Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) Poster

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Surprisingly good
nikolajb23 October 2000
Some friends and I rented this movie just for the kicks of making fun of it, but it turned out to be fairly good. Except for the cheesy 70's parts (check out Bucks dance act) which no live human could ever take seriously, this is an excellent movie, which I'll check out again in the near future.

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Gerard Makes BUCK a Delight!
cariart12 September 2003
BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25th CENTURY could easily have become dated camp, by now (Rogers' disastrous space tour was supposed to have occurred in 1987...did we miss it?), but there's such a sense of joy and humor to the production that it actually is more fun to watch today than when it was briefly released, theatrically, in 1979.

A large measure of this is due to Gil Gerard, as Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers, who gives an enthusiastic, likable performance. Some of his dialog is ripe with sexual innuendo, particularly in his scenes with Erin Gray, as the beautiful, if a bit wooden, professional soldier, Wilma Deering, but his rakish charm (and an occasional wink!) keeps the one-liners from sliding into bad taste. The other female lead, Pamela Hensley, as a bikini-clad evil Princess, would do Mae West proud with her lusty vampiness. Her scenes with Gerard, as she eyes him as an evening's 'entertainment', are a delight. (And in the "Is this a coincidence?" department...Her character is named Ardala, and wears a horned headpiece...Could George Lucas have been influenced by her when he created Natalie Portman's Princess Amidala in STAR WARS: EPISODE ONE - THE PHANTOM MENACE?) The other major male roles are filled by Henry Silva, as Ardala's superbly evil partner, Kane, and Tim O'Connor, wise and sympathetic, as Earth scientist Dr. Huer. Deserving recognition, as well, is Duke Butler, who, as Ardala's eunuch bodyguard, Tigerman, should find another line of work, considering how he fared against Rogers!

Ignore Twiki, the low-tech R2D2 rip-off (Mel Blanc voices him, with dialog lapsing into disco-era clichés and bad sexual puns), and Dr. Theopoulis (the talking Frisbee...well, that's what he looks like!), and concentrate on the decent FX and Gil Gerard's charismatic performance...and I think you'll find BUCK ROGERS a winner!
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Entertaining, Cheesy, Out-Dated Fun
BaronBl00d24 October 2009
Okay, if I had not grown up with the show then I am sure I would not find it so endearing - and speaking of Deering - Colonel Wilma Deering that is, what adolescent young man would not like seeing her each week? What Erin Gray does to tight green, red, blue, and purple spandex pants should be criminal...but I digress. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century is a lot of fun for me. It has lots of hokey, enjoyable dialog, a zippy story of a guy returning 500 years later and dealing with everything he has missed, lots of familiar faces from my childhood, and the aforementioned Erin Gray who actually is fairly tame in this pilot/movie released for public consumption in theaters(Pamela Hensley as Princess Ardala gets to get the motors running in this one!). Yes, I saw this in the movie theater and didn't feel duped at all. I then watched it on a fairly regular basis and always enjoyed it. Returning to it has brought back fond memories, and unlike some shows that interested me as a child but made an unfavorable impression in middle age - Buck Rogers withstands the test of time and is still fun to watch. Sure, the effects are very dated and the actors are mugging for the camera and really saying dialog that will occasionally make you wince, but when I hear William Conrad's voice and know all systems go - I always seem to be entertained. Gil Gerard is a pretty good Buck. He has the looks and charisma to carry off the role. Sure, he is no Buster Crabbe - that might be a good thing? Other notable performances in this pilot are again Erin Gray(I don't know why but my mind keeps shamelessly drifting to her, Hensley, Tim O'Connor in the thankless role of Dr. Huer, Joseph Wiseman, and Henry Silva as Kane. Twiki the annoying robot is in here, and I am sure I liked him when I was younger but now more than anything I find his role to be unnecessary and a serious detractor from the plot as he seems to be able to understand Buck's language and speaks it with 20th century references to the point of Ad Nauseum. I think his character could have been excised or at least the stature of the role greatly changed. The round computer disc - Dr. Theopolis is a welcomed character and I wished they had used this voice in the latter episodes rather then the one they switched to in the series. One other note is check out that groovy soundtrack of the theme sung to some really far-out words by Kipp Lennon.
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Mister-624 August 1999
If that phrase puts you in the mind of Gil Gerard, Erin Gray and lots of "Star Wars"-derived FX, you already know where a movie like "Buck Rogers" is coming from.

If not, then let me enlighten you.

Most everyone familiar with sci-fi know Buck's story (frozen astronaut from 20th century is revived in the 25th century, must learn to re-adapt). This was old news as far back as the '40s.

But in the '70s...well.... Let's just say that it looks new. For the '70s.

Gil is game as Buck, shooting laser guns and cracking wise and making a good space-age hero. And Gray's Wilma Deering is both stern and soft as the Earth's military leader. Felix Silla makes a good impression as Twiki (with a more-than-equal assist from Mel Blanc's voice wizardry) and as Princess Ardala, Hensley gives what must be the most sensual performance from an alien up to that point in time.

But the special effects are clearly from the '70s, as is the music (disco music in the 25th century? Someone must have unearthed Studio 54.) and the set design: its glittery, shiny look may have been futuristic then, but now it just looks more '70s than anything else.

Yes, it's a dated future.

But is it entertaining?

Pretty much. No one went into this thinking they were making "2001", but are spots here and there where it looks like everyone was having a good time with the material. Especially Gil, who just plain has fun with his role as the 25th century's loosest guy.

Too bad they cut out Wiseman's work as King Draco. Some of his best stuff since "Dr. No".

