Epic Movie (2007) Poster


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This thing won't let me vote below a 1....
jason-164926 January 2007
After watching this movie, I just couldn't stop talking about it. Mind you, not in the sense that someone can't stop talking about a great book or show, but more along the line of how someone can't stop talking about their colonoscopy during a diner conversation. In other words, after seeing this you can't help but try and remove the stain it left on your very soul by vomiting out the experience onto others.

This movie entered with the tag line of being "written by two of the six writers of 'Scary Movie'!" What they forgot to mention is that the two who wrote it were only responsible for writing the credits and all the jokes deleted for the sake of not causing mass suicide. Put more delicately, this movie almost makes Pootie Tang look Oscar worthy, which ironically enough was made fun of in the last Scary Movie for being horrid. Coincidence? Yeah, not even some sort of Karma dealing fiend would wish this movie upon the world.

"So," you ask, "What makes it so bad?" I bet your thinking that all of the funny stuff was in the previews, right? No, actually there was no funny content in the previews at all, it just seemed that way when taken out of the context of the movie. Much the same way "Hogan's Heroes" was funny to people who weren't in Auschwitz during the Holocaust, the previews are funny to those who haven't seen the movie. When you actually see the movie, you start to ask, "Why was that funny in the preview?" The answer: You can see pretty flowers if you ignore the fact that they are growing from the corpse of a man who died during a freak green house accident.

Do yourself a favor, rent a History channel documentary on the history of documentaries and hit yourself in the head with a hammer. It'll be twice as funny, make three times more sense, and be only a fifth as painful.
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Not actually a movie...
solidgoldchimp30 January 2007
...but rather just a list of movies that the filmmakers wanted to parody, strung together by the weakest plot in film history and a lot of unfunny jokes.

You would think that the team responsible for the mess of a movie that was Date Movie would at least have learned something from their last film to help them avoid the same mistakes, but they didn't.

It would appear they spent more time making parodies as visually accurate as they could and spent almost no time trying to make the film entertaining. Some of the parodies seem completely out of place and don't even fit into what little plot there is.

I couldn't recommend this film to anyone, not even those I hated.
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Epic failure
ghost_drum726 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame to see films that promise to parody the formulaic and over-constructed nature of "epic" films, but fail, and subsequently conform to what is now the "spoof" genre. In parodying said films, they merely reconstruct the setting (poorly) i.e. Willy Wonka's chocolate river becomes poo. The references to pop culture are 1: over used 2: Poorly used 3: Irrelevant and not funny. It appears that the budget was spent on midgets and a dance choreographer (apparently it is funny when medieval knights, pirates, dwarfs and oompa loompas dance). The narrative is infantile and not remotely funny, no imagination could possibly enjoy the pure nonsense of the characterization. Parody films are meant to parody and this one fails to come even close to funny, it irreverence is pathetic, not hilarious and the writers...well, where to start with them.

If you like watching pictures move and people talk, this film is probably for you. If you like films that are intelligent in their parody and genuinely funny, then stick to the Scary Movie catalogue. Even Date Movie was better than this…and that's saying something.

This film trades on the pretension that it will be funny…it is not, someone should report it to a fair trading body. I personally wonder what is more disturbing, that people would enjoy this movie, or that Hollywood thinks that people will enjoy it.
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Just awful
ozlifter27 January 2007
In the past 10 years, I've probably seen more than 200 movies at theaters. This is the first movie that I've ever walked out on. 45 minutes in, I couldn't handle the torture anymore. This is the most unfunny piece of garbage I've ever seen. Although, I did get a good chuckle when about 50% of the audience had left before the halfway mark.

It's hard to meet the minimum post-length requirement for this movie, because there isn't much to say about it.

I didn't find any of the gags clever. Nor did I find them funny. I did think some of the set designs looked okay. The casting directors also found someone who looked surprisingly like Jack Black, although sadly the script didn't give him anything funny to do.

