Andromeda (2022) Poster


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Compulsory veiwing...
mike_nightingale2 February 2024
Compulsory viewing for film students! So that they can see how not to make a movie. I feel sorry for whoever made this, but they should really watch a few more movies before making their own, and you know, take some notes? To be fair, I could not watch more than the first 15 minutes of this, and hey, perhaps it morphed into the best movie ever made! But I will never know because 15 mins was more than I could stomach.

From what I saw they probably made every mistake possible, because lord knows I saw enough in that 15 minutes. They took the sage advice "Show don't tell" and made it a bad thing, by telling (a voiceover) and showing visuals of what the voiceover was describing. And I could go on, but I will leave it there. If you have not seen it, leave it there too!
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Nice try!
tbo7730 December 2022
This movie is a great effort, but falls short in all categories. Interesting premise, albeit popular and unoriginal, I still enjoy sci-fi bombs.. (this was just barely not a bomb.) There is enough to be intrigued, while acting is adequate at best. And take note of the digital graphics: while low level, still fun to observe. It's so funny, because I restarted Mass Effect: Andromeda (PS4) the night before I watched this film. Very similar stuff (including art...) except that Mass Effect had more than 89 minutes and a larger budget to execute something expansive and filled out. If I'm not mistaken - I saw Andromeda 2 may be in the works. If they get another chance, let us hope for a bigger budget.
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He's Late
nogodnomasters15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aiden Crawford (Tim Llewellyn) takes pills and attempts to drown himself in a tub every night. He is summoned to NASA to discuss his dead father, who he learns may or not be dead six years after his funeral. His father was an astronaut who had secretly gone to Mars to see if it could be colonized as Earth will someday be uninhabitable for an unstated reason. His father Will Crawford (Paul T. Taylor) invented a device that looks like a 3-D game viewer where a person can transport themselves somewhere else as an unseen hologram, or as a person, I haven't figured that out. Rather than go to the Dallas Cheerleaders change locker, Will finds a habitable planet NB-22 which is in the Andromeda galaxy. Not Andromeda constellation in our Galaxy, but a gazillion miles away in another Galaxy. For some reason some more technological beings in their galaxy don't want us invading their space. Will is able to make weapons and spacecraft out of their technology, apparently a MacGyver on steroids and a welding machine.

The outer space stuff seemed CGI. The film was mostly Aiden talking to suits in one room and then his shrink, going home and relaxing in the tub under the water. Good napping material.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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Yeah I saw Ad Astra too
ronacoro10 November 2022
I have an idea. Hear me out. Let's take a delightful spectacle of a science fiction movie starring one of Hollywood's biggest movie stars in one of his great performances in a movie with stunning visuals and strong familial themes and rip it off with z grade actors and cheap effects from film students wrapped in a story that wants so much to be deep and meaningful but seems like they watched Ad Astra, missed the point entirely and then said we can do this. What could possibly go wrong when amateurs have an idea like this and let it fester into something beyond just an idea? Oh. I know the answer. You get Andromeda. What a joke. Skip it and watch Ad Astra, or anything else, instead.
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bbforthewin15 November 2022
Cheap bad imitation movie probably doesn't want you to know that its a ripoff of better things. Not inspired but a bad ripoff with no originality. Misleading poster and movie trailer might have you believing you'll watch something else but even if you have watched the movie trailer you can already tell that it looks like a PS2 game with it's visuals and sounds like a PS1 game with it's bad acting. If you want a cheap scifi movie to watch for some reason then I'm sure you can find it somewhere but not here. IF you want a cheap scifi movie that delivers nothing but boredom bad writing and laughing when not supposed to be funny then watch Andromeda.
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A Great Actor in a Bad Movie
DellrayRotar24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This one is very hard for me to rate. Some elements are a 1/10 and others are an 8/10.

Tim Llewellyn is a great actor who was cast in this unfortunate movie. He deserves a much better film. As the main character Aiden, he portrayed true emotion. He didn't say his lines...he lived them. I don't know from what emotional well he was drawing from but I believe we saw sincere and true emotions in the film. And that's no small feat considering how absurd parts are the film are. He gets 8/10 for acting and I believe he is a future A-list actor that needs another film to showcase him.

Michael Dooley was also adequate and has promise. I wasn't a big fan of Tom Zembrod in this role but maybe a lot of my critique comes from the script and what he had to work with. He had a one-note role and his voice reminded me of Agent Smith from the Matrix. He also seemed uncomfortable with what to do with his hands. Other actors such as the shrink seemed unauthentic and very much like reading their lines and emotions not being genuine.

My critiques are many. The whole idea of the neural inhibitor made no sense. Is it basically the Metaverse? If you travel to the far reaches of what's in the VR goggles, is that actually what is out there in the universe? Or are we just killing people and loading their conscious into a videogame? How can this save humanity?

When the movie went to Metaverse it lost me. Some of the visuals were okay but they never showed faces. Other visuals looked very old school video game. The voices didn't really match the action. A few Terminator bots with laser rifles didn't really cut it.

This movie has one redeeming element - the lead actor. I really hope he gets a higher profile movie to showcase his talent.
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Low budget
SirCumference8 February 2024
This is not the worst film ever, but it is let down by a low budget which comes across very early on and stays with it throughout. The CGI is very obvious and dated. Acting is wooden and the flow is pretty staccato in places. Props are even worse.

The story itself is quite compelling and you tend to stay with it. Given that this was probably also affected by the writers strike and the various problems over the pond it is not a bad effort. That Amazon has it on Prime is a good excuse to watch it.

Not everything is Star Wars quality filming. And that is the issue. Audiences have come to expect better CGI, better CSO and better writing. Give this a chance. There are a LOT worse that are out there!
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The best thing about it is the End
sclarkson-7303215 February 2024
It's one of them films where you have to figure out what is going on yourself.

It promised a lot but failed to deliver.

It shows a young man having what looks like a nervous breakdown talking to his shrink a lot.

The plot is that his dad is some kind of genius who has created a device to travel the Universe and shape reality.

Some Nasa guys who want to send him to go look for his father who has gone missing after failed attempts sending other people.

His father left when he was a young child

The rest I am guessing is just a drug induced fantasy.

Aka the scifi bit.

Low budget and it shows.

The acting was ok.
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university student module
jloasby13 February 2024
Literally like a university student module short, but like 8 modules worth sewn together. The opening scene of crude sound design with zero weight and freezer ice block sprayed silver and glued to the space suits really sets the bar low for whole movie, am dram low. Dialog is 90% explaining things that any writer with any talent would have conveyed to the viewer not using words.

7 caracters in the cast pretty sure i only saw 6.

Relies heavily on mid 2000 graphic visual parts which tbf arn't out of place with the budget quite jarring with the incredibley poor set choices, like the guys office literally a back lit office blind casting a shadow over him but badly aligned, like an amdram scenery.
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Not Bad
Toxicsportswear22 December 2022
Acting from agent sharp was amazing, CGI wasn't that great but with a low budget they did well. I enjoyed it. Jeff Hamm did great with the shots he got. From beginning to end the story is pretty solid, idea is solid, the main character needed better carved Acting, with as little budget as they did it with i feel that They managed to tell a pretty decent story.

-1 for Bad acting main character -1 for CGI (could have found a better way to do it, i feel) -1 for audio being off in parts -1 for the ending I know how hard it is to make movie so I gave it a quality 6, ive definitely seen worse movies.
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