Six stars. Here's to futures past.
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corny but fun
johnc214115 February 2009
buck rogers following in the aftermath of failed battlestar galactica was a corny but fun movie,and TV series following.it is a far cry from the classic original with buster Crabbe,who was gearing up for his last flash Gordon serial,you know flash Gordon conquers the universe in 1940.this movie serves as a pilot after a few edits at the end.Gil Gerard plays buck rogers.the special effects were pretty good,before the upcoming computer graphics so popular now.the cast is very good as well beautiful sexy and smart Erin Gray plays col Wilma deering,Tim O'Conner plays Dr.huer,Pamela Hensley as the sexy slinky and villainous princess ardala.with sinister Kane (Henry Silva)at her side.in the series Micheal Ansara assumes the role of Kane.i first saw buck rogers as a feature film at the movies.in like a few weeks later it seems it was on TV as series.about a year after battlestar galactica was canceled.incidentally buck rogers was also produced by Glen Larson.oh yeah there's also the little robot twiki played by Felix Silla.and voiced by the late great Mel Blanc(bugs bunny,Barney rubble,porky pig,etc;etc;)like i said its corny but fun,its not up to Star Wars but its fun to watch.the series lasted for two seasons.the second season was'nt as enjoyable as the first,since it was revamped and they tried to make it like star trek.as a blast from the past buck rogers delivers some good solid camp.I'm giving it 7 out of 10.
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A Fun Science-Fiction Movie
Uriah4321 October 2014
"Captain William 'Buck' Rogers" (Gil Gerard) is an American astronaut who has taken off on a 5-month deep space flight. Unfortunately, he is pulled out of his normal orbit and becomes frozen in time and drifts for over 500 years until eventually being picked up by a Draconian space ship which is en route to Earth as a peaceful emissary of Drago the Magnificent. As it turns out "Princess Ardala" (Pamela Hensley) is under orders to attack Earth once inside the secret force field that surrounds the planet. To that end her suspicious security officer, "Kane" (Henry Silva) decides to send the now-conscious Buck Rogers in his spacecraft back to Earth where it will either destroy itself upon entering Earth's orbit or reveal vital information regarding a secret path inside the force field. Anyway, rather than detail what happens next I will just say that, while definitely dated, this is a fun science-fiction movie all the same. Personally, I think Gil Gerard fit the role as Buck Rogers almost perfectly and having two lovely women like Erin Gray (as "Colonel Wilma Deering") and the aforementioned Pamela Hensley makes it even more enjoyable. Likewise, the robotic drone known as "Twiki" (Felix Silla) is icing on the cake. Granted it's not a great movie by any means but it served its function as a pilot to a television series quite admirably and I rate it as slightly above average.
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"Get out your card decks and backgammon boards, lucky Buck is back!"
bensonmum27 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was the pilot movie that set-up the television series of the same name. I doubt there's anyone with even a passing interest in science fiction who doesn't know the basic plot: After having spent 500 years floating in space in a state of suspended animation, Buck Rogers is revived by aliens from Draconia. The Draconians are headed to Earth on a supposedly peaceful mission. Buck learns that things aren't as they appear and the Draconians have another, more sinister purpose for their visit. The Earthlings are quite naturally suspicious of Buck and his wild claims that the approaching Draconian envoy is really an attack force in disguise. Buck must adjust to his new surroundings, prove his loyalty to those left on Earth, and help defeat the Draconians.

If you're looking for a deep, meaningful storyline, big budget special effects, or award caliber acting, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century probably isn't for you. But if you just go with it and take it about as seriously as the people who made it seem to be taking it, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century can be a fun, entertaining experience. The movie is fast paced and full of interesting eye candy. The plot, though predictable, provides enough interest to hold your attention throughout. The acting is serviceable at the worst. Gil Gerrard and Erin Gray make for very likable and watchable leads. And anything with the great Henry Silva can't be all bad. One thing I get a kick out of watching Buck Rogers in the 25th Century some 30 years after it was made is the "look" of the film. (SARCASM WARNING) It's amazing how much the 25th Century feels like the late 70s with the spandex pants, lip gloss, and electronic disco music. (END SARCASM WARNING) I guess my only complaint is that some of the comedy is misplaced and fails to hit its mark. The robot Twiki can be especially annoying.
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Even BUCK ROGERS can't be all things to all Spacemen! Choice of taking middle ground hurt the picture. Still Okay viewing!
redryan649 January 2009
THE ADAPTATION of a character from the print media to motion pictures is always a tricky proposition. Be the original print be that of strictly prose narrative or one of those illustrated narrations born of the drawing board and published in the Daily & Sunday Newspaper Comics Pages or in the much less legitimate Comic Books; there would always have to be some form or other of an adaptation process. No matter what the adapted work turned out, it was certain that there would be legions of dissatisfied. (And that goes double for me and Schultz!)

WITH this picture of BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25th CENTURY (Bruce Lansbury Productions/Glen A. Larson Production/Universal Pictures, 1979) a new incarnation of the Buck Rogers legend came forth into the spotlight. We knew the storyline, but could only imagine just how it would be rendered. We did have some sneaking suspicions about just was in store, at least in part.

BEING mindful about what had been done prior with Comic Book/Comic Strip properties, no one expected a straight page to screen adaptation. Remember, this was the late 1970's and our pop culture had been inundated by the old "Camp Craze" for some time; for it was a full "Baker's Dozen" Years earlier that BATMAN had hit the airwaves. After that, no "Funny Paper" or "Joke Book" properties would ever be the same in their celluloid counterparts.

THE original Buck Rogers appeared in a pair of novels published in AMAZING STORIES Magazine in 1929. Titled "Armageddon: 2419 A.D.", the story had spelunker, Anthony Rogers getting caught unawares in a cave filling up with a sleep-inducing gas; kind of like having a cavern full of ferrous oxide (that's Laughing Gas, Schultz!) He slept in that next night for a record 500 years; only to awaken to a future Planet Earth dominated by a pack of outlaw gangs.

NEWS about this Sci-fi pulp magazine unqualified success of the appearance in the Amazing Stories lineup soon spread far and wide.BEfore long the John Dille Company had negotiated a pact with the author, Phillip F. Nowlan, to bring the adventurer to the "funny papers". Passing up the formal sounding given name of Anthony, the strip version gave him a nickname of "Buck", which was and remains popular to this day.

