Danny Phantom (TV Series 2003–2007) Poster


David Kaufman: Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom, Computer Voice, Nate, Sports Announcer



  • Samantha "Sam" Manson : [not realizing yet that Danny's under a love spell]  Wait, I know that look. That's that same, longing, puppy-dog stare you give Paulina.

    Danny Fenton : Who's Paulina?

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Well, that's a pleasant side effect.

  • Box Lunch : I am Box Lunch! Daughter of The Box Ghost and The Lunch Lady!

    Danny Fenton : Um, eww!

  • [Danny, Sam, and Tucker are at Nasty Burger] 

    Danny Fenton : Ahhh, Nasty Burger, our safe haven. Away from the worries of...

    [Jazz bursts through the door] 

    Jazz Fenton : Danny, run!

    Danny Fenton : Run? Why should I...

    [everyone stares at the door, and soon after Jack and Maddie come in here in 80's clothes, with Jack looking like Flavor Flav and Maddie looking like 80's Madonna] 

    Jack Fenton , Maddie Fenton : Dude!

    [everyone in the Nasty Burger gasps and starts laughing; Jazz and Sam are hiding, embarrassed] 

    Jazz Fenton : If anyone asks, I'm related to you.

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Okay, but you're gonna have to be a lot less cheery.

  • [Jack Fenton tries his new Ghost Translator on Danny] 

    Danny Fenton : Um... Um... Boo?

    Ghost Translator : I am a ghost. Fear me.

    Danny Fenton : [panics]  Uh... I better get to school!

    Ghost Translator : I better get to school. Fear me.

  • Tucker Foley : [Danny and Dragon Sam have destroyed the school dance]  Man, I can't believe your date ditched you.

    Danny Fenton : Where is Paulina anyway?

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : [sees Paulina talking to Dash]  Who cares? Look, the DJ is still playing and I think there's still time for one more dance.

    [smiles at Danny] 

    Danny Fenton : [smiles at Sam]  Sure, I'd love to.

    [hands Tucker the amulet] 

    Danny Fenton : Hold on to this, will ya?

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : [dancing with Danny]  Promise me you'll keep your pants on?

    Danny Fenton : I'll do my best.

    Tucker Foley : Man, I'm dateless again! Man, what does a guy have to do to get hooked up around here?

    Ghost Girl : I want to go to the ball!

    Tucker Foley : On second thought, I'm not that desprete. Hey guys, can I cut in?

  • Johnny 13 : [after Danny punches him during a staged fight to convince Kitty he wants her back]  I thought this was a pretend fight.

    Danny Fenton : Then pretend that didn't hurt.

  • [the poem is closing with its last lines] 

    Danny Fenton : [narrating]  And then I thought, maybe this is the moral. / In the same way my folks loved their old Christmas quarrel. / Everyone celebrates in the way of their choosing. / I was so busy whining, I started abusing / The ones I loved most and I ruined their cheer. /


    Danny Fenton : I'll try to be better, come Christmas next year.

    [thus ends the poem; Danny, Sam, Jazz and Tucker gather together at the last page which says "The End."] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Um, nice sentiment, but what are you, a greeting card?

    Tucker Foley : Yeah, why are you talking in rhyme?

    Jazz Fenton : Such a dork.

    Danny Fenton : [realizing]  We're not talking in rhyme?

    [starts getting jubliant] 

    Danny Fenton : We're not talking in rhyme!

    [the book closes, and Ghost Writer is glad his new poem is finished. A cell mate inches close to him as he wants to look at the new book he has completed, but Ghost Writer turns away from him] 

    Walker : [greets him]  Orange?

    Ghost Writer : [scared]  Aahh! Get that thing away from me!

  • [Jazz is riding home in excitement, with Danny feeling disappointed] 

    Jazz Fenton : Wow! Isn't this great? We just caught three ghosts tonight!

    Danny Fenton : No, actually, you've just caught one ghost, three times, all of them me!

  • [80's Jack and Maddie hug their son Danny tightly] 

    Danny Fenton : [to Jazz]  If I pass out, I give you permission to not resuscitate me.