Just avoid this. It's not even worth a rental.
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I can't vote lower than 1?
TheLittleSongbird16 October 2009
I will admit I didn't see this until a couple of days ago, and I was really hesitant of seeing it, after reading a lot of negative reviews on the film, and after seeing the excrement that is Disaster Movie. And let me tell you, after seeing this travesty for myself, I can't agree more with the negativity. While not quite as monstrous as Disaster Movie, Epic Movie(more like Epic Dud) is a truly terrible movie. There are absolutely no redeeming qualities here. The humour just isn't funny. It is crude, vulgar, over-familiar and even contrived, and the constant flashing of breasts was way overdone. The acting was really amateur, Jennifer Coolidge and Carmen Electra get my vote as the worst actresses in the movie, and believe me that is not saying much. The Willy Wonka spoof was just as tired as the movie itself. And as a parody of films like Pirates of the Caribbean and chronicles of Narnia, it falls well short in terms of sophistication. The writing is unbelievably bad, the characters are annoying and the plot just isn't there. The music was awful, and the pirate rap was torturously bad. I will say right now, that I don't like any of the recent Friedberg-Seltzer movies, merely because not only do I feel that there is a complete lack of comedic talent in their films, but also their films come across as a complete waste of time. And just like Disaster Movie, I seriously was considering turning the film off 20 minutes in, that's how painful I found it. All in all, probably not quite the worst movie ever, but along with movies like Home Alone 4, NeverEnding Story 3 and Freddy Got Fingered, it is close. A complete disaster of epic proportions, and one to avoid, even if you're thinking of renting. I'm not trying to sound harsh, I am just trying to explain as much as I can what I feel about the movie. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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This film changed my life
briancham19941 July 2020
I have always had an interest in film but it was always a vague dream or hobby, not a realistic pursuit. One day in 2010, I stumbled upon this film on TV and it changed my life. I realised, "if this piece of crap really got made, then maybe I have a chance". I then decided to actually get a degree in media studies. Thanks very much, Friedberg and Seltzer!
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Biggest pile of rubbish ever put on film!!!!
cool_cool_128 February 2007
Epic Movie (2007) is total crap, no beating around the bush here, it was so bad it actually angered me that i paid to view this turkey and i wanted a refund, i felt cheated, the only reason i didn't cause a fuss at the cinema was the fact that something very funny happened...... a singing chant started in the audience (of about 12 people), and it went something like this, why are we watching, why are we watching, why are we watchinggggg this piece of CRAP!!!! I didn't have a clue what was going on, the 'script' was idiotic, the actors were totally lame and annoying and the jokes were pathetic and UNFUNNY, how this ever made it to the silver screen i'll never know.

I advise anyone who's thinking of going to see this piece of JUNK, to stay well clear and save their money, thank you and GOODNIGHT! 0/10
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A movie so funny you'll forget to laugh.
mastermike56926 January 2007
Watching the previews for this movie I was expecting to have some good laughs. After watching the actual movie however I was extremely disappointed. 95% of the movie I didn't even have a little chuckle or a laugh. I ended up slightly laughing to some of the pathetic vulgar stuff. Even the potty humor in this movie was really really bad. ( Worse potty humor ever!) I am a pretty big fan of potty humor and immature stuff ... but what this movie had to offer was sadly disappointing with what was presented. Aside from the humor there was many rap music type scenes where the characters were participating in a lamed down style of a MTV music video... many of these scenes were unnecessary or too much and far from entertaining. They were more or less not enjoyable and far too many like them. Now to the good parts of the movie ... trust me I'm trying hard to find em! Many movies were parodied and you will probably recognize most of them and there is an occasional scene where they throw characters from other movies in for the hell of it just to have them in the movie. I also liked the rap dance scene (only one i liked) where they were doing a Pirates of the Caribbean rap dance. It reminded me of Captain Dan the Hip Hop Pirate..I wonder if they were trying to parody that guy? Well folks there wasn't much more to this movie other than a waste of time and disappointment.
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why do studios accept to make movies like this?!?
bourgeoismarc-126 January 2007
There is nothing original here whatsoever-same old big breast jokes, oral sex jokes; sloppy tongue-kissing, spoofing of movies not necessarily worth spoofing, and using the same old actors (i.e. Adam Campbell) from other horrible spoofing movies. It is disappointing to see that actors who have received some acclaim from both critics and the public alike have starred in this-the worst movie ever made-worse than Grease 2. And only a few minutes longer than a regular TV show except without interesting commercials, it is highway robbery to make anyone pay to see this half-baked movie where writers, producers, actors and directors have only put half an effort to do something that at least would be satisfactory. And half is giving them too much credit. Unfortunately for Kal Penn, Jennifer Coolidge, Faune A. Chambers and Crispin Glover (you waited for this movie to return to the big screen? where were you last couple of years? in detox?), I won't be running to the theatre any time soon to see one of their movies any time soon.