SO the world of the 25th Century Earth was filled with both scientific miracles and political strife. Regular characters in the comic strip included Wilma Deering, her little brother, Buddy Deering, combination NASA Scientist, President and U.N. Secretary General in Dr. Huer and Space Pirate turned Dictator, Killer Kane. The strip did well for itself and a BUCK ROGERS RADIO Show soon popped up; remaining a staple on the networks for years, which didn't assure success on TV as a Buck Rogers TV show in the early 1950's never got up much steam and fizzled out muy pronto.

WE should mention the Universal Pictures BUCK ROGERS Serial (Universal, 1939); which starred Buster Crabbe as Buck, Constance Moore as Wilma and Jackie Moran as Buddy WADE! As he was written in as Buck's 20th Century partner in not Cave Exploration, but rather in piloting a Dirigible. The adaptation changed Buddy's name, century of birth, occupation and relationship to Miss Deering.

FINALLY in getting down to today's special guest dissectee in this BUCK ROGER movie.

FIRST of all, Buck (Gil Gerard) was now a wise cracking NASA Astronaut, who was held in an orbit around Earth in a Space Capsule filled with that old laughing gas stuff. He is rescued by 25th Century Earthlings in what had been the USA. There he meets up with Wilma (Erin Gray-Woo,woo,woo,woo!), Dr. Huer (Tim O'Connor), one Princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley-Woo,woo,woo,woo!) and Killer Kane (Henry Silva). Buddy is neither Wilma's brother nor Buck's 29th Century juvenile assistant. Buddy was out, kaput, persona non gratis.

IN place of Buddy the production team gave us a short, little, cherubic robot named Twiki (voiced by the late Mel Blanc). That he has a remote resemblance to R2D2 of STAR WARS fame is not a coincidence; as the combo of R2D2 and C3PO caused such a stir.

AS for the movie, it seems as if the creative team wasn't quite sure as to which direction they should go with it. Much in the same way that the BATMAN Series made use of "Camp" humor and super serious, overly melodramatic situations, this movie accomplished the balance by using innuendo and double entendre coming by way of a wise cracking, but obviously testosterone laden Anthony "Buck" Rogers." IN many respects, it is somewhat remarkable that this BUCK ROGERS turned out as well as it did; for much like the middle of the road attitude that was maintained in regards to the mood of the project; the film itself was shackled with a sort of split-personality. You see, the movie is classified as being 'Made for TV', it did have an extensive theatrical release early in the year; only to be shown on NBC as the premiere, special length episode of the BUCK ROGERS TV Series. It is the same way that National Comics/DC introduced the SUPERMAN Series some 27 years earlier. (The feature, SUPERMAN AND THE MOLE MEN (National Comics/Lippert Pictures, 1951) was put on Television as a 2 Part adventure.

VERY much a positive is the excellent job that was done in designing and mounting the project. There were excellent choices made in the area of costuming. Buck, Wilma and company looked very much in 1970's style; but most of the others were done in a style that was very much in keeping with the look of the Buck Rogers Comic Strip, For that matter, so did most of the gadgetry, spaceships and the studio created sets on far-off, alien worlds.

WE'll have to give it a rating of **.

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Flamio21 February 2001
Great show! It was a great time to be a kid! Neat plots, great action. Awesome futuristic outfits. Buck was always the good guy fighting evil, yet always sad he lost his past. Great guest appearances by Coleman and Shoop. Hot chicks, handsome men, action, comedy, adventure,mystery, it had it all.

Why isn't this show in syndication??? Thumbs up!
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Buck, your'e my kind of a guy.
tomimt3 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In the comic strip Buck Rogers got into the future by freezing up in the mine accident. Or that is what I've heard anyway. That would have been a silly start for a film (or then again it could be a perfect beginning for a film).

Now we see how Buck (Gil Gerard) is launched in space on a last deep space probe sent from earth. In space the cosmic forces mess with his ship and he and the ship are frozen for the next 500 years. Buck is then recovered by the Draconian envoy, lead by princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley) and Kane (Henry Silva). When Buck gets back on Earth he meets, among other earthlings of course, colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Gray) and two robots Dr. Theopolis (Howard F. Flynn) and Twiki. Suspicions fly in the air: is Buck a pirate spy? Can he be trusted and most importantly will he teach the future to boogie?

The whole plot is delightfully fun piece of pulp sci-fi. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but it's not through out campy. The atmosphere is very pleasant and I can say that the film is very watchable in the right state of mind. The adventurous feel of the film is almost comparable to Star Wars.

And speaking of Star Wars, a film that came out two years prior to Buck Rogers, we get to the special effects, which are okay, but not Star Wars quality, which were a lot better even in the non touched up new distributions. But as said the effects are okay.

