automatically assumed that it couldn't be. Throughout the entire movie, this kid is not only never talked to by any of the other characters (in a direct manner, that is), but he also dresses and looks EXACTLY like the ghost they are hunting for.

"Huh, a character who shows in and out of the plot at random, which no one talks to, and looks EXACTLY like the ghost they are hunting for... this better not be taking a Sixth Sense route"

Unfortunately, this is where the movie desperately tries to reassemble itself. It tries to make sense of everything in the typical horror movie fashion "the main character was an important pawn for the ghosts, and she is holding repressed memories". So our main character turns out to be the sister (kind of) of Tom, and that the person that she lost was... Tom... all along. You think that would be hard thing to forget...

Long story short, The Awakening has a nice atmosphere, but it never truly becomes scary at any point. There is this random doll house that had some creepy moments, but it is never explained. One could theorize that the main character owned it as a child, and that Tom was showing it to her to kick-in her memories; however, this is never properly explained or shown... it is just an interesting little jump scare gimmick.

All in all, The Awakening had some potential if it wasn't so desperate on the cliché "everything is a big jumbled mess" horror movie ending.
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Good old-fashioned ghost story
neil-47618 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Florence Cathcart (Rebecca Hall) is an unusual woman for 1921. She is informed and educated, and is on a self-imposed mission to expose phony spiritualists who prey on those who lost loved ones in the Great War: we understand that she may well be motivated by her own loss. She is approached by teacher Robert Mallory (Dominic West) to attend a boys' boarding school in the north of England, where one boy has recently died after allegedly seeing a ghost: Matron Maud Hill (Imelda Staunton) has read Florence's book and suggests that her sceptical approach may be what is needed.

This film, co-produced by BBC films, is an old-fashioned ghost story in which there may or may not be a ghost. Despite the presence of a couple of "made-you-jump" moments, it is not a horror film. Instead, it is a portrait of a damaged woman in a world which is itself damaged by the recent War, and it carefully portrays the various repressed feelings of that time: they slot into the story well. But the story also progresses under its own steam, and not always in directions which are entirely predictable. I do not want to say much more about the directions followed because some of them surprised me.

The cast are all excellent. Rebecca Hall is both strong and fragile at the same time, and straddles a line between plainness and luminous beauty. Dominic West's character could well have been a cipher with a couple of facets for character clarification: West makes him a rounded, believable character. Imelda Staunton is, as usual, perfect, and the rest of the cast is good, too.

The photography is excellent - this is a good looking film.

This is highly recommended for anyone who likes an unhurried, but good, ghost story, told with quality.
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Great atmospheric genre movie.
Boba_Fett113830 June 2012
This little movie came a bit as a surprise. I don't think anyone expected anything good from it but as it turned out, this is simply being one fine and very atmospheric genre movie.

This is not necessarily a typical horror/ghost movie but more one that relies on its mystery, rather than on its scares. And it handles its mystery quite effective and compellingly. It tells its story well and keeps things interesting at all times, making this basically a good watch from start till finish. Granted that you can see the big 'twist' coming from miles away already (well, at least if you are somewhat familiar with these type of movies already) but for some reason this didn't bothered me all that much and didn't prevented me from really liking this movie.

The mystery of the movie also heavily relies on its atmosphere, which is simply a great and very suiting one. It has some nice cinematography and also the right required settings.

Another aspect I also really liked about the movie was its main character, played by Rebecca Hall. It was a strong female lead, which isn't all that common for a movie of this sort, especially not one that is set in the very early 20th century. It worked out well and helped to keep things fresh and original, while in essence this is of course still being a very formulaic genre flick.

Yes, if you have seen plenty of movies involving a ghost story already, this movie really isn't anything that new or surprising to watch but it at least, unlike some other genre examples, never really has a dull moment in it and keeps things going and interesting at all times, even when there is not an awful lot happening. I think that this is actually the foremost reason why I ended up liking this movie so much, despite all of its still present and obvious (story) flaws and weaknesses.

Simply a good genre movie, that is well worth checking out.

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There's no place on earth people understand loneliness better than here.
hitchcockthelegend12 October 2015
The Awakening is directed by Nick Murphy and Murphy co-writes the screenplay with Stephen Volk. It stars Rebecca Hall, Dominic West, Imelda Staunton, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Shaun Dooley and Joseph Mawle. Music is by Daniel Pemberton and cinematography by Eduard Grau.

Britain, post World War 1, and Florence Cathcart (Hall) makes a living as an exposer of charlatan spiritualists, a debunker of ghost sightings. When she receives a request from school master Robert Mallory (West) to investigate the supernatural events at a remote boarding school for boys, she is suitably intrigued to take on the assignment...