Studio decision-makers have to take a stand against these movies-and so does the industry. Pre-teens, teens and young adults have shown that they have interests in seeing well-written, acted, developed and intelligent movies. Don't take the easy way out to do these useless piece of junk.
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Epic Movie is a Disaster of Epic Proportions
Burleigh726 January 2007
Alright, it wasn't that bad, but it was close. Sure the Scary Movie series as well as Date Movie were stupid and juvenile, but this is dumber than all the rest. There were a few chuckles, but overall it was mostly me groaning. Nearly every joke was tired and lame. They gave away all the "good" jokes in the trailer. Why Fred Willard and Jennifer Coolidge would be in this I have no idea. But Crispin Glover? The oddball actor who was so great in films like Back to the Future, River's Edge What's Eating Gilbert Grape and more? Yeah that's him all right, as Willy Wonka dancing around to crappy songs. So maybe my title was accurate.
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Why is this a thing
jimflaner5 August 2021
I absolutely LOVE this movie. Horrible acting, horrible storyline, and horrible movie overall. I still love it though.
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A Parody I enjoyed
AngelHonesty17 November 2020
I can understand why people did not like the movie, it was over the top crude and not very funny. But what do you expect? All parodies are over the top and not very funny. I liked it because for once I finally understood all the jokes. All of the movies they were making fun of are very well known good movies, so it was easy to see where they were making fun of it. Perhaps someone could find it offensive if one of the movies they are joking about is your favorite. But this is the main purpose of a parody, to cut up other films. I really enjoyed how they tied in so many different movies into the one. It was cooling seeing the doubles they picked to act as famous actors, in all honesty they did a great job with portraying who they were pretending to be. I personal enjoy parodies for what they are, over the top silliness that makes no sense other then to cut up other films.
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Please refer to reviews on Date Movie
Masquerade_Ball24 January 2007
Some movies are funny, some are not. This movie may be funny to you, if you liked Date Movie, since both films are pretty much the same in cast and script quality.

Epic Movie is a loosely strung together collection of slap-stick comedy sketches based on various epic movies (Pirates of the Caribbean, Nacho Libre, Chronicles of Narnia, X-Men, Superman, etc...) so it's probably helpful if you have seen a few of the epics this movie takes off at, to understand the jokes used. (If you've seen the clips during MTV video awards, you get the idea on the kind of jokes I'm referring to). Epic Movie tries to cash in on the Scary Movie, Date Movie, "Movie" Movie franchise, but doesn't measure up to the originality shown in the Scary Movie series.

It doesn't take a genius to recommend that you save your box-office ticket money, and if you're interested, wait for the DVD, since this isn't an essential big screen movie.
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A good reason why there should be a 0/10 rating on IMDb.
jjdb43217 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The endless rap jokes go on and on because the idiotic writers cant be bothered to think of anything else. They like to think that if they take a famous children's character and make him a cannibal they will get loads of laughs. Everyone just sits in the cinema trying to get up so they can walk out. It takes good writers to pull off sick humour with it being funny and not just plain rubbish, and obviously the "2 of the 6 retarded writers for scary movie" didn't have a clue. There were 2 parts that i can remember that made me smile.... and 200 that didn't. No wonder you can see it on you tube..... It hasn't been taken down yet, because no one cares about it. The main cast of it were sluts dancing around in bikinis which they thought would make them cool. Please don't pay to see this, don't let the scary movie people get their perverted hands on your money.
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A late-night sketch running way too long
mysekurity26 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You know those movies where if you've seen the trailer, you've seen all the good parts? I felt that way while watching this film. I don't typically expect much from crappy spoof movies, but I at least expect them to try. This came off as too much of a bad Saturday Night Live or Mad TV sketch that runs on way too long. A number of SNL's movies have felt that way, but really....