Over all I enjoyed the film very much: it's the kind of an adventure film that appeals to me but I still can't give it bigger score than 7 even though as a kid I must have worn out the tape I had this film on.
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Twiki is more fun than the humans
moonspinner5516 June 2007
It may be set in the 25th Century, but this 1979 version of the old Philip Francis Nowlan story is totally and unconditionally a product from the "Star Wars" era. Gil Gerard is a handsome block of wood playing Captain Buck Rogers, an American astronaut launched 500 years into the future and finding himself in the middle of a space war. Pamela Hensley is the sultry villainess Princess Ardala while Erin Gray is the no-nonsense Colonel trying to get Rogers out of her way (he seems more interested in loosening her up than flirting with the seductive princess). The action sequences were lifted from TV's "Battlestar Galactica", but the low-budget effects aren't really the problem, it's that the movie is so under-populated and blandly comical. This underachiever makes even "Logan's Run" seem like a sci-fi masterpiece. The robot Twiki is a cool creation, far outshining the humans, but even he couldn't save this from the ratings-basement once it became a weekly TV series. *1/2 from ****
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Great Movie to start off a great show from my childhood. Still love it today at 50!
RogerMooreTheBestBond29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had not seen the film version of Buck Rogers until a few years ago when it was released on DVD. I did not even know there was a difference from the feature and the pilot film for TV. There are some differences, including some sexual references and killing the character Tigerman in the feature. Also, I they added some scenes for the pilot to get the correct running time. The opening theme has Buck Rogers dreaming and there are a lot of beautiful women in his dream. including Erin Gray and Pamela Hensley in a bikini! Having never seen this opening scene, it was a thrill to see Pamela in a bikini. What a woman. The pilot has Buck Rogers being frozen for 500 years and returning after that time. He is captured by Ardala(Pamela Hensley) and Cain(Henry Silva) on the Draconian ship. They send him back to earth because they think he's a spy. He is allowed to land on earth by Wilma(Erin Gray) and Dr. Huer(Tim O' Connor). He meets with Huer, Wilma and robot names Twiki and his computer box on his front named Dr. Theopolis. Ardala comes down to visit for a meet and greet party. She pretty much is wearing a white bikini and she looks gorgeous. Every scene she has in the film has her wearing something skimpy and sexy and I love it! She is so confident playing this part. She owns it. Buck is considered a spy by earth as well. He is sentenced to death. Wilma allows him to join her to go to the Draconian ship and prove his innocence. He finds the evidence needed and escapes the exploding ship with Wilma's help to survive and fight another day. Ardala and Cain escape as well to return for the TV Series. I love Buck Rogers and always will. Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek TOS are my favorite space shows ever, but Buck Rogers is right there too.
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Buck Rogers of the 25th Century
Scarecrow-8816 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is where it all began. Capitalizing on the popularity of Star Wars, with a lower budget than producer Glen Karson's Battlestar Galactica, "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" is catered to a television audience who loves the combination of sci-fi, action, and babes. Gil Gerard's signature role is Air Force Captain and astronaut of Ranger 3, William "Buck" Rogers, whose space ship is adrift after a cryogenic mishap freezes him, awakening 504 years later, in the 25th century, the Planet Earth is not the way he left it, a Holocaust having wiped out most of mankind, cybernetic beings restoring the world slowly, humans actually answering to them. Because the earth is badly in need of supplies in order to survive during its restoration, they want to negotiate with the Draconian empire in a trading treaty, but Princess Ardala, her second in command, Kane(Henry Silva, reeking of villainy, his character barely able to contain his disdain for Ardala), at the orders of the King of their planet, plan to attack planetary forces, using the guise of peace as a means to gain access under the shield. Buck, at first believed to be a spy for pirates (pirates have been circulating throughout the area), especially after a microtransmitter is found on board the Ranger 3, by Earth, soon wants to help them when he believes that Ardala and her Draconian people are up to no good. Buck, after he is drugged once upon the Draco ship upon being released from cryo-stasis, is sent to Earth so that the microtransmitter can give them coordinates to the planetary shield, with plans to attack the "inner city", the epicenter of the world where the planet's rebuild/restoration starts. Buck is introduced to Dr. Elias Huer (Tim O'Conner, quite pleasant, polite, and informative), who tells him a little about what has happened over 500 years, as well as, how Earth is rebuilding after the Holocaust. Col Deering (the foxy Erin Gray), a female commanding officer, at first, doesn't at all trust Buck, believing he is nothing but an untrustworthy spy, soon becoming attracted to him, more than a little upset when her interest is spurned (not necessarily because Buck isn't attracted to her, but for "outing" Ardala and her true intentions for Earth). A lot going on plot-wise in our introduction to the series, including Buck becoming friends with Twiki, a "midget" robot ("Bidi-bidi-bidi"), and sphere cybernetic robot named Dr. Theopolis (softly voiced by Howard F Flynn); carried around on a necklace by Twiki) , who accompany him on various adventures such as his journey outside the inner city, seeing the remnants of what was Chicago (visiting his parents' gravesite) with radioactively scarred mutant humans who try to hunt them down in a trap and on board the Draconian's finest ship when he attempts to interrupt their plan to attack Earth. Star Wars is an obvious inspiration for the series as Earth's squadron and the masked Draconian attack ships appearing as supposed pirate marauders engage in space battles. This is where Buck thrives, showing his skills as a combat fighter. The show plays off his "relic status", his slang and verbiage. Gerard's charisma and handsome looks are played to the hilt; he is certainly marketed on the show as a James Bond in Space. Anyway, his adaptation to a whole different century really was the hook for the first season—not to mention, his association with the cast, their chemistry together, and the various adventures he (and they) would be a part of as the series continued. The great voice of William Conrad (Jake and The Fatman television series) narratively introduced to us Buck's fate at the beginning of this official entry to the series and the one and only Mel Blanc lent his recognizable voice to Twiki. A revisit to this series over the summer will be quite a hoot; I'm really excited about it. In terms of Buck's initial mission, he certainly explores...just not deep space, but a completely different time. Pamela Hensley is delicious as the corrupt Ardala, scantily clad and eyeing her father's throne (her "galactic bikini" and horned helmet attire is an eyeful).
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Buck to the Future
Fluke_Skywalker12 March 2016
Originally made as a TV movie pilot, Universal and producer Glen Larson followed the pattern they'd used for 'Battlestar Galactica' and released it theatrically first. It proved to be a modest hit (raking in $21 million), and thus NBC commissioned it to be turned into a weekly series.

It starts off with a rather Bondian opening title sequence, featuring several lovely ladies wriggling and writhing their way around, over and under a sleeping Buck Rogers (Gil Gerard) as a vocalized version of the 'Buck Rogers' theme plays. I found this to be the highlight of the movie.

The rest of the film plays like a discount 'Battlestar Galactica' (even recycling many of its props and sound f/x), keeping logic at arm's length while testing the lactose tolerance of the viewer. The Über masculine Gerard gives a charming performance as Buck and Pamela Hensley deliciously vamps her way through her scenes, but they're the equivalent of two chefs attempting to make a gourmet meal out of store brand ingredients.
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A Retro Funfest for Any Child of the '80s!
Headshot16 August 2001
A long time ago, in a childhood far, far away...