  • Tucker Foley : [after Danny has phased a car through a building]  Oh sure, phase the car through the building. You just had to save the day, didn't you?

    Danny Fenton : Well yeah! Because a car crashing through the twenty-eighth floor of anything is BAD!

  • Danny Fenton : [after a day of strange ghost-related events at school]  I can explain.


    Danny Fenton : Actually, I really can't.

  • Danny Fenton : [has just parachuted onto his aunt's farm with his dad's gift]  Here you go mom. Dad left it at home so uhh... the mosquitoes wouldn't get it!

    Jack Fenton : That's right!

    [whispering to Danny] 

    Jack Fenton : Good work son. You'll get a raise in your allowance for this.

    Danny Fenton : I get an allowance?

  • [Danny and Tucker are drooling over Paulina] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Paulina? Please, girls like that are a dime a dozen.

    Danny Fenton : [to Tucker]  How much change you got?

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Very funny.

  • [Danny and Tucker are at his house, talking to Sam over the computer] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : I'm sure you boys will have a wonderful time.

    [logs off the computer] 

    Danny Fenton : She really wants to go to the dance.

    Tucker Foley : She said she didn't want to!

  • Jazz Fenton : By the way Danny, just so you know, I'm onto your little secret.

    Danny Fenton : [spits out his water]  What secret?

    Jazz Fenton : The clumsiness, the nervousness... I can't beleive I didn't figure it out before. You have a girlfriend.

    Danny Fenton : It's a lie, I'm not a ghost! I mean, she's not my girlfriend. She's just going to the dance with me.

    Jack Fenton : Great, I can meet her and talk to her about ghosts!

    Jazz Fenton : You better let her know your family's insane now, Danny. If you marry her, and she finds out later, that's entrapment.

  • Danny Fenton : [Sam taps at his window]  Sam! You snuck out to see me! Oh, this is just like Romeo and Juliet, except I'm the one on the balcony and I can understand everything we're saying.

  • Danny Fenton : [over cell phone]  Are you okay? We can stop by later if you want us too.

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : [home sick in bed]  No, that's okay. I'll be fine. Bye.

    [She hangs up, then glares at the doctor, nurse and ambulance attendent standing at her bedside] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : You guys, it's just a cold!

    Ambulance Attendent : [shocking himself with the pads]  Clear!

  • Danny Fenton : [in the ghost prison cafeteria, Danny looks at a table where all the ghosts he sent back into the Ghost Zone are sitting]  Great, everyone who hates me is sitting on table, just like in high school.

  • Tucker Foley : Wait, you guys kissed?

    Danny Fenton , Samantha "Sam" Manson : No! It was a fake-out make-out!

    Tucker Foley : But that still has the words "make" and "out" in it, right?

  • Danny Fenton : [after being attacked by giant ghost scissors]  I know I should be concerned, and I will be... right after the party.

  • Samantha "Sam" Manson : [while Tucker's using his PDA to goof around with Skulker's technology]  Stop fooling around, Tucker!

    Danny Fenton : Power him down, already! Now!

    Tucker Foley : Relax. Everything's totally under

    [Skulker destroys his PDA with an arrow] 

    Tucker Foley : control... Oh, man! I had four more payments on this one.

  • Danny Fenton : How is it that I have ghost powers, but YOU'RE the weird kid?

  • [Danny Phantom has accidentally destroyed the poem Ghost Writer has created] 

    Danny Phantom : Oops! Uh, Sorry, man, it was a total accident.

    Ghost Writer : Oops?


    Ghost Writer : Oops? Do you have any idea what you've done?

    Danny Phantom : Well... not really, uh, hence the "accident" part.

    Ghost Writer : You've destroyed my greatest work! And that was my only copy!

    [Danny picks up a page of the book from the destroyed pieces and reads it] 

    Danny Phantom : The Fright Before Christmas? I destroyed a Christmas poem? Awesome!

    Ghost Writer : What?