It comes as no surprise to find that numerous reviews for The Awakening make reference to ghost story films that were made previously. The Woman in Black released a year later would suffer the same fate, charges of it not bringing nothing new to the table etc. A ghost story set in a big mansion or remote educational/correctional establishment is what it is, and will continue to be so, all fans of such spooky fare ask is that it does it well and maybe add some adult themes into the bargain. The Awakening does these in spades.

The concept of a disbeliever in ghosts having their belief system tested to the full is not new, but it's a great concept and one with longevity assured. Here, boosted by a terrific performance from Hall, the screenplay consistently keeps you guessing. The possibilities of real or faked are constant as the director pumps up the creep factor, whilst he simultaneously crafts a number of genuine shock sequences - including one of the best doll house scenes put to film! This really has all the requisite jolts and atmospheric creeps for a period spooker.

It's not until the final quarter when the screenplay begins to unravel its mystery, a finale that has proved both ambiguous and divisive. The ambiguity factor is a little baffling since everything is made clear in a nicely staged scene, and this is something which the director has gone on record to state as well. As for the divisive side of things? That's a blight for this sub-genre of horror. It's convoluted! Contrived! It has been done before they cry! These are true to be sure, and without doubt there's a leap of faith required to not get annoyed, but it garners a reaction and has done its ghost story essence very well indeed.

Beautifully photographed, scored and performed by the leads to boot, this is for sure one for fans of period spookers with brains. 7.5/10
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Fantastic piece of work
Toominator19 July 2012
Wow! I just finished watching The Awakening, and I have to say I've not seen such a complete and entertaining Gothic tale since The Orphanage.

While The Awakening does not have quite the depth of angst of El Orfanato, it nonetheless maintains a constant tension and audience puzzlement up until the last few minutes, when more questions than answers are evident.

Rebecca Hall's Florence Cathcart, and the method used for her professional 'Ghost Busting' procedures reminded me of the scenes set in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes mythology. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it is definitely there.

7/10 - Highly recommended.
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Well played terror movie with thrills , chills , horrific events and sinister atmosphere
ma-cortes17 October 2021
Creepy and eerie film in which a gloomy ghost haunts a school and while an arrogant fake investigator called Florence (Rebecca Hall) discovers false psychics, as she goes to investigate it at a far and solitary location : Umbria, where has happened a strange murder. She arrives to investigate the weird and ghastly boy who's terrorizing the schoolboys and awakening the house's darkest inhabitant at the isolated mansion and then Florence learns a sinister secret . There Florence is welcomed by the suspect governess (Imelda Staunton) and a shy little child (Isaac Hempstead) . With the help of the headmaster (Dominic West) of the Boarding House they must fend off the damned spirit who takes the scared kiddies. As she becomes the next target for the dark ghost resulting in a twisted and surprising finale . All the children are gone...except one. He never forgets . He never left .

The pace of the movie is slow but I never found it dull , the plot deals with a paranormal investigator who finds out false cases of fake medium, cheater clairvoyants , and swindler fortune tellers . As the scary tale narrates the legend of a manor and reveals more untold secrets , evil and tricks of a menacing ghost. It belongs to "Haunted House" sub-genre with various notorious films from the Sixties as ¨The Haunting¨ 1963 by Robert Wise , going on to nowadays . Main and support cast are pretty good . As Rebecca Hall as a skeptical private investigator who exposes frauds and hoaxes , Dominic West as the principal who falls for her , Imelda Staunton as the stiff-upper-lip housekeeper , Isaac Hempstead Wright as a weird student , Shaun Dooley , Joseph Mawle , and John Shrapnel as a local priest.

The picture follows the style of the recently successful Brit films as : ¨The Woman in Black¨ 2012 by James Watkins and its sequel ¨Angel of Death¨ 2014 by Tom Harper . It contains a colorful and evocative cinematography by Eduard Grau. As well as frightening and moving musical score by composer Daniel Pemberton. The motion picture was compellingly directed by Nick Murphy . He's a good craftsman who often works for Britsh television and BBC , making several TV episodes and series, such as : Christmas Tale , The Fog , Nightflyers , Rogue , Surviving Disaster ,The Secret , Prey , Primeval , Dracula , Occupation , Heroes and villians, among others . And occassionally for cinema he has only made two nice films : Blood and this The Awakening 2011. Rating : 7/10 . Better than average horror movie . The flick with appeal to terror fans .
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The most underrated horror film of 2012
mdnobles1924 January 2013
The Awakening is the best old-fashioned ghost story made in modern time since The Others. The film to me was so emotionally powerful, with an engrossing tale of loss, loneliness, grief and fear. Don't go in with expectations of being scared out of your mind even though there is some well executed scares in this film. It's not the type of horror film that really focuses on that element because it doesn't need to rely on it so heavily like most horror movies do these days. The film's strengths are its atmosphere, effective suspense, impeccable performances, a story worth telling and a twist that through me for a loop. The most under appreciated horror film of 2012.