I remember seeing 'Buck Rogers' in the theater in 1978, back when 'Star Wars' was king of the box office, 'Battlestar Galactica' was smashing all ratings records, and science-fiction was experiencing a renaissance of sorts - it was a great time to be a kid.

'Buck Rogers' struck me as an all-right kind of guy: dashing with the ladies, quick with a punch, did a nifty spinning side kick, had a way with a laser pistol, occasionally danced a little disco.

The movie itself was a harmless piece of fluff. Even as an 11-year-old, I found it to be simple, low-key, even charming. I bought the requisite number of toys, talked about it with my friends, and enjoyed the occasional episodes (once the film left the theaters and went to the small screen) with a bowl of Cheerios in my jammies. Life was good.

Looking back now, it's pretty obviously a product of the '70s. Sure, it had chicks in spandex. Sure, it had the gravity-defying hairdos (and bosoms) of some of Hollywood's most buxom beauties - who can forget the 'Volcanic Hot-Tub Room' scene in "Planet of the Slave Girls?", or Jamie Lee Curtis in "Unchained Woman"? Sure, it had the simple, brainless plots typical of '70s television. Sure, it had the unredeemable stupidity of the 'Searcher' episodes...

But, for a time, it was the best thing going for sci-fi on television.

Remember, this is a time before Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, or Star Trek: Fill-In-The-Blank. Science fiction on television wasn't a sure bet, nor was it always a ratings winner...even with it's target audience. Which, at the time, was me.

But 'Buck Rogers' had something going for it, something none of the other sci-fi shows ('Battlestar Galactica', et al) had going for them.

Erin Gray.

Oh, yeah. Erin Gray.

Let me tell you, one of the dates that stands out in my mind the strongest is January 3, 1980 - the date that the episode "Space Vampire" premiered. The day I became a man. :)

Okay, not really...but you have to understand - Erin Gray, spandex and vampires all combined to give my 11-year-old brain (among other things) something to think about with regard to women. Since then, no woman is truly attractive to me unless she can say in a sultry voice, "I like the taste of fear best." :)

Come on, it's only television! It doesn't have to be smart to be funny, it doesn't have to be expensive-looking to be cool. Just ask David Hasselhoff if he'd be in Baywatch Heaven without a certain Trans-Am, or if Dirk Benedict would have REALLY been as interesting to watch on the A-Team if we'd never seen him battling Cylons.

Erin Gray. Spandex. Vampires.

See, it all makes sense.

'Buck Rogers' appeals on the intellectual level of an 11-year-old, and for most of us, that's saying something.

'Buck Rogers' fueled a lot of my early television viewing entertainment, folks. Watch it, and you'll see why.

Of course, it helps if you watch it from an 11-year-old point of view, but that's more than most of us can muster anyway, yes?
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Entertaining film about an American astronaut preserved in space and brought back to life to become Earth's greatest hero.
ma-cortes6 February 2024
In 1987, NASA astronaut William "Buck" Rogers (Gil Gerard) suffers a freak accident in deep space, causing his space shuttle Ranger 3 to be launched into an orbit that returns him to Earth, more than 500 years later. Shortly after Buck's departure, Earth was devastated by a nuclear war caused by a group of renegade military officers. In 2491, after Buck survives due to frostbite, he revives and attempts to adapt to life on the post-nuclear Earth of the 24th century. The combination of gases that freezes him is close to the formula commonly used in the 25th century for preservation, and his rescuers (Henry Silva, Pamela Hensley) manage to revive him to use him for sinister aims. In 2491, when Buck awakens from the freeze, Earth is recovering from a nuclear war and is under hostile attack by the Draconian Empire. He is then tried as a traitor, found guilty, and sentenced to the maximum penalty until the commander of Earth's defenses, Wilma (Erin Gray), presents her with the opportunity to prove his innocence. A friendly but annoying robot named Twiki (voiced by Mel Blanc) will accompany him on his adventures. Buck Rogers, the world's first and greatest space hero! The trip of your life in 500 years! The original spaceman! The definitive trip! Buck Rogers returns to Earth and sets it in the 25th century! A 20th century astronaut emerges from 500 years of suspended animation into a future time where Earth is threatened by alien invaders!

Based on the classic Buck Rogers series that starred Buster Crabble, this television movie is what started the popular series of the 1970s and 1980s. This is a modern superhero in the space genre dealing with a preserved astronaut brought to life by a draconian flagship that finds and saves him for his own purposes. Colorful science fiction with emotions, noisy action, space battles with spectacular spaceships and somewhat botched special effects; in fact, the confrontations in outer space were choreographed with the help of ancient computers. And adding a peculiar humor, pure Playboy from the 50s. This is a copy of Star Wars and with many plagiarisms including the most boring robot on the screen, a design closer to the X-Wing fighters, and taking elements here and there from the famous movie, such as: various similar sets, accessories, props, dresses, vehicles and background design elements. In homage to the original comic books by Buck Rogers, the blonde Deering wears a crisp, manly uniform, while the treacherous princess wears a barbarian costume straight out of Barbarella and her henchwoman is similar to Conan. At its best, the formula works like classic Bond, explicitly in the title sequence.

Buck Rogers: The Space Adventurer is a real and sometimes spectacular pantomime, and, like most pantomimes, it is very funny and entertaining. Essentially an adventure film set in outer space, this enjoyable but somewhat silly film turns out to be an average science fiction film, without much interest, although it should be appreciated by those moviegoers who seek retro and nostalgic films. Set in the cinematic standard of the seventies, but at the same time with traditional and rudimentary special effects along with a few computer ones, including overwhelming battles and aerial scenes galore. Gil Gerald stars with sympathy and irony as the 20th century astronaut who emerges after 500 years of suspended animation into a future time. There is a sexual rivalry between the good girl and the bad girl: the competent but prim Captain Wilma Deering, commander of Earth's defenses finely played by Erin Gray, and the languid but evil Princess Ardala played erotically by Pamela Hensley.