Why can't they ever pick _good_ "two of the six writers from Scary Movie"? I feel like I've seen this brand of dumb humor a million times before, albeit much better presented. I don't mind abstract references that would seemingly change the storyline (the four protagonists becoming part of Wonka's candy, but seconds later reverting to normal, for example), but these "Family Guy" style cutaways were so poorly done, it almost made me want to leave. I felt genuinely ripped off, longing for satires like Spy Hard, Last Action Hero, and Spaceballs. A friend and I debated whether this film or Scary Movie 4 was worse. We agreed it was a tie.

The first two Scary Movies were funny because they didn't let the flat parts slow them down. Scary Movie 2 contained a number of bad jokes, but it was okay because the filmmakers had a general idea of where they wanted to take the "story", and at least made a concentrated effort to tone down the absurdist humor in places where it wasn't needed.

Epic Movie temporarily halts the predictable, unfunny jokes close to the end of the film, when Kal Penn (who made two Harold and Kumar references, also falling quite flat, even amongst the largely tweenage audience) spells out the film's moral--a sappy and poorly placed monologue on the importance of family. The repetitive use of the word "Bitch" to refer to the antagonist, played by Jennifer Coolidge ("Stiffler's mother" in American Pie, a point also mentioned) got tiring. I will admit there were a few laugh-worthy moments, notably in the name of Jack Sparrow's parody, Jack Swallows. The actors were all fairly devoid of talent (especially that kid from the MySpace movie, playing Ashton Kutcher), and the directing seemed nonexistent.

Seeing the trailer is a bit of a spoiler as well, as you can tell when certain parts are coming up, effectively ruining the humor. Plus, the trailer has all the reasonably funny moments. It feels as if they directed the rest of the film as merely filler between the points showcased in the preview. I'm honestly not sure whether this review is in fact spoiling anything, because the trailer does a pretty good job of that on its own.

My recommendation: don't see it in theaters. Don't rent it. Don't even watch it on TV when nothing else is on. Forget it was even made. Trust me, you're not missing anything.
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Oh no...
pewtnerscarlets17 May 2011
What a disastrous piece of film.

If you are looking for something completely un-original, embarrassingly un-funny and down right cringe worthy, then this is the ideal movie for you.

I feel like a lesser person after watching it and as if nothing will ever make up for the what felt like an eternity I wasted on watching it.

It simply continues to deteriorate with every passing minute until I could do nothing but wish for the ending.

My advice would be to not waste any time or effort on watching this movie of epic disappointment, as I myself literally had to suppress the urge to physically destroy the DVD
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What an EPIC waste of money...and life.
JuniorBruce30 January 2007
It's not enough that we, the movie going public, are forced to put up with half of the crappy films "Epic Movie" attempts to parody, but we're also forced to contend with "Epic Movie" itself. In regards to this film, and all others like it, I find myself scratching my head and begging the question: "How in the Hell did this movie ever get made?" While I've yet to receive any official response from the filmmakers behind this atrocity, I have come up with my own theory...

Hollywood hates us. Wait, scratch that; Hollywood doesn't just hate us; they think we're stupid, insignificant creatures of habit, too. That we're nothing but a bunch of mindless apes willing to throw our hard-earned bananas down on any old piece of crap they manage to squeeze out that week. And it saddens me to acknowledge that to a large degree, they're right. We do throw our bananas down on just any old thing, as proved by "Epic Movie" being number one at the big B.O. opening weekend. How could we be so stupid as to fall for a film boasting a lame concept written by a bunch of comedic hacks who think "I'm Rick James B***h!" jokes are still relevant--let alone funny? I feel sorry for people like Kal Penn, Fred Willard, Jennifer Coolidge, and Crispin Glover who seem to have become so jaded with their careers that they could confuse accepting this cinematic skidmark on their resume as something remotely resembling a good idea. Especially in Penn's case, as he's on the verge of shattering the Kumar image most people still associate with him.