Rebecca Hall plays Florence Cathcart, a Hoax exposer who is called to a boarding house to investigate strange paranormal activity. Rebecca is one of the most under used actresses of today! She was so mesmerizing in this role and it's a shame that this didn't get a wide theatrical release so people can see what a great actress she is; this was Oscar worthy to me. The rest of the cast was great too, that include Dominic West who plays Robert Mallory and Imelda Staunton who gives a heartbreaking performance as the caretaker Maud Hill. These characters were so moving and heartfelt and give the story an emotional punch.

Director and writer, Nick Murphy shows true talent in his first full length feature film, and has strength as a writer. His ability to capture emotion along with shocks and spooks is breathtaking to me; his film grabs and doesn't let go. He is a director to look out for. Stephen Volk who is no stranger to the horror genre, he also wrote screenplays for Gothic, The Kiss, The Guardian, Superstition and Octane. He shows true growth here as a solid writer for this genre. They should collaborate again! Overall, The Awakening treads a lot on familiar grounds, but there is true talent in front and behind the camera that you can really appreciate the presentation. It could of used a couple more scares but the ones thrown at us were effectively spooky. The acting, characters, suspense and surprising twist though, truly drive this film. Recommended! 7.9 out of 10
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Interesting but a little bit conventional ghost story.
HumanoidOfFlesh21 June 2012
Skeptic Florence Cathcart(Rebecca Hall)believes it's a time for debunking ghosts.She is an author of famous book "Seeing Through Ghosts".She doesn't believe in God or any spirituality.So our ghost buster is sent to investigate their provincial boys boarding school where one of the students has died after reports of seeing the twisted spectre of young boy.The strange spectral phenomena overwhelms her as she starts digging in the past..."The Awakening" is a pretty creepy if not conventional ghost story influenced by "The Others" and "The Orphanage".The action moves slowly and there are some genuinely effective jump scares.The cinematography of Edward Grau is lush and the sound effects are great.Unfortunately the film becomes too sentimental in its second half.7 spectres out of 10.
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Not again!
mirwais-orbit16 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are some things quite interesting about this movie. It's well acted, the art design and the reproduction of the time is amazing. The direction is quite good and holds your attention and drowns you into the story.

But when the movie culminates to its resolutions, I felt a little disappointed... well, in fact, a lot disappointed! It all starts when Florence (Rebecca Hall) and Robert (Dominic West) have sex, till that moment the movie was great for me. But that happening was unnecessary for the plot development. OK, both were completely strangers and lonely in an era where casual sex was against the minds of that time and Rebecca's behavior clearly was for her loneliness and the lack of an affectionate sexual life. But anyway, that was simply thrown freely into the story and their approach should have been different and the meaning would still remain the same. From that on the movie was just a show of messy resolutions.

First of all, since The Sixth Sense (1999) this plot about ghosts and children are saturated and overdone, and since there are no longer any other interesting resolutions writers are lately figuring out that the exit for it all is mix every movie's conclusion and give a tone of something completely interesting and new when it truly is not. The Sixth Sense (1999), Stir Of Echoes (1999), The Others (2001) and The Orphanage (2007), you can find a little of them all in this one. But instead of providing an amazing surprise, it just take a tired "not that again" sentence from the audience.

Really disappointing. The writers took the most difficult way to offer more of the same.
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Don't see this if you're wanting a scary horror movie.
katyiana19 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I think a lot of people go to view this movie as a scary, jumpy horror movie and fall into that trap. This movie is different, it's not focused on the horror or the scare, it's focused on the story of Florence Cathcart (played by the fantastic Rebecca Hall) and her drive to prove that spirits are not real and are just 'naughty little troublemakers'. However, she is not really trying to prove spirits aren't real, she's actually looking for a sign that they are real, and her dead, nearly-fiancée has passed over.

It is a really good movie, with a great story, great acting and a great big twist at the end. For some people this movie drags on too much and a lot of it doesn't matter in the end. For me, I loved every second of the story, and the ending was just superb. The twist, when it is revealed, really will make you go 'wait, what?' and I think the movie is worth watching just for the twist.