To reduce costs, some images, settings, concept designs and various accessories from the Galactica series (1978) by Glen A. Larson were used. Buck Rogers' ground-based starfighters were originally designed as Galactica's Colonial Vipers, but Larson had opted for Star Wars (1977), then Larson employed the unused designs for Buck Rogers. The series used images of the British and French pavilions at Expo '67 in Canada to depict futuristic buildings such as Dr. Elias Huer's office tower and Buck Rogers' apartment building.

Buck Rogers: The Space Adventurer (1979) turns out to be a compendium of the first two episodes of the series, being professionally directed by Daniel Haller. It was originally intended to air as a two-hour television movie series, but NBC opted for a weekly series consisting of 32 episodes. This represents the number of two-part episodes that aired during the first season. Rating: 5.5/10. Acceptable and passable space opera.
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It was cute. I wouldn't want others to know I watched it.
PeteB12313 August 2021
In this order, I watched it to see Wilma, Princess Ardala, Dr. Huer, and Twiki.

Gil Girard was a man without a pulse, like he went to the Kevin Costner School of Monotone script presentation.
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kirbylee70-599-52617920 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In August of 1928 in the magazine "Amazing Stories" author Phillip Nolan created a fictional character that lasted in numerous media sources. It featured his novella "Armageddon 2419 AD". The following year a comic strip featured the character. In 1932 a film serial starring Buster Crabbe appeared. That same year he had his own radio program. Then in 1950 the character made his way to television. But that didn't take off nearly as well as it did in 1979. The character was Buck Rogers and the series BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY was a hit with fans.

With the success of STAR WARS everything science fiction was being made. In 1978 ABC aired BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and NBC needed its own space series to compete. Producer Glen Larson came up with Buck Rogers and they were off and running. Before airing the show they did something different. They released the pilot film to theaters where it did reasonably well. That same pilot kicked off the series on TV.

The series opened with NASA pilot Captain William "Buck" Rogers (Gil Gerard) blasting off into space in 1987. Passing through some mysterious gasses he's put into a state of suspended animation. When he wakes he finds himself 504 years in the future, the 25th century. While frozen the Earth had one final war and the survivors united as one global group. Now the Earth Defense Directorate protects the planet from any dangers that might rise.

One such dangers is the planet Draconia and their space army. It was this group that found Rogers and at the behest of Princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley) Roger's life was spared. They were concerned that he was a spy and intended to use him as an attempt to attack Earth. Better yet they plant a tracker on his ship to help discover a weakness in the Earth's defenses.

But those on Earth are not as trusting as they hope they would be, especially Starfighter pilot Colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Gray). She tells Dr. Elias Huer (Tim O'Connor), head of Earth Defense Directorate, that Rogers is not to be given free rein. Of course she will eventually fall for the hero as the series progresses. Of course Rogers saves the day in the pilot and from there he joins the Directorate and helps save the planet as best he can while adjusting to the time slip.

Aiding Rogers throughout the series is perhaps the most memorable character to fans of the series. This was a small cute robot named Twiki played by Felix Silla and voiced by Mel Blanc, famous for voicing Bugs Bunny among others. Around Twiki's neck is Dr. Theopolis (voiced by Eric Server), a sentient computer that helps Buck as he adjust to the new world around him.

The series was popular enough but only lasted for two seasons. What happened? There was an actor's strike in 1980 and when the series returned it took on a different storyline. Ratings dropped and eventually the series ended. But for those who loved the character, the actors portraying them and who had fond childhood memories of the show they clamored for it to be released on disc. It happened but only the series and not the pilot appeared and never on blu-ray. Until now.

Kino Lorber has done a wonderful job of releasing the complete series AND the pilot film together in a boxed set with plenty of extras on hand. Fans of the series should be overjoyed with this set. That pilot along with all 32 episodes are here to be enjoyed once more. The extras include new audio commentaries for 11 selected episodes by film/TV historian Patrick Jankiewicz the author of BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY: A TV COMPANION, a new audio commentary by film historians Steve Mitchell and Nathanial Thompson, a new interview with co-star Erin Gray, a new interview with actor Thom Christopher who played Hawk in the second season, a 9 minute special theatrical preview, the theatrical trailer and two radio spots for the theatrical feature.

For some the series will seem quaint now compared to movies and series being produced today. But it captures what was popular at the time. Young people had more innocence then with less awareness of the world around them. The series sparked the imagination, something young people today seem to have less of with the myriad of games and online items available to them. Perhaps they might get a kick out of watching this series. And those who were kids when it aired will certainly love seeing it once more, especially in this Kino Lorber version. They've taken the time and effort to clean it up and make it look spectacular. Kudos to them for doing so. So pick up a copy and enjoy it once more.
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Cheesy 70's science fiction fun
kingofdanerds18 November 2020
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century is a 1979 theatrical pilot to the series of the same name. Originally intended to be a television movie, Glen Larson, the producer, wanted it to be a theatrical release after his other theatrical pilot (Battlestar Galactica) had some success. For the record, I believe I have a version of this film that is a mix of the televised version of this film and the actual theater release. I say this because it is given the title as Awakening (which is the title given to this film for the television version) but retains scenes that were not cut for television. Plus, this film felt somewhat short but that might have been just me. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century stars Gil Gerard as Buck Rogers with the film also starring Erin Gray and Tim O'Connor. The film was a success at the box office and led to the continuation of the television series.