    Danny Phantom : Dude, I am sick of Christmas! I came to the Ghost Zone to get away from it. I might not have meant to destroy your stupid book, but that doesn't mean I'm not okay with it.

    [destroys the page from the book he was reading] 

  • [Ghost Writer has trapped Danny Phantom inside a new poem, which begins its first lines] 

    Ghost Writer : On the day before Christmas, in Amity Park, / Almost all there were cheery, yet one soul was dark.

    Danny Fenton : Hey, that voice? It's the ghost whose book I destroyed. /

    [looks around] 

    Danny Fenton : Wait! I'm trapped in this poem? Now I'm really annoyed!

  • [Danny flies to the Jewish Manson home, hoping Sam won't put the blame on him for attacking Christmas] 

    Danny Fenton : [in joy]  Sam!

    Ghost Writer : Danny said.

    Danny Fenton : [to Ghost Writer]  Oh, for crying out loud!

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : I know. Can't you see we're all under a cloud? / Every present we had, in the chimney up through it! / That might work for you, but that's not how we do it!

    Ghost Writer : And Sam saw sad faces on Mom, Dad, and Granny, / So I typed on my keyboard that the blame was on Danny!

    [Ghost Writer conrtols Sam by her anger] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : [angrily]  You! You did this?

    Danny Fenton : [shouts]  Are you out of your mind?

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : [shouts]  You're the holiday scrooge! Do you think that I'm blind?

    Ghost Writer : And Danny and Sam found themselves in a spat. / But before Dan could calm her, I soon realized that / A new threat was needed to cut through the noise; / And what better way than attack of the toys?

    [Ghost Writer brings all the toys from each building to attack the town, then starts forming them together. Danny and Sam stop and go outside to look at this scenery; Danny turns into Danny Phantom to find out what's going on] 

    Ghost Writer : From all over the town, the toys started to merge! / I'm really quite weakened when I get the urge! / On this night before Christmas, a brand new attacker! / And now, face the wrath of my monster nutcracker!

    [the controlled toys form a giant Nutcracker, which comes to life and attacks] 

    Danny Phantom : [surprised]  Aw, nuts!

    [he starts running away from the monster] 

    Ghost Writer : Danny cried, as he started to run. /


    Ghost Writer : Must we end every scene with a terrible pun?

  • Samantha "Sam" Manson : Sorry about that stupid fight. Can we forget it ever happened?

    Danny Fenton : [quoting Desiree's catchphrase]  So you wish it, so shall it be.

    [they both blush] 

    Tucker Foley : Hey, I'm right here.

  • Paulina : Danny, you never said whether or not you were coming to my quincenera on Friday.

    Danny Fenton : That's because when you invited me, I thought you were joking.

  • Danny Fenton : Not getting invited to a party is one thing, but not getting invited to a party at my own house?

  • Tucker Foley : Dude, you can't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault.

    Danny Fenton : Maybe not. But it is my responsibility.

  • Danny Fenton : [to Tucker and Sam]  Did you see the way all those ghost hunters were laughing at him? How embarrassing! We're gonna have to live with my dad's goof-ups for the rest of our lives!


    Danny Fenton : He's standing right behind me, isn't he?

  • Samantha "Sam" Manson : [to Danny]  You don't feel that way about me and I don't feel that way about you.

    Danny Fenton : So why are you still holding my hands?

  • Danny Fenton : [to Jazz]  Will you stop talking about me like I'm not here?

    [shouting to Youngblood] 

    Danny Fenton : And will you stop poking me?

  • Danny Fenton : Skulker and Technus? Together?

    Tucker Foley : Is that an eww, or a yikes?

    Danny Fenton : Definitely a yikes!

  • Vlad Masters : [about Sam and Tucker, infected with ecto-acne]  They're running out of time, you know.

    Danny Fenton : [suddenly smiling]  Time? That gives me a great idea!

    [scene shifts to Clockwork's tower] 

    Clockwork : No. That's a horrible idea. I'm the ghost of time, not the ghost of miracle cures.

  • [Danny returns to Jack's house after changing the past to find the house deserted] 

    Danny Fenton : Mom? Dad? Jazz? Anyone?