"Epic Movie" is supposed to be a comedy, but there's nothing funny about it. Every joke falls flat due to either being poorly executed, uninspired, or just plain irrelevant. I'm all for parodies, but this film is so unfunny; it's not even funny.

Oh, and next time--God forbid there is one--for "Epic Movie II," why not try parodying truly epic movies? "Spartacus" or "Citizen Kane" or "Battlefield Earth?" At least try to follow your own stinking premise...for once.
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Movie Is Not Worth Seeing
devilmonkey_119226 January 2007
I personally loved scary movies 1-3 but lately the creators haven't been that "creative". Scary movie 4, Date Movie, and this one Epic Movie, have been all the same humor lately, they aren't funny at all, i saw Epic Movie and i thought "You know what? I would've boughten 2 blockbuster movies instead of seeing this movie for 5 bucks. I couldn't believe it, i expected much more from them. There were some okay funny parts but the majority of the movie was annoying and i wanted it to end. All in all, if you haven't seen the trailer at all you will enjoy it, but the trailer spoils it all just like these past 3 movies they have done it that way.
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You're better off counting holes in the ceiling
kxok63027 February 2007
In fact, counting holes in the ceiling would be healthier for your brain cells than this. The ceiling's holes would show more creativity and humor than the script of this film, and they would act better than the people in it, too. I'd compare this thing to the foul smell of a rotten egg, but it's worse than that. The talentless Friedberg & Seltzer are back from their Date Movie debacle with more trashy, unfunny "spoofs". For example, a bullet bounced off of Superman's eye in his movie; now, the bullet pokes his eye out. Gee is that original and hilarious or what? Not a single joke works, and the only surprise of this movie is that these two hacks keep getting funding to produce flop after flop.

This is just so painfully bad. If you ever find a lost DVD of this movie somewhere, leave it there. It's not worth the effort to pick it up.
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This movie saved my life
gamerkidmt13 June 2021
One day I was feeling suicidal. I was about to jump out of my 30 story building of flats, and then my friend stopped me and told me to watch this movie. This movie is honest to the title, and stopped me from committing suicide, and gave me a brighter perspective on life. I genuinely soiled my pants laughing at the comedic scenes like the pirate dance scene, Thank you epic movie, 10/10 would recommend.
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trents2 February 2007
Absolutely horrible.

Continuous brain dead jokes leave you very bored. But to be honest, I wasn't disappointed, Date Movie showed me what to expect.

This is what you get when two idiots attempt potty/violence humor. If you're easily amused like the way a child is to a silly face or a fart, then maybe you should give this movie a shot. The only thing I found slightly amusing was how imitable Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow is.

These pathetic jokes are tossed into a very crude storyline, and the fact that its a spoof movie does not excuse it.

Epic Movie is shameful, and I strongly urge you to avoid.
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Diddledoun24 July 2019
Yeah I known in some scene the film make obvious error like the stunt double but the film should make you smile and this film make.
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Totally crap!
jscb22 February 2007
Save your money! Save your eyes and ears the indignity of watching or hearing this film. Any jokes they thought up were one-liners, which were promptly turned into entire scenes or musical numbers, thereby killing both ideas stone dead.

The sound cut out at the showing I saw. Strangely, this made the experience less appalling for about ten minutes as we didn't have to hear the awful dialogue - the audience were coming up with better jokes themselves.

The studio would be best advised to release a single DVD of this, and microwave it.
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karlingram25 February 2007
Worst film EVER! I understand that this film is similar to Scary Movie, however Scary Movie has at least some funny parts, where as Epic Movie is just terrible. The acting is poor, no story line (...even though I knew that there was not going to be much of one), the script was shocking and the jokes, which the film all about, simply NOT FUNNY. I'm not sure if my expectations are set too high after watching "HOT FUZZ" (which is amazing by the way) but it didn't make me laugh. For the first time ever I have tried to get my money back from the cinema and believe me I have seen some bad films but this took the biscuit. Please don't waste your money on this film and encourage more.
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