The film follows Captain Buck Rogers who was sent into space by NASA in the year 1987. Buck Rogers encounters a freak mishap that freezes everything and basically preserves him. He is found 500 years later by a Draconian ship. The Draconians claim to be heading to Earth for a peace treaty but as we find out early on, that is not so. Apparently the Draconians want to take over Earth by whiddling down their defenses by using ships disguised as Pirate ships (that is space ships used by pirates not actual pirate ship boats). When Buck returns to Earth, he realizes that a lot has changed. This new Earth that he returns to is run by the Defense Directorate and they do not believe Buck Rogers. So now Buck has to prove his innocence and also save the Earth before the Draconians get a chance at taking over.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was clearly made to cash in on the success of 1977's Star Wars and honestly it was not the only show that did this. With that being said, I am honestly split on this film. Buck Rogers is a really cheesy sci fi film from the 70's but that is the charm of the film. This film gives us a glimpse of what the television series is going to be like. Which leads me to say, this film is clearly not theater material. It obviously feels like a television movie. I honestly can't even imagine what the theater experience was like for everyone who watched this film who were possibly expecting something on the same level as Star Wars and what they got was a television movie. But with all of that being said, this is entertaining mostly for the wrong reasons. Sure, what is meant to be fun would be the space fights and those can be fun. But this is a cheese filled film that it also makes this an entertaining film. The performances somewhat add to that with performances that are fun to watch but in a whole vary between good and bad. Gil Gerard makes a name for himself as Buck Rogers here and while not a great performance, is still fun to watch. He gives silly one liners (possibly unintentionally silly). I will not even say that he is a well written character here either. Sure, he is somewhat developed here but you could have went more into the pain that Buck goes through with losing everything. They go a little into that in this film but not nearly enough. I personally do not believe that Erin Gray's character Wilma Deering is written well in this film either. Then again, I do not and should not expect anything to be too deep when it comes to this film and films like it. Princess Ardala is absolutely stunning (like holy crap stunning). But her motives are pretty standard here. With this being a Star Wars ripoff (in more ways than one), you have your droid duo that is Dr. Theopolis and Twiki which are fairly memorable here and are what would be considered the comic relief. Another way this is a Star Wars ripoff is the effects which try to be like the effects in Star Wars but come out as not really on the same level. I have seen people compare this film (and the series in whole) to shows like Star Wars and even the original Star Trek television series with people saying that those shows are far better in the effects department than Buck Rogers. Now, when talking about this film, I am also pretty much reviewing the first season of the show (and I will put out a review for the entire television series). So, the effects are not great and even the set design for this film is not great either. But yet again, that is where the charm is with this movie (and basically the series). For a movie that was made in the late 70's and takes place in the future, you will notice that this future is pretty dated with the music of the future and attire just to name a few things. This film ends somewhat all of a sudden but I do not expect anything better from a film that is the quality of a television film.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century is a film that is cheesy and not even that good, but I won't say that it is bad. It is fairly entertaining for the most part and there is not much harm in watching this film. I was originally going to give this film a five star rating but I decided in giving this a six star rating.
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Not a Star Wars rip-off!
rlcsljo24 July 2000
As I recall, it was reported in the press that Larsen said the "Buck Rogers" and "BattleStar Galactica" series were scripted long before "Star Wars" was released theatrically. The success of "Star Wars" obviously gave network executives the impetus to give these two the "Green Light".

If anything, "Star Wars" began to more resemble "Buck Rogers" in adding the romantic aspects that were obviously missing from the first episode of "Star Wars".

Except for the war in outer space, "Buck Rogers" was a highly original movie that had the guts(though not the first obviously) to tackle the post nuclear holocaust, and the division between the "haves" and "have nots" on earth (its too bad this was not pursued more in the TV series). Princess Ardala added some much needed sexiness that Lucas obviously tried to imitate when he put Princess Leaia in the "slave Girl" costume.

"Buck Rogers" not only followed the trends, rekindled a few in a highly entertaining manner. I laughed all the way through this movie.

The opening credits where all the major females in the movie appear in bikinis is a classic not to be missed.
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No, you're not twiyking...
mark.waltz11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Adding "Bidi Bidi Bidi" to my list of movie watching drinking games with this delightfully sardonic update of the Buster Crabbe series of serials from the 1930's. This is a delightful comic science fiction adventure that will have you laughing and cheering for the lead character as he takes on both a very humorless futuristic colonel (Erin Gray) and an alluring space queen (Pamela Hensley) who intends to take over the earth to add to her collection of planets.

In watching Gray, you realize very quickly that while she seems aggravated by Rogers on the surface, she is actually quite amused by him and finds him to be a challenge that she enjoys as compared to the yes men around her. He's a visitor from modern times, ending up 6000 years in the future, missing his hometown of Chicago and discovering very quickly that it has been nuked out (although the Sears tower seems to be still standing) and that the United States is now a long gone country barely remembered from history books.

With lines like "I'm freezing my ball bearings off" (spouted by Mel Blanc as the voice of Twiki) and "I never forget a knuckle" (said by Gerard when he meets the Queen who claims to not remember him), you know that the writers were sitting with their pen and laughing as they came up with these gems. A costume ball sequence seems to be utilizing a variety of fashions from various eras, past and future, and has Gerard breaking down in a late 70's style of dance to show these future creatures of all worlds how it is done.

The plot is complex but not complicated, and unlike some science fiction films, you do not have to be a huge fan of the genre to get into it. With its slight feminist view of the future (where the women seem to like the challenge of a man who talks back to them), although it is apparent that some of the more sinister men are slyly plotting a takeover. Joseph Wiseman, as Hensley's father, looks like Christopher Lee as Fu Manchu but is barely on screen for long.

This is a unique view of a future society that just needs one good person of each gender to lead in partnership with wisdom and humor, and a good Twiki beside them. Certainly the temptation to compare this to "Star Wars" seems easy, but this is unique on its own and in some senses, a lot more fun. It's easy to see why this feature film ended up becoming a TV series within a year after the film's release. Buster Crabbe's serial past would get another update with a big screen version of "Flash Gordon".
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Fun and cheesy Sci-fi, but this was released to theaters? Seriously?
Wuchakk8 January 2017
RELEASED TO theaters in 1979, six months before the series debuted on TV, "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" is the pilot to the show, renamed "Awakening" for the series.