    [he gasps as Jack runs in, his face covered in ecto-acne] 

    Jack Fenton : [shouts]  Nobody trespasses on Jack Fenton's property!

    Danny Fenton : Dad, relax!

    Jack Fenton : [confused and sad]  Dad? I don't have a son; I'm single! Bitterly, bitterly single.

    Danny Fenton : You are?

    [to himself] 

    Danny Fenton : Jeez, that explains... almost everything.

    Jack Fenton : What?

    Danny Fenton : Nothing!

    [sees Jack's ecto-acne and points at it] 

    Danny Fenton : Uh, is that ecto-acne?

    Jack Fenton : [angry]  It's a condition... that you shouldn't know about!

    [grabs Danny by the collar of his shirt] 

    Jack Fenton : [shouts]  How do you know about ecto-acne? Talk!

    Danny Fenton : I'm your son! I know all about the accident in Wisconsin... that shouldn't have happened.

    Jack Fenton : [angry]  Oh, it happened, all right!

    [throws Danny onto the ground in anger] 

    Jack Fenton : And my life went straight down the flusher from that day on!

    [turns into Jack Plasmius] 

  • [Jack has turned into Jack Plasmius and starts attacking Danny] 

    Danny Fenton : [shouts]  Wait, it's me, Danny, your son!

    [dodges another shot fired by Jack] 

    Jack Plasmius : [shouts]  Lies! I do not have a son! And even if I did, I certainly wouldn't name him Danny. That's dumb.

    Danny Fenton : [angry]  Okay, I don't want to do this in front of you, but... Going ghost!

    [Danny turns into Danny Phantom, and Jack sees him, surprised but angry] 

    Jack Plasmius : You're a ghost? I hate ghosts!

    [continues attacking Danny] 

    Jack Plasmius : And if it wasn't for ghosts, I wouldn't have lost the love of my life!

    [knocks Danny into the basement] 

  • [in the basement, Danny Phantom sees a newspaper article of Maddie's marriage to Vlad] 

    Danny Fenton : I didn't destroy the past... I destroyed the present!

  • [Jack and Maddie see Vlad, Sam, and Tucker's ecto-acne] 

    Maddie Fenton : There's only one place that treats ecto-acne!

    Danny Fenton : [hpoing]  Please say "hospital", please say "hospital".

    [scene shifts to FentonWorks in quarantine] 

    Danny Fenton : [disappointed]  Why didn't she just say "hospital"?

  • [Vlad, Sam, and Tucker are cured of ecto-acne by the Ecto Purifier] 

    Vlad Masters : I knew you'd come through, Daniel. All it took was the proper motivation. Of course, I'm still weak beyond measure, so... bygones?

    [Danny grins mischievously at him; the next scene shows Vlad Plasmius screaming as Danny Phantom knocks him into the air] 

    Danny Phantom : [casually]  Bygones.

  • Samantha "Sam" Manson : [trying to stop Danny's parents from cheaking on him while he's fighting a ghost upstairs]  Danny's upstairs.

    [crash is heard upstairs] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Uh, lifting weights?

    Maddie Fenton : [after hearing another crash]  He doesn't have exercise equipment up there.

    Danny Fenton : [another crash]  My computer! Oh, wait that's Jazz's.

  • Danny Phantom : Sam, hide!

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : No time!

    [pushes Danny into the bushes] 

    Valerie Gray : No escaping me now, ghost boy!

    [sees Danny and Sam kissing] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Aaah! Do you mind?

    Valerie Gray : Ah, gross, loser love! I always knew you two geeks would end up together.

    [flies off] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : That sounded like Valerie.

    [looks at Danny, who is smiling] 

    Samantha "Sam" Manson : Uh, Danny? Danny? You didn't think it was a real kiss, did you?

    Danny Fenton : [nervously]  No! Why? Did you?

  • Danny Phantom : [to Ember]  Hey, do you take requests? How 'bout "beat it!"

    Ember : How 'bout I just lay you down a few power chords instead, dipstick.

See also

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