As I said in the summary, do not go to see this if you're wanting a scary horror movie, or a horror movie really, go watch it for the fantastic storyline and superb acting by all involved.
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A Nutshell Review: The Awakening
DICK STEEL13 April 2012
Haunted mansions and a ghostly kid. Sounds like formula all over again. But to its credit The Awakening packed a reasonable storyline to prop up a mystery and provided some attempts at scaring the audience, except that its focus centered around the main lead Florence Cathcart (Hall) and her capabilities making this more like a ghost hunter's adventures in early 20th century England, with creepy sets to boot.

And Florence Cathcart is undoubtedly an interesting character, who through the course of the film transforms from a Dana Scully equivalent to a Fox Mulder believer. We get introduced to her in the tail end of her investigations to bust false prophets and mediums who claim to be able to communicate with the nether world, and she does so with aplomb and satisfaction, exposing those in the trade to fool gullible citizens who are unable to let go of their grief. A bestselling author, she gets challenged one day by a teacher of a boarding school, Robert Mallory (Dominic West) to look into a recent death of a pupil, who had claimed to have seen a ghost before he died.

Reluctant at first, she takes up the challenge, brings her wares, and digs deep to try and prove that a boarding school is fertile ground for pranks to be played by its many naughty students, a thought that soon got debunked as little by little the inexplicable happens, paving way for great atmospherics set up by the filmmaking team, utilizing the sprawling mansion with its dimly lit long corridors and staircases to full effect. But the scares never really got there, with the usual shadow play and bag of tricks used, with director Nick Murphy being quite certain to want to play up the atmosphere to raise those goosebumps, yet underwhelm in his delivery of real moments that will make your heart beat faster, nor allow you any avenue to squirm in your seat.

The narrative then has enters into the school vacation period, which reduced the number of usual suspects who could have some role to play in the whole scheme of things, such as Mallory himself being a war veteran and have lived through hell on earth during WWI, the matron Maud Hill (Imelda Staunton whose make up makes her look really sinister), and the young kid Tom (Isaac Hempstead Wright) who stays behind because his parents were away. It doesn't take long for you to soon figure out who's who and what's what, although I am fairly impressed with the backstory Nick Murphy and Stephen Volk had come up with, while on one hand isn't something not done before, but still it's well written and fleshed out, dealing with how we tend to psychologically block out really nasty memories from our lives in what would be an automatic self-protecting mechanism.

Rebecca Hall plays it really serious as an investigator hell bent on using (rudimentary) science to bust all matters of the supernatural, only to find herself caught thick in some ghoulish action. She's no scream queen here as her character possesses more of a pragmatic and determined mind to learn of the truth, only for tables to be turned and for her to dig deep into her own experiences instead in order to live through the ordeal. Probably the only disbelief here in the entire movie would be her character's needless romance with Dominic West's Mallory, which was quite unnecessary if only to show that some desperate feelings develop in a cold, dark mansion with two lonely people being put together.

The final scenes of the film offered up some nice little twists and surprises that prolonged the conclusion, with an epilogue that will leave you guessing right up until the last minute to see whether Nick Murphy decided to go for the jugular like other films in the genre, or to stick to a more traditional and conventional finale, and I'm glad it was what it had decided to be. It may not effectively be an out and out horror film designed to scare, but as a mystery-thriller, it does have what it takes and presented something quite decent through its storytelling strength.
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Surprisingly stale
p-stepien19 January 2013
Florence Cathcart (Rebecca Hall) is a conceited and renowned expert in the otherworld of ghastly ghosts. Or to more exact - an expert in demonstrating that they do not exist and uncovering parlour tricks used to create illusions of their presence. Nonetheless each and every time she disproves another false ghost, Florence sighs in anguish, almost hoping that her conviction were misplaced. When Robert Mallort (Dominic West) arrives from a boy's boarding school in Rockford, Cumbria, where a boy was supposedly murdered by a ghost, she reluctantly agrees to aide him. On arrival, she is welcomed by governess Maud (Imelda Staunton), who shows an very intense admiration for Cathcart. Florence immediately sets out to scientifically explain the ghostly apparitions.

Similar in tone and atmosphere to "The Others", Nick Murphy explores the haunting corridors of a vast run-down boarding school, together with all its creaking secrets and dimly lit corners. Despite my intense liking for old-fashioned ghost stories, "The Awakening" however failed in intrigue and turn on, quickly falling into traps of formulaic treatment. A far cry for recreating lasting suspense and - more importantly - an interest in the mansion's mystery, it plods out to a somewhat surprising, but ultimately dreary conclusion, which feels as if ripped off from a nameless ghost flick already seen. Despite some splendid visuals the overall feel just missed a touch of individual flair, making it overly repetitive for anyone with a wider outlook on similar movies. The disjointed narrative naturally does not help proceedings, as it jumps around failing to really get a hold of whatever key story it was telling - rushed in some places, sleepily overstaying its welcome in others.
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