THE STORY: In 1987 Captain William "Buck" Rogers (Gil Gerard) solo-pilots a space shuttle when a meteor storm freezes him into an orbit that returns him to Earth 500 years later. The shuttle is discovered in 2491 by the Draconian flagship under the command of Princess Ardala (Pamela Hensley) and her first officer, Kane (Henry Silva). They return Rogers to Earth where he meets Col. Wilma Deering (Erin Gray), Dr. Elias Huer (Tim O'Connor) and a curiously phallus-looking robot drone, Twiki (voiced by Mel Blanc), accompanied by the A.I. computer Dr. Theopolis (voiced by Howard F. Flynn). Buck learns that Earth suffered a planet-wide nuclear holocaust shortly after he launched into space, which has made Earth a wasteland, except for the impressively rebuilt New Chicago and some other cities. As Buck adjusts to the 25th century, he must convince the Terrans that the Draconians are scheming to conquer the planet.

COMMENTARY: Buck Rogers (the character) was originally conceived by Philip Francis Nowlan in 1928. This pilot movie (and the series) is quite cartoony and the effects are downright lame compared to the awe-inspiring "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," which came out (at the end of) the same year. Not to mention the original Star Wars Trilogy that was popular at the time. Heck, for the most part, the F/X don't even hold up to The Original Series of Star Trek that ran from 1966-1969. No kidding.

This doesn't mean, however, that this pilot isn't entertaining. It is to a degree; just don't expect the maturity or quality of Star Trek (TOS). Star Trek is dramatic science-fiction whereas Star Wars is fantasy packaged as science-fiction, which is 'space fantasy.' "Awakening" (and the series in general) tries to walk the line between these two and ends up being inferior to both. But, again, this doesn't mean it's not entertaining in its comic booky way.

While the script for "Awakening" is okay at best (and most of the ensuing episodes as well), the main protagonists and most of the guest stars are outstanding. Gil Gerard in the titular role, for instance, is just as effective as William Shatner as Captain Kirk, maybe even more so, if that were possible. And then there's Erin Gray as Col. Deering, one of the hottest space babes in the history of film or television. Not to mention, Pamela Hensley has the requisite "looks that kill" as the oversexed antagonist, Ardala (although she doesn't personally trip my trigger; she's just not curvy enough). The rest of the series features a gazillion female guests who are often more beautiful than these two, especially the 1st season. So "Buck Rogers" scores well on the female front.

The film is hard to rate because, on the one hand, the cheese-factor is so high with the comic book tone, flimsy sets, dubious special effects and banal storytelling, but the main protagonists and guest stars are outstanding and somehow pull off the material. It's amazing, but true. There's also something to be said for the nostalgic and innocent style of the pilot and series. Nevertheless, I can't in good conscience give "Buck Rogers in the 20th Century" (aka "Awakening") a higher rating.

THE MOVIE RUNS 89 minutes.

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buck Rogers
prohibited-name-224112 December 2005
I remember going to see buck Rogers in the theater shortly after the release of Star Wars. I didn't know who Buck Rogers was but the movie was likable and the series was interesting and well done despite the era that it was done in. Erin Gray was likable as Col. Dearring. Twikki was great, but the second season was lacking in what most sci-fi shows of the era suffered from. No continuity and no growth for the characters. If it were remade today I think we would have a much better show with the us of CGI and writers who hopefully will create growth and continuity for the show. But it was made back during a time that disco was dying and Rock Music was becoming more predominate as a popular music. by the way for those who have not seen this show it's now available on DVD and this article contains no spoilers
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Buck Rogers in the 70s Decade
TVholic19 January 2003
We all did stupid things when we were young, things that we seriously regret as adults. One of my regrets is liking this show as a kid. I knew even then that it wasn't good science fiction, but having seen it recently, I had but one reaction. Oh. My. God. The 70s weren't really this embarrassing, were they?

The plot was nonsensical and often non sequitur. Producer and writer Glen Larson used every cliché in the book, and then some. By the end, there was so little plot left that the movie was reduced to minutes on end of spaceships blowing up (and repetitive stock footage at that) and stuntmen being blown through the air. If James Cameron has been criticized for having a tin ear for dialogue, this makes his ear seem like solid gold.

By tying itself so much to a 1979 man, it dates itself far worse than Battlestar Galactica, also produced by Larson. And what a man Buck was. An arrogant, chauvinistic, hot-headed, perpetually smirking smart aleck with no regard for the rules or for the safety of others yet who somehow still manages to save the day by going with his gut. Oh, and he gets his own robot and all the women swoon over him. It's the fantasy of every pubescent and prepubescent boy, probably including Larson. Of course, by this time, Larson was already in his 40s, and his conception of what was "cool" for 1979 is laughable. But not as laughable as Gil Gerard in the tight, white uniform. All through the first season, my friends and I cracked up whenever "the paunch" would show up onscreen. Somebody should tell "futuristic" costume designers that most people don't wear skintight outfits for very good reasons. Had this been made 20 years later, Bruce Campbell could have done Buck with much less mugging.

Pamela Hensley's Ardala wasn't nearly as hot as she was made out to be. Her only distinction was that she spent most of the movie in her gold lamé string bikini. In today's world, she would pale - both literally and figuratively - beside the silicone wonders that infest Hollywood. On the other hand, Erin Gray's Wilma Deering was quite attractive in a clean, wholesome sort of way. Alas, Deering inexplicably changed from a strong authority figure into a fluttery schoolgirl who all but giggled at the sight of Buck.

Velveeta and Cracker Barrel have nothing on Glen Larson, the king of cheese and high camp.
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Ah, youth.
Qui-Gon Jim23 January 2001
I happened to catch a 16mm print of this last weekend at a sci-fi movie marathon, and to my surprise, I really enjoyed it. Granted, I grew up watching the TV show, but hadn't seen it in years and had never seen the film.

Perhaps it's that sense of nostalgia that clouds my thoughts on it. The plot is decent, the sets need a lot of work and the effects are top-notch... for 1979. Still, I guarantee you that you will laugh and smile repeatedly, and find it hard to dislike this honest effort.

If you're in the mood for ridiculously cheesy 70s sci-fi, dancing robots and gorgeous women, then you really can't go wrong with this. If you're like me and trying to relive one's youth, by all means, go find a copy. By the way, would it be so hard for Universal to give this a DVD release? Please?
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